This year (2011) our theme for primary is “I KNOW THE SCRIPTURES ARE TRUE”.

In primary we have set ourselves a challenge to read the whole Book of Mormon by reading from it every day. Each child of reading age (ages four to eleven), each teacher and each leader has been given his/her own individual reading chart so we can follow our progress. These charts are posted on the wall in the primary room and will remain there for the whole year.

On every chart there are 15 hearts (like this: , each one representing a complete book of scripture within the Book of Mormon (and a spare one for later on!). As each of us finishes reading all of a book (eg,First Nephi, Second Nephi, Alma etc) we will advise the presidency, who will place a sticker within a heart, continuing until we have 15 stickers on our charts. With each sticker comes a small surprize. When all the hearts on the reading chart have their stickers, we will receive a larger surprize – and in the process will benefit from the following:

  • An improvement in our reading skills (from learning to pronounce the difficult words);
  • An increased love for the scriptures;
  • A stronger testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, and of all the scriptures; and
  • A desire to continue reading the scriptures on a daily basis.

Younger children, and any children who find it genuinely difficult to read the actual Book of Mormon are welcome to do the challenge by reading the Book of Mormon Reader, which has pictures and simplified text. Families who do not have a Book of Mormon Reader may be able to borrow one from the ward library, and should speak with either the ward librarian (Sr Rosemarie Gray) or a member of the primary presidency.

The children, teachers and leaders are very excited to be doing this challenge together and literally charting our progress throughout this year. We invite our families and friends to encourage and help us complete the challenge. Please especially help and encourage the children to do their reading, and let us know when your child/ren finishes reading a complete book (see examples above).

While we recognize that it may be a little difficult for parents to track the progress of their children in this challenge, we have provided a simple chart below for parents to tick as the children read the Book of Mormon. You may want to put this up on your fridge or family pinboard, and bring it to church to show the presidency when your child/ren have finished each complete book (as outlined). It will be returned to you straight away. Together we have discussed in primary the importance of observing the first five words of the 13th Article Of Faith in our reporting, and we’ve started our daily reading. One of the children has already finished reading one complete book in the Book of Mormon, and it’s only the fourth week in January! The children can do their reading in any order they choose; i.e., randomly or in book order – it’s up to them.

We appreciate the support of our families in our challenge, and look forward to completing the challenge together. Please continue to encourage and support the children on this journey to greatness. If you have any questions about this program, please speak to one of the presidency (contact details below).

Love and regards from your primary presidency

(Name and phone number)

Nephi / 2nd
Nephi / Jacob / Enos / Jarom / Omni / Words of Mormon / Mosiah / Alma / Helaman / 3rd
Nephi / 4th
Nephi / Mormon / Ether / Moroni