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Roll.No. Code.No. 087

·  Please check that this question paper contains 5 printed pages + 2 Maps

·  Code number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on the title page of the answer book by the candidates.

·  Please check that this question paper contains 29 questions.

·  Please write down the serial number of the question before attempting it.


Time allowed: 3 hours] [Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1.  Answers to questions carrying 2 marks should not exceed 30 words each.

2.  Answers to questions carrying 4 marks should not exceed 60-80 words each.

3.  Answers to questions carrying 6 marks should not exceed 100-125 words each.

4.  Maps should be securely tied in the middle of the Answer-Book.

5.  Attempt all parts of a question together.

6.  Stencils or templates for drawing outline maps may be used wherever necessary.

1.  Write any 2 facts about Tsunamis. 1

2.  Name any 2 attributes used for comparing the degree of development of different countries? 1

3.  When does frost – bite occur? 1

4.  State the objective of NREGA 2005? 1

5.  List any 2 items that are covered under the Concurrent List? 1

6.  What threat is faced by Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal recently? 1

7.  Name the treaty that recognized Greece as an independent nation. 1

8.  What do you mean by the term ‘occupational mobility’? 1

9.  Name any two places where Gandhiji organized his Satyagraha movement during 1916 – 18. 1

10.  Why is laterite soil low in humus content? 1

11.  Briefly describe the goals of First Aid. 3

12.  List and explain how forests are classified. 3


Describe briefly how JFM has conserved and protected forests and wildlife in India. 3

13.  How was water harvested in the following places during ancient times :

(i)  West Himalayas

(ii)  Flood plains in Bengal

(iii)  Arid and semi–arid regions in Jaisalmer 1+1+1=3

14.  What is the difference between ingested, inhaled and absorbed poisons? Mention any three ways in which you would help a person

who is poisoned? +1= 3

15.  List any two examples of environment ional degradation. What could be the consequences of the same on the development of a nation? 2+1 = 3

16.  Discuss the Salt March and make it clear why it was an effective symbol of resistance against colonialism. 3


How did people belonging to different communities, regions etc. develop a sense of collective belongingness in India? Discuss any 3 factors which led to this condition? 13 = 3

17.  List and explain the three factors which are crucial in determining the outcome of politics of social divisions? 13 = 3

18.  The following table shows the per – capita income of three countries A, B and C.

State / Per–capita income (in Rs)
A / 26,000
B / 23,000
C / 14,700

(i)  Define per – capita income. How should its value be in a developed nation?

(ii)  Based on the above data, identify the most developed and least developed countries? 2+1 = 3

19.  Briefly explain any 3 steps to be taken to protect the workers in the unorganized sector of the economy. 13 = 3


What is meant by ‘disguised unemployment’? Explain with an example each from urban and rural scenario. 1+2 = 3

20.  Describe the participation of industrial working class and women in the Civil Disobedience Movement. 1+1= 3

21.  Mention any 6 key features of federalism. 6 = 3

22.  What reforms did Napoleon introduce in his ‘Napoleonic Code’? 3


“A wave of economic nationalism strengthened national sentiments during 18th century in Europe”. Justify this statement. 3

23.  Why is the tertiary sector of economy gaining importance in India during the recent times? Explain any 4 reasons? 14 = 4

24.  Briefly describe the local self government in rural India? 4

25.  Explain any 4 Constitutional provisions that check the prevalence of communalism in India. 14 = 4

26.  Elucidate the results of the Treaty of Vienna. 4


Explain the factors that led to the emergence of nationalist tensions in Balkans after 1871. 4

27.  Point out any 4 reasons for the increasing opposition towards multipurpose dams in the recent times. 14 = 4

28.  (i) Define Land use pattern. Mention any 3 human factors affecting it.

(ii) Name the type of soil found in the Deccan Plateau and mention any 3

characteristics of this soil type. 2+2 = 4


(i) Describe any two practices to prevent soil erosion.

(ii) Distinguish between renewable and non–renewable resources with

examples. 2+2 = 4

29.  (a) On the given outline political map of India, locate and label the following places : 2×1=2

(i)  Dandi

(ii)  Kolkotta

(b) In the given outline political map of India are shown two geographical features marked A and B. Identify these features and write their names in the space provided. 2×1=2

(c) In the same given outline political map of India, locate and label the following features and attach the map in your answer book : 2×1=2

(i)  An area of laterite soil

(ii)  Hirakud Dam.


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