Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET

vfpData Class



Platforms:Windows98, WindowsNT4.0, WindowsMillenniumEdition, Windows2000, WindowsXPHomeEdition, WindowsXPProfessional, Windows.NETServerfamily

Assembly:VFPToolkit (in VFPToolkitNET.dll)

See Also

VFPToolkit.vfpData Members | VFPToolkit Namespace

Visual FoxPro Toolkit for .NET

vfpData Members

Public Methods
Alias / Returns the alias that is specified in vfpData.oView property
AppendBlank / Receives a DataView as a parameter and inserts an empty new record at the end
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
BOF / Receives the current position and DataView as parameters and returns a boolean specifying if it is the first record
Browse / Receives a DataView as a parameter and displays it in a Browse Form
This method is only available in WinForms and not available for ASP.NET WebForms.
Count / Returns the number of records in the DataView. If a filter condition is passed as a parameter, the function returns the count for that condition
CursorToXML / Receives a DataSet and file name as a parameter and saves the xml of the DataSet to a file. Returns the number of bytes copied.
CurVal / Receives a field name and DataRow as parameters and returns the value in string format. If you want to convert your values into specific datatypes then cast the return value. example: int iid = (int)oRow["iid"];
Delete / Receives a record number and DataView as parameters and deletes that record
DeleteAll / Deletes all the records in the DataView
Deleted / Receives a record number and DataView as parameters and specifies if that record is marked as deleted in the DataView
DeleteFor / Receives a filter expression as a parameter and deletes all the records for that filter condition
Descending / Receives a DataView as a parameter and returns if the current order in the DataView is descending
EOF / Receives the current position and DataView as parameters and returns a boolean specifying if it is the last record
FCount / Receives a DataView as a parameter and returns the number of columns in that view
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Field / Receives a Field Position and DataView as parameters and returns the field name otherwise returns a blank
Filter / Returns a string that specifies the current filter condition
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Found / Returns a bool indicating the status of the last search/seek operation
IndexSeek / As ADO.NET does not support current position of cursors. This functions performs the same action as that of a seek
IsReadOnly / Receives a DataView as a parameter and specifies if it is in read-only mode or not
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Lookup / Receives a ReturnField, SearchExpression and field to be searched a as parameters. The function looks up a value and returns the value of the ReturnField on a successful search. The function maintains the last Order() of the view. Please note that unlike the VFP Lookup() command this one receives the ReturnField and SearchField as strings.
Order / Returns the current order used to perform searches on the DataView
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Recall / Recalls all the changes made to the data. If a record is deleted then it undeletes the record.
RecCount / Returns the number of records in the DataView. If you have a filter condition on the DataView then the number of records returned is after applying the filters.
This method maps directly to existing functionality in the .NET. Use the code listed in the Implementation section of the help detail instead.
Seek / Receives a string value and a DataView as parameters and searches the DataView for that string using the current sort order. Unlike VFP, this function does not change the position of the record but returns the record number if a seek is successful. The function returns a -1 if the seek is unsuccessful
Select / Receives a DataView as a parameter and specifies that for all the operations that follow this will now be the default DataView
Set / Receives a command type as a parameter and returns the current status of SetFilter(), SetOrder() etc
SetFilterTo / Receives a Filter expression and a DataView as parameters and applies that filter to the DataView
SetOrderTo / Receives a field name as a parameter and updates the order of sort in the DataView
SqlConnect / Receives a connection string as a parameter and establishes a connection to the backend. Returns a connection object back
SqlDisConnect / Receives a OleDbConnection object as a parameter and closes it
SqlExecute / Receives an OleDbConnection and SQL string as parameters and executes the query
Receives an OleDbConnection, an OleDbCommand and default view's name as parameters and executes the sql
Receives an OleDbConnection and an OleDbCommand as parameters and executes the command
Receives an OleDbConnection, an OleDbCommand and default view's name as parameters and executes the command
SqlStringConnect / Receives a connection string as a parameter and establishes a connection to the backend. Returns a connection object back
XMLToCursor / Receives an XML file and DataSet name as parameters and creates a DataSet Instead of returning the number of records this one returns the DataSet
See Also

VFPToolkit.vfpData Class | VFPToolkit Namespace