MondayOctober 9, 2017

Belle Plaine Community Center

07:00 pm

At 7:00 pm Alvin Bartz called to order the October2017 monthly board meeting, present for roll call was Harold Polzin, Dennis Thornton, Kristine VomasticClerk andKay KristofTreasurer.

35Citizens Present




The Clerk read the minutes from the September 11, 2017 meeting. A motion was made by Dennis Thornton to accept the minutes as read, seconded by Harold Polzin, all in favor, non opposed, motion carried


Connie Stuedelhad a presentation of Golf Disk Frisbee. She stated this may be a perfect fit for something to do at the Round Lake Shelter. She did some research on how far away the holes should be and costs of installation. Without the town doing anything and hiring out all of the work to be done the total cost would be around $27,000.00.There will be a need to remove some trees but not sure how many at this time. The idea went over very well but more research needs to be done; Dennis Thornton will put an article in the next newsletter and Connie is going to check into possible grants that may be available. We will discuss this again in the future.


The town board has decided not to support the request for money that the EMS team was going to ask for from the Shawano Community Foundation. The town feels that any requests on things they may need should come to them first. A motion was made by Harold Polzin to not support asking for money from the Shawano Community Foundation, seconded by Dennis Thornton, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


In September we went over the town’s insurance coverage that we have through Rural Insurance. An increase for $284.00 will give us much better coverage in the areas that will give additional protection for the town. A motion was made by Harold Polzin to approve the increase, seconded by Dennis Thornton, all in favor, non opposed, motion carried.


Dennis Krubsack has 15 acres of land located in a residential area. He is asking if he decides to sell some can this land be divided into this into 3 separate parcels. The board did not see any problem with him doing this.


Harter’s should be delivering recycling containers by the end of October, by receiving containers for recycling our contract will be extended an additional five years. The new contract had some verbiage that the board was not comfortable with. Alvin will contact them and table signing the contract until further notice.


Residents from the Long Lake area were present to dispute closing the dump because of the inconvenience of trying to use recycling containers. After much discussion some good ideas came up as to how we can cut the costs of operating the recycling center and promote garbage pickup for all others. Some possible ideas are giving a sticker to the residents that would have a hard time using garbage pickup, all others that show up at the dump would need to pay for leaving garbage. There needs to be stricter rules at the recycling center possibly a sign that states what should not be left could be posted and making sure cardboard is broken down properly would avoid wasted space.


Discussion was had on getting a new grass mower for cutting the ditch lines. Dick Hesse has been checking into this. Alvin wants to ensure that we find something that works better and is safer to use. Dick said the Kubota mower seems to be the best one that would work well for us. A motion was made by Harold Polzin to purchase a Kubota mower which will cost about $10,000.00, seconded by Dennis Thornton, all in favor non opposed, motion carried.


A motion was made by Harold Polzin to approve the picnic license request for Matthew’s Supper club for an event they are having at the Imago Dei Camp, seconded by Denneis Thornton, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried.


Alvin stated that we will need to follow up with Richard Carlson to get an update on some of the projects he is working on for the town. These projects are Gibson Island, Wagner Lake Road and going over our proposed zoning updates.

Compost site grinding is still not done. This was to have been completed by fall. If the grinding is not completed within the next week we will go with someone else.

Angel road has been completed however additional shoulder work may be needed.

Budget work shop will be held October 28’Th at 9:00 am


Dennis Thornton said that boat traffic on the lakes was down this year. The total number of boats was 11040.


Kay Kristof gave the Treasurer’s report. A motion was made by Harold Polzin to accept the report as presented. Seconded by Dennis Thornton, all three in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Harold Polzin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Dennis Thornton, motion carried.

Kristine Vomastic Clerk