Logic for Chapter 3 Coding
Product Class
Create a Product class object with all of the pertinent members for a Product instance.
CartItem Class
Create a CartItem class object with all of the pertinent members for an instance of a CartItem.
Order Page
Declare SelectedProduct as an instance of the Product class
Order Page - Load Event
Bind the DropDownList control the first time the page loads.
Store the product to the SelectedProduct object by calling the GetSelectedProduct function.
Store the SelectedProduct member values to the Label controls on the page.
Store the image of the product to the ImageUrl property of the Image control on the page.
Order Page - Add Button Click Event
If the page is valid then
Create an instance of the CartItem class.
Store the SelectedProduct (module level object) to the Product member of the CartItem.
Update the Quantity of the CartItem by storing the quantity from the
TextBox to the Quantity property.
Call the AddToCart sub procedure - pass the CartItem to the sub procedure.
Response.redirect to the Cart.aspx page.
End if
Order Page - AddToCart sub procedure
Create an instance of a SortedList named Cart and store the current Cart contents to the sorted list
by calling the GetCart function (GetCart returns a SortedList)
Store the ProductID of the SelectedProduct (module level remember?) to a strProductID string variable.
'Check to see if the ProductID is already in the SortedList - if it is, create a CartItem from the existing
'CartItem in the SortedList and update the quantity to reflect the additional purchase
If Cart.ContainsKey(strProductID) Then 'This checks for the ProductID within the cart listing.
Convert the Cart to a CartItem with the CType function.
CartItem.Quantity += additional quantity in the TextBox
'Add this new product to the SortedList cart with the Add method.
Cart.Add(strProductID, CartItem)
End If
Order Page - GetCart Function
Check for the existence of a Cart object in session state.
If Session("Cart") Is Nothing Then
'There is no cart, create and add a new one.
End If
Return the Cart as a SortedList to the calling procedure.
Cart Page
Declare an object named Cart as a SortedList object.
Cart Page - Continue Button. No code is required. Set PostBackURL for the button = ~/Order.aspx
Cart Page - Load Event
Call GetCart and store the returned value to the Cart SortedList object.
If this is not a PostBack, then call DisplayCart to display the cart contents to the web page.
End If
Cart Page - GetCart Function. The code here is the same as it is for the Order page.
Check for the existence of a Cart object in session state.
If Session("Cart") Is Nothing Then
'There is no cart, create and add a new one.
End If
Return the Cart as a SortedList to the calling procedure.
Cart Page - DisplayCart sub procedure.
Clear the ListBox to ensure products aren't listed twice.
Declare a CartItem object as an instance of CartItem.
'Since each item in a SortedList is a DictionaryEntry object that includes a key and value, we'll
'use this with a For Each loop to display objects from the SortedList to the ListBox control
Declare a CartEntry object as a DictionaryEntry object
For Each CartEntry in Cart (remember Cart is the module level SortedList)
CartItem = CType(CartEntry.Value, CartItem)
Cart Page - Remove Button Click Event
'If you remove a product from the customer cart, you must update both the SortedList
'and also update the ListBox display.
If lstCart.SelectedIndex > -1 And Cart.Count > 0 Then 'ensures an item is selected and can be removed
Cart.RemoveAt(lstCart.SelectedIndex) 'gives the number of the item to remove from the Cart
Me.DisplayCart 'updates ListBox display
End If
Cart Page - Empty Button Click Event
'If you empty the cart, you then simply also empty the ListBox
Cart.Clear() 'Clears the Cart SortedList
lstCart.Items.Clear() 'Clears the ListBox
lblMessage.Text = "" 'Clears feedback label.
Cart Page - CheckOut Button Click Event
This is your first graded lab assignment. Feature is not yet implemented.