Minutes of MEETING of ELSTOW PARISH COUNCIL held on Tuesday 18th July2017 at 7.30pm in the Committee Room of Elstow Playing Field Hall.

PRESENT:- Parish Councillors, Mr. Carr, Mr Allison, Mr. Miles, Mrs. Anderson (Chair), Mr. Hare, Mrs. Keys, Mr. Lammin the Clerk Mrs. Barnicoat, and no members of the public.

1. WELCOME BY CHAIRMAN AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE TO BE RECEIVED:- Borough Councillor Tim Hill, Parish Councillors Mr. Fitzmaurice, and Mrs. Wignall had sent apologies for absence these were accepted.

2.DECLARATIONS OF PERSONAL AND PREJUDICIAL INTEREST: - Cllrs Carr and Anderson declared an interest in agenda item 8.c), there were no further declarations of interest received.


There was concern expressed regarding the site meeting that had taken place previously regarding the junction at Wigram Close, and clarity it was felt was needed over what had been confirmed at the meeting. The Clerk to contact the Borough Officer and seek confirmation on what the next steps are regarding this area and the High Street proposed changes to the lineage.

It was felt that given there is so much going on in the parish and local area it would be sensible to bring forward the publication of the next newsletter to mid September to ensure some key items can be reported to residents. It was also felt it would be good to engage more with residents and invite them to attend the October Council meeting from 7pm to have refreshments and meet Councillors. The Clerk to action this.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd May, which had been circulated, the Clerk still needed to update some wording on the minutes with them to be carried forward to the next meeting.

The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 20th June had been circulated and it was agreed that the Chair sign them as a true and accurate record of the meeting.


The Clerk had reported the fallen tree at Abbeyfields on the open space area of Abbeyfields by the access road which is a safety concern.

The Clerk had reported the concern with some trees on Pear Tree View which need pollarding.

The Clerk had reported that the area by the bench on Mile Road roundabout needs tidying up and this had been actioned.

It was noted there was no further update or communication on the local community governance review.

The Clerk is collecting the Speedwatch signs from the Police the following week.

The Clerk had sent feedback from the meeting for the capital highways scheme prioritises from the Parish Council.

Cllrs. Carr and Miles were booked to attend the War Memorial course.

The Clerk had made contact with the potential village gates contractor who was able to meet Councillors, Cllrs. Carr, Anderson and Miles agreed to attend and Cllr. Anderson to inform the Clerk of the preferred date, so the meeting could take place.

It was noted that there are LED lights in some of the street lights in Elstow along West End, it was asked for the Clerk to check if these are to be changed throughout the older part of the village

The Council agreed they wished to purchase a copy of the Good Councillor Neighbourhood Planning Guide, the Clerk to arrange.

The latest regarding the continued parking of the camper van in the layby along West End was discussed. Borough Officers have advised that enforcement notices can be issued from a Police and Highways perspective, this will be done. Also the Parish Council felt that they too should send a letter informing the individual living in the van they need to move on, and Cllr. Miles agreed to deliver. It had been confirmed that from a BPHA perspective that there is no breach to the tenancy agreement with the nearby property so they would take no action. It was also asked that the Clerk look into pursuing the Borough Council legal department to see if they would issue a notice in light that it is identical to a traveler encampment.

The Clerk continued to have problems with the Local Council Administration book, which still had not been delivered. The Clerk has followed up and been informed another delivery will be made.

The Clerk had purchased a spare noticeboard key, which the Council agreed to reimburse under finance matters and Cllr. Anderson to retain the key.

The Clerk had made the financial information relating to the Section 106 monies more readable.

All other items to be covered during the meeting.


Cllr. Hill's report had been circulated to all ahead of the meeting.


The report statistics had continued to be circulated between meetings. It was queried that Operation Beneke had to taken place and there had been no explanation as to why, so the Clerk to follow up. There had been a change in local police contact, PC Crozier had moved on and PC Jones is now the relevant individual to contact. The next police priority meeting is on 22nd August and Cllr. Miles agreed to attend, the Clerk to book.

The June crimes data showed six crimes reported in Elstow, there was also feedback that the mini motos had been seen about in the village again causing a nuisance.


a)Review of actual against budget for 2016/17 – the Clerk had circulated this supporting information and there were no areas of concern at present, all is inline.

b) Invoices to be paid - The presented invoices were: Barnicoat Ltd for June £585.15, E Barnicoat reimbursement for the spare notice board key £4.49, it was unanimously agreed to pay these.

The cheque for the second half of the website charges had still not been sent by the Clerk due to the incomplete works.

b)Application for financial assistance to be reviewed – Cllrs. Anderson and Carr declared an interest in this item, so took no part in the discussions. The full application had been circulated to all Councillors, the figure being requested from the Playing Field Management Committee was £3,340 which included VAT for some new flooring needed.

The Council discussed this and whether there should be a contribution by the Committee to the works, approval was given to the Parish Council paying £2,443 towards the project and the Committee to contribute £340.

It was asked that the Clerk to seek payment of these monies through the remaining Section 106 monies for Romsey Way, and if this is unsuccessful then to be paid from the Council’s general funds.

The Clerk was asked to forward details of CPM Playgrounds to Cllr. Carr.


a) Communication regarding land West of Elstow and South of the Bypass future proposed development – a letter had been received meetings which had been circulated, and the Clerk had obtained a site map for clarity. The land in question is 12.53 hectares of the MedburyFarmbusiness park which was allocated in the previous development framework document of the Borough Council as a site for employment use.

The indication is that this land is to come forward shortly to planning application stage for Phase 1. There was concern with the current land value for business use this site could change from offices to large warehouses and also of concern is that traffic is to access the site off Wilstead Road. The Clerk to invite representatives to the September meeting.

b) Feedback from recent Wixams information session regarding future growth – Cllrs. Carr and Hare attended, they had reported that there seemed to be a preference to have the East West Rail link travel through Wixams and then eastwards towards Sandy. Cllr. Hare as a result had attended the Wixams Joint Development Control Committee meeting to express concern regarding this as at no stage has this been presented to the Parish Council as a route option, given the impact it would have on the parish. The Clerk had sent Cllr. Hare the original Wixams Section 106 agreement as requested.

c) East West Rail public consultation for the central section – the Clerk had notified Councillors of the consultation which is currently live. There had been questions asked of the Borough Council and East West Rail Consortium as to what the proposals are for the route to take in Bedford Borough. The Clerk had also come across a commissioned report by Central Bedfordshire Council which again seemed to suggest a route to Wixams/Stewartby and through Elstow. This great concern had been fed back to relevant individuals, however, to date no one had come forward with any confirmation of what the local route will look like, this is to be consulted on later this year.

The Parish Council felt they did not wish to respond to the current consultation.

There is a Network Rail representative at the BATPC AGM in October, and the Clerk to ascertain if Cllr. Hare can attend.

d) Central Bedfordshire Council Local Plan public consultation – the Clerk had informed Councillors of this current consultation which planned to bring substantial numbers of new development to the Marston Vale area.

e) Bedford Borough Local Plan consultation further sites that have been submitted – the Borough Council have informed local councils that some further sites had been put forward during the recent public consultation, no more had come forward in Elstow.

f) Update regarding the ongoing discussions with Carey Homes and Borough Council officers regarding the transfer of the War Memorial and Section 106 agreement – the Clerk was in the process of arranging the signatories to act on behalf of the Parish Council for the transfer (TH, SA, JM or DC) and getting the necessary identification documents to the solicitors.

The Clerk had fed back that the Council's preference in terms of the Section 106 wording regarding maintenance to be the wording as per the War Memorials Trust guidance for cleaning limestone monuments.

The Clerk had sought and circulated the clarification that the developers would be meeting the cost of the legal transfer and it would be at no cost to the Parish Council, this is to be in addition to the £15k commuted sum. The Borough Officer who is dealing with the site had also discussed the process with the Clerk, the solicitor will be asked to ensure there is interest paid on the amount received.

g) 17/01873/LBC internal renovations including new floor finishes at The Red Lion, High Street – the Parish Council reviewed these plans and have no comments on the proposals to change the interior of the building.

h) 17/01865/ADV installation of internally and externally illuminated and non illuminated signage at The Red Lion, High Street - the Parish Council reviewed these plans and do have great concerns regarding the externally illuminated signs which will advertise the public house. The lights will be visible from a long way, and given their intended location, particularly the one at the High Street/West End junction, it will be visible all the way down the road. The Council feel this is not sympathetic to the setting the public house is in, given it is in the centre of theconservation area.

i) 17/01877/LBC redecoration of the exterior and new proposed external signage at The Red Lion, High Street - the Council have reviewed the plans have no object to the change in the exterior proposed, however, the illuminated signs it is felt are not in keeping as detailed in response to application 17/01865/ADV.

j) 17/01756/LBC replacement windows at 173 High Street - the Council have no objection to this application.

k) Other planning matters to include decision notices – the Council had been contacted by the developers of Village Farm who wished to place an application in, in the near future. Cllr. Anderson declared an interest in this item. They were seeking the thoughts of the Council on a revised scheme, which appeared to be lower density. The Council felt that this is still coalescence and asked the Clerk to respond outlining that they still had concerns as per the Officer's detailed planning reasons when this application was put forward for refusal.


a)Highways matters – these had been covered earlier during the meeting.

b)To review the latest regarding the footpath survey – Cllr. Wignall not in attendance to feedback.

c)Village gates update – this had been covered already.

d)Consideration of community defibrillator – a resident had asked Cllr. Anderson to raise this, it was noted that the Playing Field already have this facility so it was agreed to take this no further.

e)War Memorial Wokshop event - Councillors Miles and Carr they fed back that the purpose of the seminar was to ensure that war Memorials in the area are known about, listed and logged, and their general condition noted Grants are available and this was discussed on how they could be used to repair these memorials. It was suggested that all Memorials should be listed with English Heritage so this may be a future item for consideration by the council.

f)Other village matters – the village website has had some progress but is still not in a fully operational position, the Clerk continues to monitor.


There continue to be inspections being undertaken and reports being received, this new set up is working well.


NALC Events Bulletin emails

CPRE Campaign email updates

Age Partnership email promoting services

BBC Planning weekly list email

Online playgrounds promotional information

Communications regarding the village website

Bedford College leaflets

Copied into various communications Cllr Hill has sent to Officers

ERTA Voluntary Transport email

Crime statistics

Police newsletters received

BBC Town and Parish network meeting notes and next date 19th July

Further communications from Network Rail regarding next stage of consultation regarding the East West rail link and clarification sought from the Borough Council

BATPC and Arnold Baker Council Administration book communications

War Memorial workshop booking confirmation

Communications with potential village gates contractor

Carey Homes War Memorial agreement suggestion

CPRE final comments submitted to the Local Plan

CBC Local Plan update

Response sent to BBC Capital Highways Programme

Police priority meeting email sent with next meeting date on

Local Plan 2035 new sites that have come forward

BATPC Trade Union pay claim

Municipal Charity information from Cllr Moon

Bedfordshire Day Celebrations in Elstow

Beds Bugle

Resident concern regarding litter along Progress Way

BAND Monument appeal email

Request sent to BAPTC regarding obtaining a copy of the Good Neighbourhood Guide

Came and Company insurance renewal documents

Borough Council have confirmed parking enforcement are investigating case opened regarding camper van parking issue in West End

Wixams Drop in session boards and feedback welcome

Solicitors instruction form received for the War Memorial

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: - Wednesday 6th September 2017 at 7.30pm, meeting closed 9.50pm.

Signed ......

Dated ......