EdwardNeillElementary School

Volunteer Interest Form

Date ______

First NameLast NameChild(ren)’s Name(s)/Teacher(s)

Home PhoneCell PhoneOther Phone Contact (work,etc.)

Email Address

Best way to contact me (circle one):emailhome phonecell phonework/other phone

Best time of day to contact me (circle one):morningafternooneveninganytime

Best time for me to volunteer (circle one):morningafternooneveninganytimespecific day(s)? ______

I am interested in learning more about . . . (mark all that apply - filling out this form does not commit you)

Information available for each event on separate page

All Star Tuesdays

Book Fair

Carnival Planning Committee

Classroom Volunteers

(please sign up w/ individual teachers if you want to work specifically with your child’s classroom)

Math small groups

Reading small groups

Office/copying help

Grade preferred ______

Cotton Candy Maker

Conference Dinners for teachers

Election Day Door Monitors

Fall Fundraiser

Family Dance

Field Day

A.M. – Grades 4-6

P.M. – Grades K-3

Hall Monitor for various events

Plant and Flower Sale


ScienceFair Judges

Site Beautification

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Vendor Redemption



Vision and Hearing Screening

Volunteer Pool

(email list)

I am willing to chair an event(see chairperson information for needed chairpeople).

I am willing to chair an event next year and would like to “shadow” someone this year.

Event I am interested in chairing or shadowing: ______

Talents/Interests (mark all that apply and we will contact you if/when needed):

Computer and/or Website skills

Crafts/Games (assist w/ parties)



Photography (for yearbook pictures)

Other area of interest: ______

This information will be given to the chairperson or director in charge of the event/activity.

If you aren’t contacted, please contact the chairperson directly or contact Sheila or Tara (info below) to volunteer.

Forms accepted all year, but early returned forms are appreciated!

Julie Otto or Tara Kruger at 952-808-0302;

EdwardNeillElementary School

Volunteer Descriptions 2010

All Star Tuesdays - teach an elective class after school for one – four Tuesdays (Feb 17 – Mar 10)

Book Fair - set up, cashier, and/or assist students with book selection at book fair (December 4 and 5)

Carnival Planning Committee - help the current committees: games, volunteers, silent auction, decorations, etc. Carnival volunteers are recruited separately in March and April

(planning begins in February; carnival is May 15)

Celebration Book Club - prepare forms, select books with students, maintain book selection, deliver books to classroom (weekly)

Classroom Volunteers–facilitate small math or reading groups, lead academic games, run errands/make copies, help teachers as needed (usually begins in January after needs are assessed. Weekly/bi-weekly/as needed commitment – during the school day)

To volunteer for a specific teacher or field trips/parties, please sign up in the individual classrooms.

Cotton Candy Maker - sort orders, make/bag cotton candy, deliver orders; make cotton candy for events (4-6 times a year)

*Need Chairperson also

Conference Dinners for Teachers - set up, clean up, provide food, and/or serve food (October 14 and March 5)

Election Day Door Monitors–protect our students and welcome visitors as community members come to our school to vote on election day (November)

Fall Fundraiser Distribution–Help organize and distributefundraiser orders.

(September and October)

Family Dance - need planners, decorators, hall monitors, food servers, craft helpers, etc. (February)

Field Day A.M.–Grades 4-6

Intermediate Field Day is in the morning; help run an outdoor game/event (May)

Field Day P.M.–Grades K-3

Primary Field Day is in the afternoon; help run an outdoor game/event (May)

Hall Monitor for various events–several evening events (such as sock hop and carnival) require hall monitors in each hallway to help the event run smoothly

(various times)

Plant and Flower Sale

assist in sorting orders

and pick up of orders (April/May)

PTO Fundraising Committee–Join the Fundraising committee to view and choose available fundraising opportunities for the upcoming year (meets a couple of times a year)

RainGardens - help maintain and beautify the rain gardens; weeding, edging, planting, picking up garbage, etc. (Fall and Spring)

Science Fair Judge–

Judge Science Fair projects

(Morning hours on March 17)

Site Beautification–choose flowers and keep the front flower pots updated (monthly)

Staff Appreciation Luncheon–set up, clean up, provide food and/or serve food at staff luncheon (April or May)

Vendor Redemption Mailer - assist in sorting and redeeming box tops, milk caps, labels, coupons, and ink cartridges to receive money for our school

(all year)

Vendor Redemption Marketing–Design flyers and help promote vendor fundraisers to the school (all year)

Vision and Hearing Screening (health office)–aide the school nurse with screening students

(October/November – usually Tuesdays)

VOLUNTEER POOL - "come on in, the water's great!" - sign up to be on our email listto receive emails as volunteers are needed - no commitment, just periodically available. (all year)

Be a Star Volunteer!