MSC Meeting – 12 June 2012 13:00-15:00, LGI
Organisation / Representative / In Attendance / NotesAiredale NHS FT
BarnsleyHospital NHS FT / Stephen Hall / No
Bradford Teaching Hospitals / Steve Goodall / Yes
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS FT / Sharon Appleby / Yes
Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals NHS FT / Jean Wardell
Tina Campbell / Yes
Harrogate and District NHS FT / Lesley Bridson
Nuthar Jassam / No
Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Trust / Ian Hanning
John Shepherd / Yes
Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust / Mike Bosomworth
Paul Roberts / Yes
Apologies / Chair
Mid-YorkshireHospital NHS Trust / Emma Godfrey
Ian Legg / No
North Lincolnshire and GooleHospital NHS FT / Richard Cartwright / Yes
Rotherham NHS FT / Chris Hughes
Keith McMillan / No
Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Sheffield Children’s NHS FT / Ann Dalton
David Wardley
Polly Talley / Yes
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS FT / Steve Davies
Robert Hill / Apologies
University of Bradford / Gillian Jaggar / Yes
University of Hull / A.M Seymour
Nicola Cooper / No
Y & H SHA / Neil Porter
Alison Sampson
Sally Drew
Naomi Dannenberg / Yes
York Teaching Hospitals NHS ft / Joanne Andrew / Yes
NHS Blood and Transplant / Mary Fox
Joanne Shorthouse / No
Action Point Summary
Agenda Item / Action / By Whom- Welcome and Introduction
- Notes from April 2012 and matters arising
- Band 1-4
-Regional Progress
AS opened the debate about the progress made with identifying training needs of the Bands 1-4 workforce. National Work is currently underway bringing together CF2-4 (all asked to feedback to Shirley Fletcher (MSC Team) on the work that is currently being undertaken). To support this, AS will be putting together a project outline to help gather data about the workforce.
- The report is to determine what the needs of the regional workforce are
- Identify gaps likely to emerge and risks
- Try and look at what the future workforce may look like and mitigate any risks
SD will send out an email to everyone asking for feedback to go to Shirley and requested that people copy SD, NP and AS into the email.
There was some discussion about regional requirements in genetics by AD. MB noted that it is impossible to adopt a ‘national’ framework as opposed to working ‘regionally.
DH have taken the marketing management plan forward. AS explained that there are some difficulties in recruiting to PTP programs. This is mainly due to the fact that there has been a very narrow window between accreditation and recruiting. Some of the recruiting has been done through clearing due to low number of suitable applicants and this has meant that there is a drop in the standard of applicant. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to market the PTP better than it has been already because the right sort of candidate needs to be encouraged to apply for the course.
One marketing suggestion was that UCAS should be able to direct people to the PTP program. RH also suggested that it should be possible for schools to market the PTP program. There was also discussion about how career advice can influence the choices that candidates make. AD noted that career advice needs to focus on what laboratories need and what people need in order to be able to progress. It was agreed that the laboratory role needs to be reinforced and developed so it attracts more and better candidates.
NP said that if IBMS have upper level courses that replace MA’s then this would be better. AD emphasised the need to focus on what training provision could be provided for Band 6. MB noted that Band 6 need to have proper management training in order to be able to cope with the responsibilities of progressing to promotion and managing laboratories. MB said that he would feedback to SMT that there is a gap in management training. AS said that she would wait to see the response from SMT and raise this in the next meeting.
-National Trainee Event
AS suggested that people provide feedback into schools about failing candidates. AS said that SD will collate and send off any important information. SD said that candidates who do further training should only be permitted to do so if course leaders are sure that the candidate will pass. IH and NP also highlighted the fact that the CRB’s are holding up the STP selection process.
AS needs to review the initial funding model for MSC and will have the report ready for early September 2012.
NP reported that there will be a Northern Cluster STP/PTP Trainee meeting on 8th November in Leeds.
- MSC Implementation
-Promoting of HSC- call for case studies
-Development of Trust Networks and regional HCS directory
AS said that we all need to make the effort to promote healthcare scientist roles. There was general discussion about the importance of feeding back information about case studies that have influenced patient outcomes and MB noted the importance of highlighting the ‘added value’ in having healthcare scientists looking at results.
SD said that people need to populate the network contact list in order that information can be gathered for everyone.
- Commissioning/Funding
-Future Architecture- Preparing for an approach to LETB (Local Education and Training Board)
NP asked people to give feedback to the new funding pilot and what peoples’ views are with regard to access to leadership
and whether this needs to be ‘rolled out’ across the region
- Update from MSC Innovators and Implementers
- Lead Scientist Update
NP informed the meeting about the various different innovation projects occurring throughout the region. In particular, the tele-clinics were discussed. NP has been invited down to London to explain the ethos behind tele-clinics and good practice.
There was a general discussion around the fact that Healthcare Scientists are generally not included in a lot of leadership programs. NP will email details about a forthcoming leadership course that people could go on. MS, NP and AW agreed that the leadership programs should be ‘multi-professional’ rather than just specific to healthcare scientist.
NP has been asked to draw up criteria about which pathways to invest in and this is going to Diagnostic Pathways Team at Quarry House. For this project NP needs York and SheffieldUniversity to help with this.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 7th August from 2pm-4pm. / MSC report
Email All
Review funding model
Email All
Email All / AS