MSHP 2017 Pharmacy Technician Conference

Friday, October 20, 2017

Earle Brown Heritage Center – Brooklyn Center, Minnesota

“Pharmacy Technicians - Advocate. Educate. Innovate.”

Program Learning Objectives:

1.  Provide Pharmacy Technicians information on how to better serve various patient populations that impact the pharmacy profession.

2.  Update Pharmacy Technicians on current Minnesota Board of Pharmacy and National Pharmacy Technician Certification Board changes.

3.  Inform Pharmacy Technicians of current medication safety and compliance issues and initiatives.

7:15 am / Registration Opens
Industry Displays & Continental Breakfast
(Harvest Pre-function Area)
7:45 am / “Welcome and Opening Remarks”
Outstanding Pharmacy Technician Award Presentation
Rachel Root, PharmD, BCPS, MSHP President
(Garden City Ballroom)
8:00 am / “Understanding Mental Illness”
Marilyn Dornfeld, MEd
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0 CE Hour
9.00 am / “Diversity at the Workplace – Cultural Competency and Service Providers”
Said Mohamed, MA, ABD
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0 CE Hour / “ABC’s of a 503B Outsourcing Facility”
Joseph Stanek, PharmD
(Harvest Room)
1.0  CE Hour
10:00 am / Break and Industry Displays
(Harvest Pre-function Area)
10:45 am / “Board of Pharmacy Update”
Cody Wiberg, PharmD, MS, RPh
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0 CE Hour
** CE meets CE requirements for recertification for Pharmacy Law and Regulations
11:45 pm / “Pharmacy Technicians Today: A National Regulatory Landscape”
Zachary Green, CPhT
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0 CE Hour
12:45 pm / Lunch and Industry Displays
(Harvest Pre-function Area)
1:45 pm / “Learnings from ISMP”
Steve Miesel, PharmD, CPPS
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0  CE Hour
** CE meets CE requirements for recertification for Medication Safety
2:45 pm / “Compliance Hot Topics - 2017”
Kelli Anderson, MBA, CHC, CPM
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0  CE Hour / “New Insulins on the Market”
Colleen Cook, PharmD, CDE
Ron Greenberg, PharmD, BCPS
Mai Doan, PharmD
(Harvest Room)
1.0  CE Hour
3:45 pm / Drawings for prizes - Announcements
4:00 pm / “Drugs of Abuse: The Elephant in the Room”
Kirk Hughes, RN, FF/EMT, CSPI
(Garden City Ballroom)
1.0 CE Hour
5:00 pm / Note: Please drop off the Statement of Participation at the Registration Desk.
The CE Certificates will be mailed out following the conference.

** CE courses meet PTCB CE requirements for recertification for Pharmacy Law and Regulations and Medication Safety

Thank you for attending MSHP’s 2017 Pharmacy Technician Conference!