Town Council
Parish Meeting
Sent by e-mail / Date / 18th June 2014
My ref:
Your ref:
Phone: / 0116 305 7016
Email: /
Dear Parish Council, Town Council or Parish Meeting
Leicestershire County Council, in partnership with BT, government and district councils, is working to increase superfast broadband coverage across Leicestershire. I expect that through our Superfast Leicestershire project we will be able to boost economic growth, ensure people can better access services, support learning and training opportunities and help transform the way we deliver public services.
Our vision is to ensure all residential and business premises can access superfast broadband speeds by 2018. We expect that our current contract with BT will increase coverage of high-speed fibre broadband to 96% of Leicestershire premises by spring 2016.
Due to the challenges of bringing this technology to rural areas and the limited funding, there are some communities that are currently outside of our current rollout plan; totalling about 17,900 premises. I believe this could include businesses and homes in your area. The outline expected deployment map and further information is available on our website at
The County Council hosts a regular quarterly Stakeholder Forum which you may have attended. In addition to this I am keen to ensure we directly engage with those areas outside the current rollout plan to explore how we can boost coverage further. We are, for example, bidding to secure additional investment to help achieve this.
We are planning 2 sessions in the east and west of the County to discuss this further. You would be welcome to attend either of these.Each session will include the same content.
Chief Executives Department
Leicestershire County Council, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicestershire, LE3 8RA
Telephone: 0116 305 7341 Fax: 0116 305 7271 Minicom: 0116 305 6160
John Sinnott CBE, MA, Dipl. PA, Chief Executive
David Morgan, BA, LL.M, CountySolicitor
-8th July 2014. 6pm-8pm, with refreshments from 5.45pm
The Coplow Centre, Uppingham Road, Billesdon, LE7 9AR
-9th July 2014. 6pm-8pm, with refreshments from 5.45pm
The Palace Theatre, High Street, Ibstock, LE67 6LG
The sessions will be attended by members of the Superfast Leicestershire team. We will also be joined by Adrian Wooster. Adrian is an expert of on rural community broadband solutions. He currently works with Broadway Partners but also supported Defra’s Rural Community Broadband Fund.
I would be very keen for you parish or town to be represented.
Please could you confirm to Catherine Bradley-Stevenson by the 30th June – , 0116 305 7016. Please provide the following information.
Names of attendees
-Parish or community represented.
-E-mail contact details
-Any special requirements
We look forward to meeting you at either of these events.
Yours sincerely
Mrs. Pam Posnett CC
Cabinet Lead for Rural Broadband, Leicestershire County Council
CountyCouncillor for the Melton North Division