Council for Sustainable Development
2016-2018Sustainable Development School Award ProgrammeReport
(Please complete Part I, II and III)
Part I
Name of School (Chinese):______(English):______
Address (Chinese):______
Name of Contact Person / Teacher (Chinese):______(English):______
Post title: Fax no:______Email:
Award level of participation: SD Participation Award
Part II
Qualifying activities forSD Participation Award(to be completed by participating schools)
-Please give an account of participation of at least 3 SD events/ activities organized by the Council for Sustainable Development/sponsoredby the Sustainable Development Fund, or relevant activitiesendorsed by the Council in the programme period.
- The total attendance for the 3 activities should include 400 student counts or more.
- Please include relevant photos, publicity / research materials, report etc. of the activities organized. Please use separate sheet of paper for additional information.
- If more than three activities, please list them out in sequence.
Item of Activity / Name of Activity / Name of Organization / Date / Venue / Content / No. of Participants / Please state how the participated activity enhances the students’ understanding on the concept of Sustainable Development and encourages them to put the concept into practice in their daily lives.(Student)
of Public)
of Public)
of Public)
of Public)
Part III
-On behalf of the school, I agree to abide by the rules of the Sustainable Development School Award Programme as set by the Council for the Sustainable Development (SDC), and confirm that all the content of the report is true and faithful.
-On behalf of the school, I permit the SDC or any organizations or agents appointed or authorized by the SDC to reproduce, publish, distribute, disseminate, and disclose to other colleges, organizations, bodies and related persons all project concepts and information submitted for assessment to serve the purpose of promotion of sustainable development concept and practices.
Signature of School Principal:
Name of School Principal:
Note 1.The Council for Sustainable Development has final discretion on the assessment results of the Sustainable Development School Award Programme.
2.Completed report should be submitted to “Secretariat,Council for Sustainable Development, 46/F. Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong” before 5:30 pm on 31January 2018.
Part IV
Collection and Use of Personal Data
- The personal data provided in this report will be used by the Council for Sustainable Development (SDC) or any persons, organizations or agents appointed by the SDC in the Council’s recordonthe Sustainable Development School Award Programme.
- It is voluntary for the data subjects to provide their personal data in this report. However, if participating schools fail to provide sufficient information, the assessment work of the SDC may be affected.
- Data subjects have a right to request access to and correction of their personal data as provided in Section 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Application by a data subject for correction and access of personal data as provided in this report may be directed to the Secretariat,Council for Sustainable Development (Address: 46/F. Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Email: ). For enquiries, please call 3150 8197.
Council for Sustainable Development
2016-2018Sustainable School Award Programme
Expenditure Report
(Please fill in Part I, II, III and IV)
Part I
Name of School (Chinese):
Address (Chinese):
Contact Person/Teacher (Chinese): (English):
Tel : Fax:
Award Level of Participation : SD Participation Award
Part II
Category of Expenditure(Please provide details) / Item / Quantity / Individual
Amount / Total
(1) Activities Fee
(2) Transportation Fee
(3) Materials Fee
(4) Others
(Please specify)
- All actual expenditures including activities fee, transportation fee, materials fee and etc should be listed out and attached with invoices, receipts (original copy) and quotations (if applicable).
- For any purchase of goods or services exceeding HKD$1,000, except being exempted for special reason, participating schools are required to obtain at least two written quotations and submit the quotations together with the Expenditure Report to the Council Secretariat at the end of the Programme for reimbursement. Besides, the Council Secretariat recommends the participating schools to accept the lowest offer for any purchase of goods/services. In case that the lowest offer is not adopted, the schools are required to account for the reasons in the Expenditure Report and confirm that the cost quoted by the selected supplier is reasonable.
- If the Expenditure Report includes any costs on refreshment, the schools are required to state the target groups and purpose of providing such refreshment in the Expenditure report in order to ensure that the expenditure is relevant to the SD activities organized.
- If the total amount of an individual category of expenditure in the Expenditure Report (Activities Fee/Transportation Fees/Materials Fee/Others) exceeds the total amount of that category of expenditure stated in the Expenditure Budget by 50%, schools are required to account for the reasons in the report, for Council’s approval.
- If any participating school fails to complete the programme, the Council may consider reimbursing the expenses on individual case basis and reserve the right to reclaim the disbursed allowance from the school concerned.
- The Council has final decision on whether to grant the allowance to the participating schools of the SD School Award Programme.
- For any enquiries of the application for reimbursement, schools may contact Mr Joe WONGof the Council Secretariat at 31508180.
Part III
If your school’s application for allowance is approved by SDC, theSecretariat will settle the allowance amount to school by cheque by mail.Please fill in the information of your school below.
Bank Account Name of School :______(in English)
Address of School :______(in English)
Part IV
- On behalf of the school, I agree to abide by the rules of the Guidelineson Application for Allowance of the Sustainable Development School Award Programme as set out by the Council for Sustainable Development. I also understand that allallowance will be offered on reimbursement basis.
- On behalf of the school, I confirm that all the content stated in part II is true and faithful. All items of expenditures attached with invoices, receipts (original copy) and quotation (if applicable) are submitted for reimbursement.
School ChopSignature of School Principal︰
Name of School Principal︰
Completed expenditure report should be submitted to the Secretariat, Council for Sustainable Development, 46/F. Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong before 5.30pm, 31January 2018.
Part V
Collection and Use of Personal Data
- The personal data provided in this Expenditure Report will be used by the Council for Sustainable Development (the Council) or any persons, organizations or agents appointed by the Council for the purpose of record keeping and assessment on the Sustainable Development School Award Programme.
- It is voluntary for the data subjects to provide their personal data in this Expenditure Budget. However, if participating schools fail to provide sufficient information, the assessment work of the Council may be affected.
- Data subjects have a right to request access to and correction of their personal data as provided in Section 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Application by a data subject for correction and access of personal data as provided in this Expenditure Budget may be directed to the Secretariat, Council for Sustainable Development (Address: 46/F. Revenue Tower, 5 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Email: ). For enquiries, please call 3150 8197.