Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church 715-453-4814 November 2013

Church Office:

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Called to Grow in 2014

2014? Yes, the new year is not far away. This year, I would like to

encourage all of us to develop a “Spiritual Resiliency Plan” for our lives.

Our lives have four quadrants to it: Spiritual / Physical / Emotion and Intellectual. For the past two years, I have been involved with a coaching network that has encouraged me to set up a plan every year with spiritual, physical, emotional and intellectual goals.

In December, I will have a sermon series in which God will encourage us to develop a plan for our lives so that our lives grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

December 1: Called to Grow Physically

I Corinthians 6 19 Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.

December 8: Called to Grow Spiritually

II Peter 3 18But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

December 15: Called to Grow Emotionally

Proverbs 4 23 Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

December 22: Called to Grow Intellectually

Proverbs 19: 8He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; he who cherishes understanding prospers.

Opportunities to

Grow in the Word!

Saturdays: 5:00 pm Sundays: 8:00 am & 10:30 am Bible Class/Sunday School: 9:00 am

Thanksgiving Worship

Wednesday, Nov. 27 @ 6:45 pm

Advent Services

6:45 pm

Dec. 4, 11, 18

Opportunities to Grow in Fellowship!

Men’s Breakfast Study

Every Thursday: 7 a.m.

The Bridge Inn


Every Monday: 9 am

At Church

Men’s Club

Nov. 12, 2013??

6:30 pm

October 28—to St. Peter’s

Ladies’ Guild

Nov. 4



Wednesday, Nov. 6 & 20, 2013

Quilting Area, 9-12 noon


Watch for dates on email and Facebook

November 3 or 10


ATTENTION: Young families & Young People: I have seen a rise in the number of young people parking near the front of church. Please - park farther away and leave the spots near the door for our older folks. In fact, young families are encouraged to park in the lower parking lot. But this means also that you might want to arrive a few minutes earlier.

Thank you for thinking of those who do struggle with mobility so that they can have easier access to church.


Let us celebrate, for the Lord is good and merciful.Your school is doing well and we have hadmany people calling and requesting tours over the last two weeks.I have enrolled two new children this last week and five otherchildren since the beginning of September.

Caitlin and Carole will be attending the WELS State Teacher/Administrator Conference in Milwaukee on October 24 and 25. Pray that our hearts and minds will be open to the training that we will receive with our fellow WELS Teachers and Administrators. May the fellowship and networking be to his glory.

Carole Panzer, Administrator


Men’s Club met on Tuesday, October 8, at 6:30pm. The following was discussed. The Fish Fry was a success, thanks to all who helped. Vet's night at St. Peters will be Monday, October 28. We would like to have a nice group attend this year. Plans are being made for our Christmas dinner in December. We will be handing out treat bags for Christmas Eve. We had only a business meeting, as the turnout was low. We want to thank Ivan Jenkins for the yummy treats.

Ron Ewert, pro tem


Youth Group met on Sunday, September 29. There were 10youth as we headed out to do the fall highway clean up prior to the snow flying. The weather was great and we had pizza when we were done. We found some heavy stuff this time during the pickup. Time did not permit the playing of kickball, but we did have some interesting conversation. Some of the boys then amused us with their antics.

Youth Group met again on October 13, with 10 youth attending. We had some lunch and then started our scavenger hunt. The hunt began by teams getting a Bible passage clue—which led to a place in church—where they picked up yet another Bible passage clue. Example: John 19:28 reads—Later, knowing that all was now completed, and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” This clue led the team members to a water fountain. We had sixteen clues in all; this was and fun way to get into Gods word.

The Youth Group also distributed donations from summer brat frys to 3 local organizations (Cancer Society; Tomahawk Booster Club; Kinship)

The Youth Group continues with their Legacy of Clean campaign. Should you be interested in any products, please see Kevin or Chris. We appreciate your continued support in this regard.

Please watch your email and Facebook (Redeemer Youth Group) for updates. Also check out the website for pictures. Youth Group is open to those in 6th grade thru 12th grade. Have a Wonderful Day. Youth and parents of, Please Watch The Weekly YG Note For More Dates , Events and Info

Kevin Schlueter 453-4814 (church);

282-4983 (home); 401-1452 (cell)


As we continue moving forward with our duties as Elders' of the Church, I often think of how blessed I've been first with the former board: Jay Leland, Bob Firehammer and Don Arneson; and now with current board members: Jason Verpoorten and Dennis Schoeneck. To be able to surround myself with men passionate about Jesus is so very amazing.

Although we have a plan- The Peter Plan- to help encourage and restore those who are wandering or drifting from their faith, we also ask for your help. We all know someone who needs encouragement. We all know how wonderfully blessed we feel during worship service. We also need to remind and encourage those we know who may have fallen backwards. Remind them of the heavenly reward awaiting the faithful. But also warning them of the consequences of losing their faith. I know the latter is not easy to do, but Jesus Himself talks about the consequences of hell more than anyone else in Scripture. He lovingly warns people about the terrible punishment of hell. Don't we share in their responsibility? Yes we do. For additional study: Mark 9, 42-48 and Rev. 21:7

Yours in Christ,

Jeff Frick, Chief Elder


YVONNE PETERSON: had surgery on Tuesday, October 22. Treatment will follow. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to: 2793 Lee Rd., Tomahawk, WI 54487.

CAROLYN LORENZEN: will be starting another round of chemotherapy treatments. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to 9785 Deer Trail Rd. Tomahawk, WI 54487.

ZONA SCHUFLETOWSKI: Zona is continuing treatment for back and leg pain. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to W9941 US Hwy 8, Tripoli, WI 54564.

MOTHER OF DAWN TESCH: Irene Bogle is critically ill and the Lord may soon be calling her out of this world. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to Dawn Tesch: N11939 Heafford Rd., Tomahawk, WI 54487.

CHARLENE JENNA: The mother of Deanna Gestner, is experiencing health issues. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to Deanna Gestner: 217 1/2 S. 2nd St., Tomahawk, WI 54487.


GLADYS GAUGER: continues to face leg problems. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to N10325 Horseshoe Rd. Tomahawk, WI 54487.

JOYCE VARGA: is taking chemotherapy treatments. Your cards and

letters of encouragement can be sent to 9411 Cty Rd N., Tomahawk, WI 54487.

ALMA AHLES: Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to: 480 Southgate Dr., Tomahawk, WI 54487.

DICK LEIPSKI: Dick’s back problems continue. Your cards and letters of encouragement can be sent to: W3637 Villa Rd., Tomahawk, WI 54487.


Golden Age, 720 E. Kings Ave., Tomahawk, WI 54487.

Norma Loveless/Joe Conlan/Ruth Ligman

Riverview, 428 N 6th St, Tomahawk, WI 54487

Shirley Maki

Cedar Creek Manor, 2480 Terrebonne Dr., Mosinee, WI 54455

Dawn Gessler


Michele Wich: Friend of Schoenecks who is battling cancer

Rob Collette: Dave Bethel’s brother-in-law recovering from stroke

Charlene Jenne: Deanna Gestner’s mother with heart difficulties


Ladies Guild met on Monday, October 7, with ten ladies present. Pastor was not available for devotion.

The LWMS Fall Rally will be held in Phillips on October 19. Some of our ladies will make themselves available to help out there. Ladies Guild will make a $200 donation to LWMS at the Fall Rally. Work continues on quilts being made for the Baazar. The date for the Baazar will be November 23. Time to clean out the old holiday items and donate them so you can get some new stuff. Christmas stuff is out in the stores already!! Time to think about cookies too! What are you going to make? Christmas cards will be made available the week or so prior to the Baazar.

Guild will meet on Monday, November 4, at 1:30pm. All ladies are invited to attend.

Respectfully submitted

Louise Wright

Befriend A Mission

Below please find the names and addresses of mission assignments that we as a congregation have received. If you are so inclined, please send them cards, prayers and thoughts to let them know that we are thinking of them as they go about and spread the Gospel.

Rev. Thomas NaumannRev. Neil Hansen

P.O. Box 272 DunbartonLn.

San Carlos, AZ 85550Bella Vista, AR 72715

Birthday: August 17Birthday: March 17

Wedding Ann: April 9Wedding Ann.: August 22

Rev. Tong Vang

2579 Maine Ave.

Clovis, CA 93619

Birthday: May 5

Ladies Guild


Redeemer Ev. Lutheran Church

Saturday, November 23

8:30 am – 1:00 pm

Featuring a Cookie Walk

Holiday items; decorations; canned goods; baked good; crafts;

knick knacks; quilts

white elephant items




It is important for all of us to find ways to study God’s Word in our homes. The Meditations are an excellent resource. In our effort to grow spiritually, as your shepherd, I encourage all families to use this opportunity. Sign up soon. We will be sending this in at the end of November.

Please make your checks payable to: NPH

Name: ______

Address: ______


______Meditations: $ 15.50

______Large Print Meditations: $18.50

______Forward In Christ: $ 17.00

No Cash Please! All checks payable to NPH.