Holy Spirit Church
Centralia, Missouri
January 26, 2014
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
In today’s gospel we hear Jesus calling Peter, Andrew, James and John to follow him. Following Jesus was a difficult journey for these first disciples. It is difficult for us today. Jesus wants to teach us his way of thinking, acting and encountering the world. But it is not easy for us to embrace his teaching. Good stewards of Jesus’ teachings realize they are on a spiritual journey, and must learn from their experiences of being open and resistant to the gospel. They realize the need to be liberated from those actions that keep them from enjoying a closer friendship with Jesus. What is it in our lives that we need to reform? What keeps us from revealing God’s glory to others?
We would like to welcome all visitors and new members to our Parish today. Registration papers are on the bulletin board.
Mon 27 2 Sm 5:1-7,10; Ps 89:20-22,25-26; Mk 3:22-30
Tues 28 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35
Wed 29 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20
Thurs 30 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Ps 132:1-5,11-14;
Mk 4:21-25
Fri 31 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Ps 51:3-7, 10-11
Mk 4:26-34
Sat 1 2 Sm 12:1-7a,10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41
Sun 2 Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24:7-10; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40
Mass Intentions
Mon 27 7:30 am-John & Charolette Finley
Tues 28 7:30 am-Bernard Bichsel
Wed 29 7:30 am-Pete (Celie) Buckman
Thurs 30 7:30 am-Nixie Burditt
Fri 31 7:30 am-Scripture Service
Sat. 1 5:00 pm-People
Sun. 2 8:00 am-Marie Swiney
10:00 am-Diana Rennick
Wait for the LORD with courage;
be stouthearted, and wait for the LORD Psalm 27:14
Remember those that have asked for our prayers: Charla Fashing, Catherine Ripperger, Maxine Stinocher, Bob Diemeke, Linda Hightshoe, Shirley Ann Wilmoth, Ralph Ostmann, Carol Gene Rhodes, Ruth Bader, Frances Hummel, Michelle Hollum, Richard Freschi, Judy & Marshal Stringer Lee Gabelsberger, and those out of work. Also remember those serving in the military: Ray Finlay, Zack Pulkrabek, and Jacob Schlemmer.
PARISH FAMILY EVENT-- calling all families to join together with other Holy Spirit families for service and fellowship on Sunday February 9 from 2:30-5. We will do a service project and will follow it with Pizza! Come to the multipurpose building and join in the fun.
Next weekend: Parishioners Jeremy and Maria Henson will speak briefly at the end of Mass on Natural Family Planning.
Profess, Proclaim and Celebrate our Faith: This weekend Father Offutt spoke to our parish family about his recent letter regarding the effort presently underway to increase offertory contributions. Through this campaign we are being invited to reflect on the gifts we have received and pray about how God wants us to use these gifts to share in His work in our parish. In the coming days all our registered households will receive a second letter on behalf of the Profess, Proclaim and Celebrate our Faith campaign inviting their participation in this important effort that will help improve Holy Spirit Parish’s future financial outlook and the quality of pastoral life. Together we can work to advance the mission and supporting the campaign.
Liturgical Roles –1/2
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Greeter: Jason Kehl, Art Grossglauser
Lectors: Ann Goosey, Barbara Matteson
Servers: Erica Benson, Volunteers, Volunteers
Communion Mary Patton
Ministers: Kay Overfelt
Gifts: Ethan & Kristen Taylor
Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Greeters: Bill Galloway, Skip Reams
Lectors: Dave Holsinger, Karen Hagedorn
Servers: Volunteer, Volunteer
Communion Bob Hagedorn
Ministers: Cathy Lenz
Gifts: Volunteer
Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Greeters: Dan & Debbie Huffington
Lectors: Ed Fashing, Volunteeer
Servers: Mary Kate & Clare Bennett, Annie Robinson
Communion Karlene Ewigman
Ministers: Larry Ryan
Gifts: Mark & Bertha Brekke
Diocesan Assessments Fiscal Year:
July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014
Monthly Cathedracticum $316.00
Calendar of Reservations for MPB
January 24-Feb 2 K of C Shrimp Fest
February 9 k-5 Service Activity 2:30-5:00
Adult Formation Class 6:00 pm
February 22 Jr Hi Lock-in
February 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 pm
March 8 Parishioner Rental 5:00-11:00 pm
St. Anne Fellowship 1st Thursday 7:00
St. Anne Crafts 2nd Wed. afternoons
CCD Wed evenings
Knights of Columbus third Thursday evenings
Adult Formation Class on some Sundays nights.
Mark your calendar Parish Mission
March 23-26
January 2014
Sat. 25 Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fest
Sun 26 Adult Formation Class 6:00 MPB
Mon. 27 Rosary 7:00 PM
Tues 28 St. Anne Sodality Chairs Mtg 7:00 pm
Wed 29 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM
February 2014
Sat 1 Knights of Columbus Shrimp Fest
Sat/Sun 1/2 Food Collection/$1.00 Sunday
Wed 5 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM
Thurs 6 St. Ann’s Fellowship Tea 7:00 PM
Sun 9 K-5 Service Project 2:30-5:00 MPB
Adult Formation Class 6:00 PM MPB
Tues 11 Parish Council Meeting 7:00 PM
Wed 12 St. Anne Crafts 12:00 PM
Wed 12 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM
Wed 19 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM
Thurs 20 Knights of Columbus Social time
7:00, Meeting 7:30
Sat. 22 Jr Hi Lock-in
Sun 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 PM MPB
Mon 24 Rosary 7:00 PM
Wed 26 CCD/Fellowship 6:30 PM
Thurs 27 4th Degree Knights
March ‘14
Sat/Sun 1/2 Food/$1.00 Sunday
Wed. 5 Ash Wednesday Masses 7:00 AM & 7:00 PM
NO CCD/Fellowship
Thurs 6 Annual Meeting of St. Anne, all ladies
of the church are invited 7:00 MPB
Fri. 7 6:30 Stations of the Cross with meal
Sun 9 Formation Class 6:00 PM
Tues 11 Parish Council 7:00 PM
Wed 13 St. Anne Crafts 1:30 PM
Wed 13 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Fri. 14 6:30 Stations of the Cross
Wed. 19 CCD/Fellowship 7:00 PM
Thurs. 20 Knights of Columbus-Social 7:00;
Meeting 7:30
Fri 21 6:30 Stations of the Cross with a meal
Sat/Sun 22/23 Three-in-One Collection
Sun 23 Adult Formation Class 6:00 MPB
Wed 26 CCD/Fellowship 7:00
Mon 31 Rosary
· Food Collection and $1.00 Sunday first full weekend of the month.
· Knights of Columbus meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM
· St. Anne’s Craft Group will meet the second Wednesday at 1:30.
· St. Anne’s Fellowship Group: will meet the first Thurs. of the month at 7:00 pm
St Anne Fellowship Tea: Thursday, February 6, at 7:00 PM in the MPB, will be the Annual Fellowship Tea for St. Anne. Plan to come and see the beautifully decorated tables, taste the delicious treats and enjoy an interesting program by Meredith Stidham. She will present a Quilt Trunk Show. Will be interesting to you even if you do not quilt. Most
importantly, come and enjoy the Fellowship. Meet some parishioners you do not know. Invite a friend to come with you. If anyone would like to decorate a table please call Linda Kempker at 682-2942. This is always a very fun night.
January 25 is the 41st Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
Liturgy of the Word for Children:
Just a reminder that Liturgy of the Word for Children during 10am Mass is for any child age 3 1/2 and older. No sign-ups required. We cover the same readings and Gospel as what is being heard in church, only on a child's level. Please encourage your children to attend. If they've went before, encourage them to try it out again! This is a fantastic way for your children to get more involved in the Mass and get more out of Mass. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help teach, please contact Nancy Robinson at 682-5991.
CCD Time Change Reminder: In January and February, CCD will start at 6:30 and end at 7:30. This is a trial to see how people will like the different time and is the result of parent requests.
NFP: Need to spice up your marital love? Couples who learn Natural Family Planning routinely report the restoration of romance in their lives, not just by the anticipation brought by periodic abstinence but also by the blossoming of other expressions of love during those times. A series of classes is starting Feb. 9th in Columbia and Jefferson City, and Feb. 16th in Tipton. For more information contact Christian & Kate Basi at (573) 449-8342 or , or visit ccljeffcity.wordpress.com.
Make your reservations for NOVA Friday, February 7, 2014 Join Bishop Gaydos and emcee Reverend Stephen Jones, at this year’s Night Of Vocation Awareness auction and dinner –
Honoring Family: the Heart of the Church at the
Capitol Plaza Hotel in Jefferson City at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, February 7, 2014 for great
entertainment, laughter, food and fellowship. NOVA’s two-fold purpose is to:
· Raise awareness of our need to promote
Vocations and
· Provide support to the Discover the Priesthood ad campaign; Conception Seminary College (where our seminarians study); theology studies for seminarians; and continuing education opportunities for priests and religious.
Make your reservations on-line at www.diojeffcity.org or by calling 573-635-9127.
Register Now for the Feb 15-16 Marriage Encounter Weekend! What better way to celebrate
St. Valentine’s Day! Closeness, comfort, fun, trust, a friend, and a helper – these are some of the blessings of marriage. Marriage Encounter provides the opportunity and the atmosphere for you to focus on and renew these blessings inYOUR marriage. Don’t let the busyness of life steal them away. Make your marriage better! Hurry, sign up.The registration form is available at www.jeffcityme.org. Contact Roger and Brenda Kempker at 573-642-3647 or .
Coming To Mexico: Passion and Purpose with Matthew Kelly on February 14, 2014 7-10:34 PM at Presser Performing Arts in Mexico. Sponsored by St. Brendan Church and Dynamic Catholic. Tickets $39.00 and will include all retreat materials. Call 573-581-4720 to purchase ticket. There are CDs in the back of church that you can borrow to hear some of Matthew Kelly’s message.
Please contact the office if you want to borrow tables for garage sales or family functions or if you have dropped your land line phone.
Rides to the doctors or other places: Dorothy Wright is available to take people to the doctor or other needed places. Call her at 682-3154
Address for new website: holyspiritcentralmo.org
Still in the building process. The bulletin will be on the old website for now.
Esther’s Pantry
We received a thank you for our continued support of Ester Pantry with our food donations. They serve 10-15 families a month who would otherwise have a difficult time feeding their families. Cash donations go for vouchers for milk and perishable goods.
Suggested items for donation are listed below:
coffee juice cereals
snacks(popcorn, raisins, peanuts) flour
canned fruit cake mixes frostings
chili/chili beans sugar crackers
jelly toilet paper pancake mix
syrup spaghetti spaghetti sauce
paper towels hamburger helper oil
tuna in water peanut butter tuna helper
St. Anne Craft group is collecting Best Choice labels.
Books to Borrow: Father has a good selection of books that he likes to load out if you are looking for good fiction reading material. These are located in the rectory/office.
Communion for Shut-ins: If you know of someone that is not able to attend Mass and would like to have communion brought to their home or if you would be willing to take communion to the nursing home and shut-ins. please call the church office to make the arrangements, 682-2815.
Good Catholic websites:
www.newadvent.org includes Catholic Encyclopedia, bible, library and much, much more
www.marymediatrix.com Franciscan site
www.netministries.org for Biblical word pronunciation click on resource link then bible basics link and hear the pronunciation!
www.spiritdaily.com Catholic current events, history and more....
www.diojeffcity.org information on your diocese and more... www.catholicnews.
Literature in the back of church is for you to take as you desire.
2014 Engaged Encounter Couples can sign up directly on the Jefferson City Diocese website when they put down a $25 deposit. The total cost for each couple is $100for the weekend. January 3-5th, March 7-9th, May 2-4th,August 8-10th, November 1-3rd. The weekends are held at St. Pius X in Moberly.
Web Page: Updated weekly by Laura Bormann.
Marriage Challenges? Retrouvaille (a French word meaning rediscovery) is a program to help couples heal & renew their marriages that offers tools needed to rediscover a loving marriage relationship. It has helped thousands of couples with marital problems & crises, even couples who are separated and divorced. The next program begins with the weekend of February 7-9, 2014. For further information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOurMarriage.com.
Natural Family Planning is taught in a three-month series by certified Couple to Couple League teaching couples. CCL's method, the Sympto-Thermal Method, is safe and highly effective in both avoiding or achieving a pregnancy. NFP is environmentally safe (green), has no side effects (organic), and is morally acceptable. It guards the sanctity of life from the moment of conception. Contact Jeremy & Maria Henson at (573) 696-0778 or for information, for current class schedule or to possibly schedule a class. The 2014 class schedule and other information is always available at ccljeffcity.wordpress.com.
Marriage Encounter Weekend- Closeness, comfort, fun, trust, a friend, and a helper – these are some of the blessings of marriage. Marriage Encounter provides the opportunity and the atmosphere for you to focus on and renew these blessings inYOUR marriage. Don’t let the busyness of life steal them away. Every couple deserves to make a weekend! For Information: www.jeffcityme.org. Contact Roger and Brenda Kempker at 573-642-3647 or .