Baldwin County High School


Life Skills English 11/12

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Michele Hall

Room: 307

Course Rationale:

Employment English delineates functional content standards necessary for achieving reading, writing, and language competency in the workplace and in community life. Reading focuses on decoding and comprehending essential information for successful community inclusion; writing emphasizes comprehending and using written information to communicate with others effectively; and language competencies focus on receptive and expressive communication modes, and the mechanics, grammar, and usage conventions of Standard English. The student is expected to acquire and master the skills in whatever mode of communication is appropriate.

Instructional Tool:

English for the World of Work develops communication skills that are essential for deciding upon a career, obtaining a job, keeping a job, and being prepared for promotions. Activities and exercises in this book are patterned after situations in the working world and are designed to develop better reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.

**Computer-based projects and activities will be implemented through various forms of technology and the internet.**

Course Objectives:

§  To develop organization skills through alphabetizing, classifying, and following directions.

§  To develop thinking skills through analyzing information, drawing conclusions, identifying details, and summarizing.

§  To develop speaking and listening skills by listening for information, following directions, speaking clearly, and using standard spoken English.

§  To develop study skills through taking notes, using journals, schedules, maps, and test-taking strategies.

§  To develop writing skills through filling out job-related forms, organizing information, using standard written English, and writing letters/reports.

Grading Format:

Category Percentage

Assessments 50%

Classwork/Participation 30%

Midterm/Final 20%

Homework Extra credit

Evaluations will be based on the following criteria:

1.  Class Folder: Students will keep a folder to have record of his/her work including notes, class work, and homework. Notebooks will be checked weekly.

2.  Tests: Tests will be given after all material has been covered in the chapter. There will be weekly spelling/vocabulary quizzes.

3.  Hands-on/group activities will be graded on completion of task, following directions, and willingness to work in a group.

4.  Homework: Homework will be graded for correctness and/or completion.

Class Supplies:

MacBook Pro Computer

Notebook Paper
