(Worth 25 points)
Below is the list of different projects. You will be choosing the activity based on the multiple intelligence area that you selected. The character that you select will be the focus of your project. Please note the directions for each.
Write a 400-word retelling of the character’s story in a modern-day setting. For this story, you will:
- Provide a short paragraph describing the actual myth – who the character is, what he/she did, etc.
- Explain what you decided to do in your remake
- Actually write the story. All characters from the original tale must be adapted to meet the new setting.
- Follow proper conventions (grammar, spelling, etc.).
Write a 400-word cause and effect study of your character as the focus. After explaining your character’s basic story, plot the course of his/her actions/decisions. Explain how one choice leads to another. Essentially explain in detail how these actions/decisions affected other events. This probably brings into account multiple characters. Also, add an alternate outcome if the character did not do what the original story states.
Create an art piece depicting your character. The picture should be incredibly detailed. The picture should be drawn on a large posterboard (not a piece of construction paper). The picture should include your character in action; meaning viewers should be able to understand the story from looking at the picture. (Do not just draw a person standing there.) You should include other characters that are involved with the story as well. Use colors and detail to bring the story to life. The entire project need not be painted/drawn – other types of media can be used. Poster should be accompanied by a 100-word writeup of the character that can be affixed to the poster.
Create a diorama of your character. The project should be incredibly detailed. (Note: Artwork does not need to be top-notch, but details should be included.) The diorama should display your character in action; meaning viewers should be able to understand the story from looking at it. (Do not just have a person standing there.) You should include other characters that are involved with the story as well. Use colors and detail to bring the story to life. Project should be accompanied by a 100-word writeup of the character that can be attached to the box.
Write a song about your character. The song should be a minimum of 50 lines. (This does not include a recurring chorus- that will only be counted once.) The song should include all of the major events that took place in the character’s story. You should include other characters that are involved with the story, as well as any special abilities that the character has. If you have the ability to write music to accompany your song (or if you have music you created recorded to play with the song) that will make the project even better. Even if you choose to speak your song like a poem, it should be accompanied by music that is appropriate to the mood of your piece.
Write a monologue where you will play the role of the character. You will be telling your character’s story. You can choose to do so in a modern or classic style. You are there with us so interaction may play a role with your presentation. You should utilize costumes and/or props to bring your character to life. Your written component must be a minimum of 300 words. You are ACTING out the role, so you should practice significantly. No, it doesn’t have to be memorized (it’s awesome if it is), but you should be familiar enough with your speech to make it work. You must have a reason for entering/leaving.
Write a 400-word journal entry as if you are your character. You should be writing from his/her point of view. You should be writing as if a major event just took place in your life and you should explain it fully. Be sure to include the names of other places and people that are involved with your character. Remember that you are writing from the character’s point of view, so use feelings as much as possible. Use images to make the journal seem realistic.
Write a 400-word comparison essay of how your character is like an animal/plant found in nature. Research this animal/plant so that you can make the connection. What characteristics do they share in common? Explain what happened in the character’s story to make you feel the way you do about him/her. What qualities does the natural object have that makes it like your character? Use images when possible. Essay should be extremely organized focusing on the similarities of the characters showing examples of research-based information.
- Have I written a minimum of 400 words?
- Have I briefly summarized the actual mythological story?
- Did I describe why I decided to place my character in the role I selected for him/her/it?
- Is my story interesting and original?
- Is my story free from conventional errors?
- Have I written a minimum of 400words?
- Have I briefly summarized the actual mythological story?
- Did I explain the effects of my character’s choices/actions from multiple angles?
- Did I provide a logical alternative as if my character did not make his/her/its choices?
- Is my story free from conventional errors?
- Is my piece drawn on a piece of large posterboard?
- Have I included color and sufficient detail?
- Does my picture tell a story? Will people be able to understand the story from the picture?
- Have I included other characters connected to my main character?
- Have I included the 100-word written component with my poster?
- Have I included color and sufficient detail?
- Does my diorama tell a story? Will people be able to understand the story from the diorama?
- Have I included other characters connected to my main character?
- Have I included the 100-word written component?
- Is my song a minimum of 50 lines?
- Does my song contain all the major elements of the character’s story?
- Does my song contain the names of other major characters connected to my main character?
- Do I have the right music to accompany the song?
- Is my monologue a minimum of 300 words?
- Does the speech contain all the major elements of the character’s story?
- Do I have costumes, props, and/or music to accompany my performance?
- Have I practiced enough to make my performance convincing?
- Do I have a logical entrance/exit for my character?
- Is my journal entry a minimum of 400 words?
- Is it written from the first person point of view?
- Am I writing about a major moment from my character’s life?
- Have I explained the story thoroughly, without appearing to be a narrator?
- Have I brought feeling and emotion into my writing?
- Is my story free from conventional errors?
- Is my essay a minimum of 400 words?
- Does it have a logical/detailed introduction, body, and conclusion?
- Have I researched my animal/plant in nature sufficiently? Have I provided enough detail about the natural object?
- Have I drawn a logical comparison to the mythological character?
- Did I provide sufficient detail about the character’s background to make the comparison make sense?
- Did I provide images to enhance my essay?
- Is my story free from conventional errors?