Fiscally Fit…News from the Controller


June 2006

Payroll News

Labor Changes for FY06:

The labor distribution input screens in HRS (UL1, UL2 and UL3) are effective for a single fiscal year. Therefore, departments can make changes to only one fiscal year at any given time. The last FY06 biweekly payroll (4R26) will process on the night of July 6, 2006. The last FY06 monthly payroll (1X12) will process on July 7, 2006. The labor distribution screens will remain “FY06” through Friday, July 7, 2006.

On Saturday morning, July 08, 2006, the labor distribution screens will reflect FY07 funding. Do not change any FY07 funding until July 8, 2006.

Accounting News

FRS System Availability:

The FRS system will be unavailable on July 3, 2006 while we complete the year-end closing process. The system will be available again on July 5, 2006 at which time we will resume the processing of claims.

Payment for Memberships:

The Office of State Finance does not allow for the payment of personal organizational memberships or dues. Payments for memberships are only allowed for institutional memberships and they must be transferable.

Bursar News

Available online is the new handbook describing bursar information.

Office of the Bursar

Parent & Student Guide

Check it out:

Online departmental deposit entry is available. Please contact Katie Majestic for instructions ( or 405-744-7790)

Purchasing News


FY07 Maintenance Agreements:

  • Purchasing is processing requisitions for maintenance and lease agreements for FY07. However, the purchase orders will not be mailed out until July 1, 2006. To determine if a requisition has a purchase order, check SCT screen 250.


Passwords for PVSnet:

  • ProCard has implemented an upgrade for PVSnet which will require users to change their password every 90 days.
  • They have also instituted a new set of rules for the password. The new rules can be found on the screen where you are prompted to change your password. The rules can also be found on the PVSnet website under the “Settings” tab.
  • Hint: Your O-key password fits the rules for the PVSnet password. You may want to use your O-key password for both and just have one password to remember.

Default Account Number:

  • If the default account number on your P/card is a grant account which expires at the end of the fiscal year, you will need to contact the P/card Administrator to update the default account number on your P/card.



  • Departments are prohibited to meet with and/or have discussions with suppliers during the bid or bid evaluation process. Suppliers should be referred to the Purchasing Department for any questions or comments

Important Dates:

Board Dates:

  • Requisitions requiring Board of Regents approval (greater than $150,000) are due in Purchasing: July 5, 2006 for the July 28, 2006 Board Meeting

P/card Training:

  • July 11, 2006, 2:00p.m., 412 Student Union. To register for this training session, contact Human Resources at 744-5374

Purchasing Seminar:

  • October 12, 2006, 9:00a.m. to 11:00a.m., 412 Student Union. To register for this training session, contact Human Resources at 744-5374.

FIM News

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