Attachment 1

Tennessee Organization of School Superintendents

June 11, 2011

8:30 a.m.

Millennium Maxwell House Hotel

Johnson Room

The following TOSS Board Members were present:

Jimmy Long

Dr. Wanda Shelton

Dr. Dan Lawson

Dr. Richard Kitzmiller

Roger Lewis

Dr. Phillip Wallace

Johnny McDaniel

Sandra Harper

Johnny Chandler

Dr. Don Hopper

The following board members were present via conference call:

Dr. Mary Reel

Denise Brown

The following board members were absent:

Dr. Jack Parton

The following TOSS staff was present:

Dr. Keith Brewer

Susie Benefield

I.  Wallace – Hopper: Motion to approve March 15, 2011 and May 27, 2011 Board Minutes.

Motion carried with no objections or corrections.

II.  Long – Shelton: Motion to approve March and April 2011 Financials.

Motion carried with no objections or corrections.

III.  Long - Lewis: Motion to approve executive directors contract for one-year extension with a committee to be appointed to gather goals, job description, and evaluation rubric for the present executive director and future executive directors.

Motion to approve executive directors contract for one-year extension with a committee to be appointed to gather goals, job description, and evaluation rubric for the present executive director and future executive directors carried with no objections or questions.

Shelton – Harper: Amendment – Executive directors contract will have an automatic renewal of April 15, 2012 if no statement is provided by the TOSS board on or before that date.

Motion to approve executive directors contract will have an automatic renewal of April 15, 2012 if no statement is provided by the TOSS board on or before that date.

Motion carried with no objections or questions.

IV.  Wallace – Lewis: Motion to approve the 2011-2012 Dues to stay the same as 2010-2011 Fiscal Year.

Motion carried with no objections or questions.

V.  Long – Wallace: Motion to approve Budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year with ability to modify with directors goals and objectives.

Motion carried with no objections or questions.

VI.  Shelton – Wallace: Motion to have Executive Committee serve as committee for the Kip Reel Award which will research and nominate an appropriate recipient to receive this award.

Motion carried with no objections or questions.

Items Discussed with no action taken:

1.  Discussed TOSS’s part in the development of the Professional Educators Collaborative Conference Act manual.

2.  Discussed school calendar.

3.  Executive director stated that MTSU will take the lead on the Middle TN Hub RFP.

4.  Discussed joint TOSS/TSBA meeting and strategic plan.

Dr. Dan Lawson, President

Dr. Phillip Wallace, Secretary