Self-Reflection of Current MTSS Practices for Tier 2 & 3Supports
The purpose of this tool is for the school team to assess their currentpractices related to building a tiered system of supports. This tool specifically helps a school to pinpoint areas of strength as well as opportunities for growth. It is intended to provide schools with a way to assess current intervention practices within their MTSS, and offers further investigation beyond the domain of Coherent Instruction in the Thriving SchoolsRubric.
When touse
This tool can be used across the year to promote continued improvementin delivering tiered supports. A spring to spring cycle of use is recommended and is expanded onbelow.
- Complete in the winter as you are preparing for resource and budget allocation.
- At the beginning of the school year, discuss with staff desiredoutcome and action steps as it relates to intervention practices to facilitate shared understanding and vision ofMTSS.
- Complete again in the spring to determine if you reached your implementation goals and also for planning for the nextyear.
How touse
1.Complete as an SBLT or other school team, as appropriate. Read each item carefully and determine current reality, or the degree to which this essential element is in place, and the importance of the element to yourschool.
2.Identify Possible Impact Points for Action Planning (see Worksheet, page2)
a.Determine areas of Strength by looking at the current reality ratings. List all items that received a Current Reality rating of 3 and an Importance rating of3.
b.Determine opportunities for growth. Review Reality and Importance ratings. List all items that have a Current Reality rating of 1or 2; and also have an Importance rating of3.
c.Out of these, prioritize an element(s) to focus on – What essential element would be a quick win? Is there an element where if we focused on it – it would help other elements of our system ofsupports?
d.Look at your identified strengths – how can we use these to help us with our areas forgrowth?
3.Locate your prioritized item on the Item by Section Chart to see where the item falls within the Intervention Toolkit (Prepare for Success, Plan, Teach, and Reflect & Adjust). Use the tools and resources within the appropriate section of the Intervention Toolkit as a starting point for actionplanning.
Self-Reflection of Current MTSS Practices for Tier 2 & 3Supports
Identify possible Impact Points for ActionPlanning
IdentifiedStrengthsStrong Current Reality and HighImportance / Opportunities forGrowth
Weak Current Reality and HighImportance
Item by Section Chart within the full InterventionToolkit
ItemNumber / Section within the InterventionToolkit1 / MTSS Summary Guidance Document; Prepare forSuccess
2 / Prepare for Success;Plan
3 / Plan
4 / Plan
5 / Plan
6 / Plan andTeach
7 / Teach
8 / Reflect andAdjust
9 / Reflect andAdjust
10 / Reflect andAdjust
11 / Reflect andAdjust
12 / Plan; Reflect andAdjust
13 / Reflect andAdjust
Action PlanningTemplate
Specific actionsteps / To be done bywhom? / Bywhen? / Resourcesneeded? / Reviewdate?Self-Reflection of Current MTSS Practices for Tier 2 & 3Support
Essential Elements of Tiers 2 & 3 within an MTSSframework / OurCurrent Reality1=Little Evidence 2=PartialEvidence 3=ClearEvidence / Our Priorityat thisTime
1=Not important 2=Important 3=VeryImportant / Possible Actionsteps
to reach DesiredOutcome
1. We have collective ownership of all our learners which includes responsibility for implementing interventions in ourschool. / 123 / 123
2. Our school has identified a menu of options for interventions based on students’needs. / 123 / 123
3. Our staff understands and has an on-going process to communicate to families or other key stakeholders our system ofsupports. / 123 / 123
4. We have a systematic, data-based decision making process that uses multiple measures to identify students that need support in additionto coreinstruction. / 123 / 123
5. Teacher teams and other key staff are involved in this identificationprocess. / 123 / 123
6. School staff is clear on who is delivering what intervention (e.g., teachers, interventionist, school-wide resources)and scheduling is inplace. / 123 / 123
7. We implement interventions with fidelity and we have a system to monitorfidelity. / 123 / 123
8. Teacher teams along with other key staff review progress of students receiving interventions on a regular cycle (e.g., 6-8weeks) / 123 / 123
9. Teacher teams use SSIT process for individualized problem solving as needed, or when students don’t respond as expected to intervention(s). / 123 / 123
10. We have identified how often we progress monitor students in tiers 2 &3. / 123 / 123
11. We have a system for entering in interventions and student progress inOASYS. / 123 / 123
12. We have a regular communication (e.g., quarterly) loop that provides data to SBLT on the effectiveness of oursupports. / 123 / 123
13. We work to ensure that our students enterand exit intervention based onprogress. / 123 / 123