PRESENT: Warren V. Nash, president, Mickey Thompson, member and Cheryl Cotner, member

OTHERS PRESENT: Joe Ham, David Duggins, Chris Gardner, Colonel Pennell, Major Whitlow, Deputy Fire Chief Gadd, Stan Robison, Michael Hall, John Rosenbarger, Jim Silliman, Jessica Campbell, David Hall, Amanda Deatherage and Vicki Glotzbach

Mr. Nash called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.



Item #1 - IN-AWC re: Street cut permit at 2315 Fairmont

Mr. Thompson stated that this was a main leak and they did the work on March 6th.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #2 - Dave Duggins re: Real Property Purchase Agreement

Mr. Duggins stated that it is another property in the Camille Wright Pool area and the property address is 210 W. Daisy Lane. He asked for the board’s approval to ratify the purchase for $130,000.00.

Mr. Nash asked if this property is adjacent to the one they approved last week.

Mr. Duggins replied yes.

Mr. Nash asked about the appraisal.

Mr. Duggins stated that it is in the process of appraisal but it is in line with what all of the other properties out there have been appraised at.

Mr. Nash asked how many more properties they anticipate.

Mr. Duggins stated that there is a total of six that they are looking at and three of them are directly in front of the Camille Wright pool site. He said that these are adjacent and they are trying to purchase all six properties to square off a total piece of property for use.

Mr. Nash asked how much frontage once it is completed.

Mr. Duggins stated that it will be approximately 600 ft. of property along the frontage. He said that the total would be almost 10 acres.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the real property purchase agreement for 210 W. Daisy Lane, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #3 - Vicki Glotzbach re: Cashland Precious Metal License

Ms. Glotzbach stated that there was a letter in the board packets from Cashland requesting to renew their permit. She added that the board approves them every year.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the renewal of their Precious Metal License, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.

Item #4 - John Rosenbarger re: Utility Easement for 40 acre I-Park

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they are finishing up the road project at the 40 acre industrial park and need an easement for utility purposes. He said that the easement parallels CSX to the immediate west and runs between Durgy Road and the new road. He stated that the accepted deed says the City of New Albany and the Board of Works would be the agency that would have responsibility for transfer of property. He stated that redevelopment has already taken a look at it and approved it and it now needs Board of Works approval so that the utilities can be run. He added that they need it sooner than later to start the utility work and electrify the new crossing there. He said that Mr. Gibson prepared the easement and it says that any utilities would have the final approval of the Board of Works and all would be underground unless expressly approved by the Board of Works. He stated that they are trying to get all of the utilities underground and keep them underground.

Mr. Thompson asked if the city would still be responsible for maintenance of that.

Mr. Rosenbarger replied yes that it would still be the city’s ownership subject to the easement.

Mr. Nash stated that it says 25 ft. in one area and 35 ft. in another area.

Mr. Silliman stated that the 35 ft. easement is an existing easement along Durgy Road and 25 ft. is the new one along CSX.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the utility easement for the 40 Acre Industrial Park, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


Ms. Rawlings stated that she had a water main break at 1947 Culbertson and requested a sidewalk cut. She said that Mr. Thompson came out to look at it.

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the sidewalk cut at 1947 Culbertson Avenue, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


Item #1 - Sidewalk and parking issues in the 1400 block of Charlestown Road

Mr. Thompson stated that he has looked at it and he will meet with Mr. Hinson to see what he has in mind. He added that it is city property and the sidewalk was stopped at that point for a reason.

Item #2 - Parking on Charlestown Road in front of Tri-City Baptist Temple

Mr. Thompson stated that he and Mr. Rosenbarger have looked at it and in order to make it safe for parking on Sundays they would have to make the other side of the street a no parking area. He also stated that he needs to speak with the police department to see how they feel about it.

Item#3 - Left turn signal on Grant Line Road coming out of Christian Academy

Mr. Thompson stated that Mr. Rosenbarger stated that traffic counts were done there.

Mr. Rosenbarger stated that they were done about two or three years ago and the consultants didn’t suggest any modifications to that signal. He said that a dedicated left turn signal would create a problem on Grant Line Road. He also stated that there is a long term thing that is not on the drawing boards yet but it is a planned connection between Academy Drive and Rolling Creek and that would provide a way for the academy to get to the Rolling Creek signal as well. He stated that they are also designing a new project for McDonald Lane and JTL could do some observation of that intersection during the design to see if it warrants a left turn.

Mr. Thompson moved to remove this from old business and said that he wanted to let the board know that they are looking at that signal because there may be an issue on Grant Line and while they are addressing that he will have them check everything else and make sure that it is working properly so that we know there is nothing wrong with the signal.

Mr. Nash stated that this item will be taken off the agenda but will be revisited in six months.

Mr. Thompson stated that the contractor of the Spring Street Gateway project has requested permission to work on Saturdays, weather permitting, so they can get the project wrapped up.

Mr. Nash asked how the work is going.

Mr. Thompson stated that they had some issues with traffic but went back and adjusted the lanes and they haven’t had any calls since. He also stated that there was a police officer present when they made the adjustment and he agreed with the change and it is better now.

Ms. Thompson moved to allow TSI to work on Saturdays on the Spring Street Gateway project, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.



Mr. Ham stated that starting next Monday, April 1st the street sweeper will be operating full time following the routes and will have a police escort to write tickets.

Mr. Nash asked Mr. Hall to get a press release out and to also put it on the website.

Mr. Hall stated that he would.

Mr. Nash asked about the Armstrong Bend project.

Mr. Ham stated that it is completed and is working fine. He said that they were able to widen the road and put some additional safety features in.

Mr. Nash asked about the church town clock and the status of the contractor.

Mr. Duggins stated that Mr. Wood told him that everything is being coordinated through Timperman & Ritz and they have been fully made aware that the process has to go through Larry and that claims will not be paid until they match our $75,000.00.

Mr. Nash stated that his concern was whether the contractor was licensed.

Mr. Duggins stated that he does not know that but he can have Mr. Brewer follow up with him.

Mr. Nash asked if the Bicentennial Park was on schedule.

Mr. Duggins replied yes. He stated that significant completion is April 1st which means all of the concrete and slabs are done and the only thing that might hold them slightly is planting of the trees and landscape because of the weather. He said that the fence will come down when they do the unveiling which is tentatively set for May 10th.



Ms. Prestigiacomo presented the following claims docket for 3/15/2013 – 3/28/13:

General Claims (Bank 1) $ 56,009.03

Fire Department $ 22,102.18

Police Department $ 8,631.69

Street Department $ 8,674.48

Parks Department $ 8,576.01

Storm Water/Drainage $ 65,027.48

Total from above $ 169,021.77

Redevelopment $ 95,686.89

(Banks A,G,H,T,111,6)

Economic Development $ 0.00

Medical/Drug Fund $ 1,330.94

(Bank L)

Payroll Claims $ 924,705.47

(Bank 2)

Sanitation Fund $ 189,446.40

Total from above $1,211,169.70

Grand Total $1,380,191.47

Mr. Thompson moved to approve the claims in the amount of $1,380,191.47, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


Mr. Thompson moved to approve the March 19, 2013 Regular Meeting Minutes, Ms. Cotner second, all voted in favor.


There being no further business before the board, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.


Warren V. Nash, President Vicki Glotzbach, City Clerk

4 Board of Works

March 26, 2013

All meetings are recorded and on file with the City Clerk’s Office