WECC Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee
Report to WECC Operating Committee
March 13, 2017
Current WECC JSIS Activities include:
- Developing value proposition support documents for synchrophasor technology
- Disseminating information on best practices for synchrophasor technology implementation, including field deployment and control center architecture
- Support deployment of the engineering support applications for planning and operations
- Support deployment of control room applications that use synchrophasor technology
- Supporting NERC Synchronized Measurements Subcommittee
- Value Proposition
For Synchrophasor Program to be successful and sustainable, institutional support is essential – staff time and investment dollars
For companies to make such commitments, they need to see value.
There are several diverse examples of the successful technology deployment in the West.
“Success stories” and “lesson’s learned” of infrastructure deployment.
Presentations are developed on value proposition and business case
Goal: wider dissemination of successful deployments, lesson’s learned and value derived.
- Best practices for synchrophasor technology implementation
2.1PMU Field installations
WECC JSIS discussed approaches for PMU field installations. There are two approaches:
-Stand-alone dedicated PMUs
-Enabling PMU functionality in existing relays
Utilities that deploy stand-alone PMUs include BC Hydro, Bonneville Power Administration, Pacificorp and Southern California Edison. SCE uses multi-functional devices.
Many utilities enable PMU functionality in their protective relays. San Diego Gas and Electric has the most comprehensive coverage thus far. We had presentations from utilities in the East where this method is used as a standard business practice.
Technical help is available for anyone who wants to learn more about best practices and actual experiences with large-scale PMU deployment.
2.2Control room architecture
Control room deployments include:
-Turn-key solutions (e.g. SEL SynchroWave, EPG RTDMS, GE PhasorPoint)
-Custom solutions (BPA, several utilities in the East)
Selection of data historian is critical, as it drives most of the decisions about the architecture.
Goal: provide technical support for PMU deployments/settings and historian set-up.
- Applications
Basic engineering and operational support applications are available and continue to improve:
-System Model Validation – large interest among TPs and PCs, WECC and Peak RC
-Power Plant Model Validation – BPA, SDG&E, PG&E, APS, more
-Frequency response – NERC Staff, BPA
-Oscillation analysis – WECC, SCE, BPA, Peak RC
-Linear state estimation – detected network model errors in state estimator, Peak RC
Control room applications:
-Oscillation Detection
- Basic oscillation detection is deployed at BPA, operating procedures are developed, went operational in June 2016
- Peak RC developed an application for detecting and locating a source of power oscillations
-Islanding detection – deployed by BPA
-Mode Meter – estimating damping of inter-area oscillations from ambient data – under evaluation by Peak RC, California ISO and BPA
Goal: provide technical support with deployment of applications.