November 17, 2015

6:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.

Avery Large Conference Room

360 SW Avery Ave.

Corvallis, Oregon

Committee Members Present: Ed Gerding, Martin Harding, Chuck Kratch, Walt Prichard, Ed Rajeski, Rick Robinson

Absent: Earl Nutt

Staff Present: George Looney, Laurie Starha, Jim Stouder, Josh Wheeler, Nancy Giggy (recorder)

Guests: Cheri Bullock, Wayne Glesy, Linda Houk, Kim Kimrez, John Luna, Bill Munson, Jo Overton, Janet Paine, Nicholas Powell

Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM

I.  Introductions: Nancy Giggy introduced as new Recorder. Visitors recognized.

II.  Agenda Review: No changes recommended.

III.  Approval of October 2015 Minutes: After brief questions on topics to be covered later in meeting, Rick Robinson moved to approve Minutes. Ed Rajeski seconded. Motion carried.

IV.  Visitor Comments: Residents of Airport, Ervin, and Peterson roads were recognized and invited to express their concerns. Input by several posed the following concerns:

·  Gravel roads perceived as having taken a back seat to paved roads;

·  General perception that paved roads are safer;

·  Concerned that emergency vehicle safety is reduced on gravel roads;

·  Home business—Equine stable

o  Feels roads are unsafe when rough;

o  Believes has lost business due to road conditions;

·  Is it possible to apply dust control product to whole road?

Staff answered questions and informed visitors of procedures and limitations they are subject to.

At 6:59 PM discussion ended, per CKratch. Visitors invited to stay.

V.  Bridge Tour Review

MHarding expressed concern over closure of Hubbard Bridge during emergency

JWheeler responded that future treatment is limited by requirements for getting grant. Funds have been granted to us, but project still 3-4 years out.

Presentation on bridge inspection process and seismic issues training proposed by MHarding. Committee in favor. Agreed to schedule for January/February 2016.

VI.  Old Business:

·  Engineering Monthly Activity Report – Laurie reviewed status of projects reported in packet documents

·  Agency Reports (AAMPO/CAMPO/ACT,ODOT,Cities) – Josh Wheeler reviewed status reported in packet documents

·  Dust Control Recommendation – Jim Stouder referred to packet where 5 options are presented. Discussion of options.

·  Ed Gerding Motioned to recommend to the Board of Commissioners that we continue the program one more year, the County paying administration costs, and giving residents two options of product to choose from.

·  WPrichard argued that that the BOC wants to drop the program now and send finances elsewhere. More fair to the rest of the County.

·  RRobinson supported Motion with addition of emphasis on health considerations, particularly for the elderly.

·  Motion adjusted accordingly. RRobinson seconded EGerding motion.

·  Motion carried 5:1. WPrichard opposed. Staff assigned to pursue more complete understanding of product Earthbind 100 and present to Committee in February/March.

·  Update on Wish List – JWheeler—directed Committee to Engineering summary. Focuses highlighted therein.

VII.  New Business

Public Works Fees – GLooney directed Committee to printout in packet—Research so far not comparable. Will be working on comparing to Linn and Polk Counties.

Marys River Estates Meeting – JWheeler reported MRE wants to turn roads over to the County. Not under consideration at this time because costs outweigh the benefits due to state of current roads.

Snow and Ice Map – JStouder presented maps of existing lifelines. Staff met with Albany, Corvallis and Philomath jurisdictions and agreed to cooperate in storm events.

Independence Hwy Project—CKratch informed Committee that he sent a letter to the

BOC in support of using landfill dollars for Independence Road improvement in 2016.

VIII.  Next Meeting : December 15, 2015

·  Bridge presentation

IX.  Meeting Adjourned at 8:13 PM


Nancy—grammatical corrections on future documents—capitalize County and Committee, spelling corrections on October Minutes.

George Looney researching comparable Counties regarding fee increases.

Jim Stouder connecting with contractors who have used Earthbind 100

Josh Wheeler—Schedule January/February work hours meeting for training on Bridge Inspections and Seismic issues.