Date: May 10, 20XX
Time: 1300 to 1430
Location: US Embassy, Dining Facility
Summary: SLE with (ADD Religious Leader Name) Head of the Moderate Group at the State of Law Bloc, Former Deputy Minister of Ministry of Housing, currently Director of (Location) Investments
In attendance with (ADD Name) was his Office Manager, (ADD Name)
Meeting Notes
· Emphasizes that investments and housing developments and a secularly focused government will improve the lives of the people
He describes himself as a "realist who has not given up," he says, "I am a moderate, an (Specific person) moderate nationalist and I want my country to live in peace." He demonstrates a willingness to risk personal wealth for the greater good of the country and identifies himself as a nationalist, "I am a (Religion), but an (Person) first." He is a member of the religious minority. He said, "We want equality for all people and we do not want religion to run the country." He explains that his business experience and patriotism called him back to the country. He said, "I am a patriot, who returned to this country in 20XX after 23 years of exile. I came back to invest in my country’s future and I see both opportunity and risk for investors." He reports that in 20XX the government invited him to be Chairman of the Committee of Investments. While serving in this appointment, he became the Deputy Minister for Housing and was an advisor to the Prime Minister. As the chairman of the committee who drafted the first investment law in 20XX, he is hopeful that the new investment law will meet the needs of all the peoples. "Investments will create services, shopping malls, and get food production moving forward again, which will help everyone.”
· Believes rebuilding the country hinges on safety and security
He reports that there is a large demand for housing in City X. He believes that there is a decent level of security in the country to attract foreign investments, and identifies four obstacles that affect economic development:
· Bureaucracy
· Incompetent decision-makers
· Corruption
· Investment laws.
He said, "In the same level we have worked against terrorism, we now need to focus on investment." "Security of the country is at a decent level, not ideal, but minimum security is available, and this terrorism will finish soon."
· Asserts investment projects in poor areas will contribute to a more stable (Country)
He said, "I want to serve my country and push investments for my country everywhere." He said, "We are many and we believe all have suffered." He emphasized, "To improve the country we push investment projects in poor areas where workers are available, they are hard workers, loyal people who want to work, they want to feed their families and be employed." "Minorities are poorly represented in the government, and housing projects must be for all people."
· Identifies several major investment projects in (Country), which he is organizing and looks forward to more projects both with the government and in the private sector
He named five projects:
· three housing developments in (Cities X, Y and Z)
· world trade business center
· (City T) media-project.
In addition he named three development projects:
· heritage area in (City G)
· a new master plan for (City A)
· (City B) downtown development.
He sees the necessity for foreign investments. He stated that, "The people need and want economic opportunity. We welcome investments in this country for the future."
· Recounts the sad history of the (Specific Religious) People in the country but as their spokesperson advocates for their rights using peaceful means
After telling the story of how many people were forcibly expelled from their homes and lands, and exiled to another country, he spoke passionately about regaining (Specific Religious) rights. "I am for freedom, I am open minded and for all in this country. I am from a people group, not an ideological party, we simply want our rights." He expressed concern that the (Specific Religious) people will not remain quiet and peaceful forever if they do not have their property and homes returned to them. He said, "We need our rights, our freedom to live, (Specific Religious) people are very patient; they need our lands, our property back." He claims the (Specific Religious) were 3-4 million in the 1980s but now number 1.5 million. Spoke of continuing persecution in the form of denying the (Specific Religious) people their rightful properties, which were confiscated by powers before 20XX.