WSI Online Quick GuideTeacher –Create face-to-face sessions

Moodle Face-to-face:

The Face-to-Face activity module enables a teacher to set up a booking system for one or many in-person/classroom based sessions or assessments.

Each session within a Face-to-Face activity can have customised settings for location, venue, start time, finish time, cost, capacity, etc. These can be set to run over multiple days or to allow for unscheduled and waitlisted sessions.

An Activity may be set to require manager approval and teachers can configure automated notifications and session reminders for attendees.

Students can view and sign-up for sessions with their attendance tracked and recorded within the Grades area.

Teacher view 

Student view

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Updated: 24-09-2014Page 1 of 8

Creating a Face-to-face session

Go to the WSI Online course (Moodle) that you want to add a Face-to-face session.

  1. In your course, Turn editing on
  2. Add the activity
    Depending on if the activity chooser is on or off will depend on how you go about adding an activity as shown below.

Activity chooser on
Add an activity or resource

Select Face-to-face
Or 
Activity chooser off 
Add an activity

Select Face-to-face /

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Updated: 24-09-2014Page 1 of 8

  1. Configurethe settings of the Face-to-face activity

You will be presented with a selection of settings 
(you can click on the heading and it will expand the settings)
The list below will help you with deciding what settings to use.
  • General
  • For the Name you should type in a name that is descriptive of the activity they are signing up for. An example could be “1st Semester 2014 – Workshop Bookings”
  • The Description is what the student will see when they click on the session. For this you could include information of the course and location you could also include a link to a map of the location if your students are not regular in class.
  • Third-party email address(es) is an optional field used to specify the email address of a third-party (such as an external instructor) who will then receive confirmation messages whenever a user signs-up for a session. When entering multiple email addresses, separate each address with a comma. For example: ,
  • Notify third-party about wait-listed sessions
    When Notify third-party about wait-listed sessions is selected the third-party(s) will be notified when a learner signs up for a wait-listed session. WhenNotify third-party about wait-listed sessions is not enabled third-party(s) will only be notified when a user signs up (or cancels) for a scheduled session.
  • Sessions displayed on course page
    This is the number of sessions for each face-to-face activity that will be shown on the main course page.
  • When "Approval required" is checked, a learner will need approval from their manager to be permitted to attend a face-to-face session.
  • Calendar options
  • When Site is selected the face-to-face activity sessions will be displayed on the site calendar as a Global Event. All site users will be able to view these sessions.
  • When Course is selected all of the face-to-face activity sessions will be displayed on the course calendar and as Course Event on the site level calendar and visible to all users enrolled in the course.
  • When None is selected, face-to-face activity sessions will only be displayed as User Events on a confirmed attendee's calendar, provided the Show on user's calendar option has been selected.

  • Request message
  • When Approval required is enabled, the Request message section is available.
  • The Request message section displays the notices sent to the learner and their manager regarding the approval process for the learner to attend the face-to-face session.
  • Subject: is the subject line that appears on the request approval emails sent to the manager and the learner.
  • Message: is the email text sent to the learner advising them that their request to attend the face-to-face session has been sent to their manager for approval.
  • Notice for manager: is the email text sent to the learner's manager requesting approval to attend the face-to-face session.

  • Confirmation message
  • This message is sent out whenever users sign up for a session.

  • Reminder message
  • This message is sent out a few days before a session's start date.

  • Wait-listed message
  • This message is sent out whenever users sign-up for a wait-listed session.

  • Cancellation message
  • This message is sent out whenever users cancel their booking for a session.

  • The following standard settings are also available:

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Updated: 24-09-2014Page 1 of 8

Add a new session

Once you have created a Face-to-face activity you will need to add session to it.

  1. Click on the Face-to-face activity you created

    and you will be presented with a screen similar to the followingscreen. 

    Click on Add a new session
  2. You can now setup the session details.
    You will be presented with a selection of settings 

The list below will help you with deciding what settings to use.

  • Session date/time known
  • If "Yes" is entered for this setting, the session date and time will be displayed on the course page (if the session is upcoming and available), the "View all sessions page", the session sign-up page, as well as all email notifications related to the session.
When a staff member signs up for a session with a known date and time:
  • The staff member and the staff member's manager will be sent a confirmation email (i.e., the one formatted per the "Confirmation message" section of the face-to-face instance's settings).
  • The staff member will be sent a reminder email message (i.e., the one formatted per the "Reminder message" section of the face-to-face instance's settings). The reminder will be sent a number of days before the session, according to the "Days before message is sent" setting also found in the "Reminder message" section of the face-to-face instance's settings.
  • If "No" is entered for this setting, the text "wait-listed" will be displayed on the course page, the "View all sessions page", the session sign-up page, as well as all email notifications related to the session.
When a staff member signs up for a wait-listed session:
  • The staff member will be sent a confirmation email (i.e. the one formatted per the "Wait-listed message" section of the face-to-face instance's settings).
  • The staff member will not be sent a reminder email message.
  • The staff member's manager will not be sent confirmation and cancellation email messages.

  • Capacity is the number of seats available in a session.
  • When a face-to-face session reaches capacity the session details do not appear on the course page. The details will appear greyed out on the 'View all sessions' page and the learner cannot enrol on the session.

  • Allow overbooking
  • When "Allow overbooking" is checked, learners will be able to sign up for a face-to-face session even if it is already full.
    When a learner signs up for a session that is already full, they will receive an email advising that they have been waitlisted for the session and will be notified when a booking becomes available.

  • Duration
  • Duration is the total length of the training in hours. For example: * "2 hours" is enters as 2 or 2:00 * "1 hour and 30 minutes" is entered as 1:30 * "45 minutes" is entered as 0:45 * "20 minutes" is entered as 0:20.
    If the training occurs over two or more time periods, the duration is the combined total.

  • Normal cost
  • Normal cost is the dollar amount charged to staff members who do not have a membership id.
    The normal cost will appear in the cost column in the course's gradebook for each staff member who attends the session (unless a discount cost is entered and the staff member enters a membership id when signing of the session)..

  • Discount cost
  • Discount cost is the dollar amount charged to staff members who have a membership id. If a staff member enters a membership id when signing-up for a session, the discount cost will appear in the cost column in the course's gradebook.

  • Details
  • Details are tracked per session basis. If text is populated in the details field, the details text will be displayed on the user signup page. By default, the details text also appears in the confirmation, reminder, waitlist and cancellation email messages.

Once you have configured the sessions settings, don’t forget to save the settings by clicking on “save changes”.

Your Face-to-face activity will now have a session as per below
Example: Teachers view of sessions in the Face-to-face activity .

Example: Students view of sessions in the Face-to-face activity .

(Students can book into the Face-to-face Session by clicking on “Sign-up”)

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Updated: 24-09-2014Page 1 of 8

FAQs on Face-to-face activity

How do I setup a wait listed session?

A 'wait-listed session' in the Face-to-face module is a session for which no date is currently set. Users can then register their interest in attending a Face-to-face course even if it's not offered at this time

How can I use Face-to-face in a course?

Blended course Example
Here is a blended, train the trainer course.
  • Topic 1. The trainees receive initial information by 2 Lessons. They complete an off line assignment and email that to the instructor. There is a forum where the trainees are expected to participate and help each other.
  • Topic 2. The trainees receive more information by a lesson, are asked to create outcomes for a training topic and then arrive at their first face to face lab. This lab is offered in two different locations at different dates and times.
  • Topic 3. This is the Capstone. Here they take the work they started in the first lab and expand it. In smaller face-to-face sessions they will get a chance to see and critique other trainee's lesson. The instructor will post all assignments for everyone to see and download.
  • Topic 4. At a later time, trainees take a quiz and fill out a survey.
  • Topic 5. They receive a certificate based upon their overall score.

Blended course
example  /

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