Posting a slide show to the CHS website using Flickr and Word Press:

Upload photos to Flickr

·  Website:

·  Username: hs_writer

·  Password: get7write

Put desired photos in a set

·  When you’re on “Your photostream,” click on “Organize”

·  Then click on “Sets,” followed by “create a new set”

·  In the yellow boxes on the left, title the new set and add a caption that will apply to the set as a whole, including photo credit.

·  Drag the desired photos from the bottom of the screen into the big gray box where it says “Drag stuff here to add it to the set”

·  Press “save” in the bottom left to save the set

Get link to slideshow

·  Go back to “Your photostream” and click on the hyperlinked title of the desired set.

·  Press “Slideshow” in the upper right

·  The link to the slideshow should appear as your URL:


Create HTML coding to embed slide show

·  Take those numbers from that set and replace the numbers below with those new numbers, right after it says set id:

iframe align="center" src="" width="500" height="500" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"</iframebr /<center<small>Created with <a href="">flickr slideshow</a>.</small</center>

·  Hang on to this coding for when you’re ready to post.

Open Word Press to post a story

·  Input the headline and feature photo as usual, and check the categories that apply to the story

·  Click on “text” above the content box, instead of “visual”

·  Paste your story (or at least a paragraph of text) into the box, along with the HTML coding for your slide show:

iframe align="center" src="" width="500" height="500" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"</iframebr /<center<small>Created with <a href="">flickr slideshow</a>.</small</center>

·  When you click back on “visual,” you’ll see the slide show appear as a blank yellow box. This is how it’s supposed to look.

·  Before publishing, be sure to “preview” your story and slide show to make sure it’s working correctly.