Curriculum Vitae

1. N a m e : Lutfi Ahmad Abulhaija

2. Academic Status : Associate Professor

3. Administrative Status: Director of Speech Center

Yarmouk University – Jordan

4. Address : Department of English

Yarmouk University

Irbid – Jordan

Speech Center

Yarmouk University

Irbid – Jordan

5. Personal Data

Date of Birth : November 28, 1949

Place of Birth : Yamoun

Nationality : Jordanian

Number of children : Seven

6. Education

Ph.D. : General Linguistics and Psycholinguistics

The Pennsylvania State University

U.S.A., 1981

M.A. : General Linguistics

The Pennsylvania State University

U.S.A., 1979

B.A. : English Language and Literature

Baghdad University

Iraq, 1972

7. Titles of Theses

Ph.D. : The Acquisition of the Negation System in Arabic as Spoken in Jordan

8. Teaching Experience

1 9 7 2 - 1 9 7 6 : Secondary School and Teacher Training Instructor

1 9 7 7 - 1 9 8 1 : Teaching Assistant of Linguistics

Graduate School

The Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.

1 9 8 1 - present : English Language, Linguistics and Translation

Department of English

Yarmouk University, Jordan

9. Courses Taught

A.  B.A. level

English 101 (Language Skills for Science Students)

English 101/02 (Language Skills: Upgraded)

English 101/02 (Language Skills)

English 103/04 (Teaching Language through Literature)

English 202 (Writing I)

English203/04 (Skills in Speaking and Listening Comprehension)

English 206 (Writing II)

English 310 (Introduction to Linguistics)

English 312 (History of English)

English 313 (Advanced Grammar)

English 315 (Transformational Grammar)

English 316 (Contrastive Linguistics)

English 402 (Writing III: Advanced Writing)

English 403 (Translation)

English 415 (Psycholinguistics)

English 416 (Sociolinguistics)

English 491 (Seminar in Language)

B.  M.A. level

Advanced Psycholinguistics

Historical Linguistics

Contrastive Linguistics



Readings in Arabic Linguistics


Special Topics in English

Legal Translation

Media Translation

Diplomatic Translation

Arabic / English / Arabic Translation


10. Administrative Experience

1 9 9 4 - 1 9 9 5 Chairperson

Department of English

Irbid National University


1 9 9 7 - 1 9 9 9 Chairperson

Department of English

Yarmouk University


1 9 9 9 - present Director

Speech and Hearing Center

Yarmouk University


11. Research Interests

·  General Linguistics : English and Arabic

·  Psycholinguistics : Developmental, Pathological and


·  Translation and Writing

·  Lexicography

12. Scholarships, Rewards and Titles

·  Yarmouk University – Ph.D. Scholarship

·  The Yarmouk University President's Statement of Appreciation for Service to the Department of English at Yarmouk University

·  The Yarmouk University Dean of Arts' Statement of Appreciation for Service to the Department of English at Yarmouk University

13. G r a n t s

·  Fulbright Research Grant (U.S.A.) from September 1987 to August 1988

14. Committees

A.  University

·  Member of the First Folklore Festival (1983)

·  Member of the Committee for Submitting a Strategic Plan to Incorporate Technology in Curriculum and Instruction (1988)

·  Member of the Committee for the M.Sc. in Speech and Hearing, 1999

·  President of the Speech and Hearing Center's Council (1999 – present)

B.  College

·  Member of the Tender Committee (1983)

·  Member of the College Council (1995 – 96)

·  Member of the Higher Studies Committee (1996)

C.  Department

·  Member of the Library Committee (1987)

·  Member of the Appointment Committee (1986-87)

·  Member of the Extra Curricular Activities Committee (1981, 1985, 19086, 1992)

·  Member of the Organizing Committee for the Yarmouk University, English Department's Bi-annual International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation

·  Chairperson of the Organizing Committee for the Yarmouk University English Department's Bi-annual International Conference on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Translation (1996)

·  Student's Academic Advisor for both graduates and undergraduate (1981 – present)

·  Students' Council Advisor (1981)

·  Coordinator of the following courses :

§  English 101/02 (Language Skills)

§  English 103/04 (Teaching Language through Literature)

§  English 403 (Translation)

15. Community Service

·  Lecture on "How to Write", Aidoun Secondary School for Girls (1983).

·  Lecture on "Writing Problems", Irbid Secondary School for Girls (1985).

·  Lecture on "Common Mistakes in Written English", Student Council, Department of English, Yarmouk University (1986).

·  Lectures on "Writing Problems in both English and Arabic", Ibn Khaldoun Community College, Irbid (1986).

·  Regular TOEFL courses for the community via the Yarmouk University Center for Consultation and Continuing Education.

16. Membership in Scientific and Professional Societies

·  Member of the Linguistic Society of America, U.S.A. since 1970.

·  Member of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguists since 1987.

·  Member of the International Association of Teachers of English since 1985.

·  Member of the Association of English Teachers at Arab Universities since 1999.

·  Member of the Jordanian Translators Association since 1997.

17. Professional and Scientific Meetings

A.  Meetings

·  Training and Teaching Translators, San Diego, U.S.A. January 1983. Presented a paper entitled: "The Role of the English Departments at Arab Universities in Graduating Professional Translators."

·  21st IATEFL International Conference, Westende, Belgium, April 1987. Presented a paper entitled : "English Language and Literature in EFL Situations."

·  Second International Congress of Applied Psycholinguistics, Kassel, West Germany, July 1987. Presented a paper entitled : The Development of Semantic Negative Categories in Jordanian Arabic."

·  Fifth Annual Linguistics Conference of Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, April 1986. Presented a paper entitled : "The Development of the Negation System."

·  Thirteenth International Conference of Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, April 1996. Presented a paper entitled : The Acquisition of Metaphors: A Developmental Case Study."

·  Fifth Annual Linguistics Conference of Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, April 1986. Presented a co-authored paper entitled : "Towards a Better Approach to Translation."

·  XIVth International Congress of Linguistics, Berlin, East Germany, August 1987. Presented a paper in absentia entitled : "The Development of Affixes in Urdu."

·  Workshop: "Design Evaluation and Evaluation of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) Courses for Speakers of Arabic," The University of Jordan, Amman, 11/9-22/9/1982.

·  Moroccan Association of Teachers of English Conference, Marrakesh, April, 1999. Presented a paper entitled :"Homework Assignments: The Underestimated Component in EFL / ESL Instruction."

B.  Other Academic Activities

Dictionary of Meanings (co-authored). This is compiled from twenty-two dictionaries and theses on semantics, with modern entries to facilitate its use and preserve its originality. It is modeled on Roget's Thesaurus and indexed alphabetically in two parts. This dictionary is in its final stages and will be published soon.

18. Supervision of M.A. Theses

A.  Supervisor of the following M.A. theses:

1989 :

- "Errors in Translation in some Channel Two English Programmes on Jordan Television.

1990 :

- "Transitional Words and the Arab Translator"

- "The English Political Terminology with Respect to Translation and Arabicization"

- "The Cultural and Linguistics Problems in Translating English/ Arabic Proverbs"

1992 :

- "Error Analysis of Yes/No Questions' Answers: English Department Freshman Students and Native Speakers of English"

1993 :

- "An Investigation of Teachers' and Students' Evaluation of Televised English Programmes of Tenth Grade"

- "Problems in Translating Historical Documents with Particular Reference to the Hussein/ McMahon Correspondence"

1994 :

- "The Translatability of Metaphor in Journalistic Argumentative Texts with Particular Reference to Arabic Newspapers"

- "Some Linguistic and Cultural Problems in Translating Idiomatic Expressions From Arabic into English"

- "The Translatability of Humor With Particular Reference to English Jokes and Riddles"

- "Task Influence on the Acquisition of Lexis: A Case Study of Jordanian Universities"

1996 :

- "Problems of Coherence and Textualization in English-Arabic Translation of Academic Discourse"

- "Lexical and Syntactic Ambiguity: A Case Study of the Translation of Two Suras of the Holy Qur'an"

- "A Contrastive Analysis of Deixis Between English and Arabic.

1997 :

- "A Developmental Study of Deixis in Arabic as Used by Jordanian Children"

- "Difficulties of Translating Banking Terms with Special Focus on Banking Terms in Legal Texts"

- "Al-Laam in Standard Arabic: A Translational Perspective"

- "Translation of Medical Terminology: An Analytical Study"

- "A Study in the Translation of Some Quranic Verses including Ironic Expressions into English"

1998 :

- "Translatability of Metonymy in Prophet Muhammad's Traditional: A Preliminary Study"

- "A Critical Survey of Some Quranic Quotations in Spoken Arabic in Jordan"

- "An Attitudinal Study of Stress in Simultaneous Interpreting"

1999 :

- "Translatability of Implicature with Reference to Jordanian Local Literature

- "Transference of Positive / Negative Emotive Value in Literary Translation"

2000 :

- "Cohesion in Arabic Legal Texts"

Served as member of the supervising committees of the following MA theses :

1993 :

- "Managing in Translating English Journalistic Texts into Arabic"

- "The Translatability of Hanna Mena's "The End of a Brave Man" from Colloquial Arabic into JTV English Subtitles"

1994 :

- "The Influence of Attitudes and Integrative Motivation on the Language Proficiency of English Majors at Yarmouk University"

1995 :

- "Difficulties Associated with Teaching "Petra" Series to 8th, 9th and 10th Graders in Jordan"

1996 :

- "A Rhetorical Approach to the Analysis of Wit in English Newspaper Headlines"

1997 :

- "Language Planning and Arabicization of Military Terms"

- "The Role of Memory as a Cognitive Psychological Faculty in Simultaneous Interpretation"

- "Win or Lose: A Sociolinguistic Approach to the Soccer Headlines of the Jordanian Newspapers"

- "Faithfulness and Naturalness in Translating Metaphors: A Case Study

1998 :

- "Translation of Referential Gaps in the Holy Qur'an: Empirical Evidence"

- "Acceptability and Diffusion of Some Borrowed and Native Terms in Medical and Engineering Sciences"

- "Translation of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) Concepts into English"

- "The Attitudes of the Jordanian / Members of Parliament Towards Arabicization from a Language Planning Perspectives"

- "The Translation of Simile in the Holy Qur'an"

- "An Evaluation Study of the Arabicized Nursing Terms from a Language Planning Perspective"

- "Translation of Some Islamic Religion Expression from Arabic into English"

- "Functional Repetition in some Political Speeches of H.M. King Hussein with Reference to Arabic / English Translation

- "A Diachro-Synchronic Analysis of Antonymy in Arabic"

- "Variation in Apology Strategies Among Friends and Acquaintances in Jordanic Arabs"

1999 :

- "Lexical Ellipses in Arabic-English Translation"

- "Hedging in Journalistic Arabic :A Case Study"

- "Code-Switching:A Case Study of Computer Science Students at Jordanian State Universities"

- "Linguistic and Non-Linguistic Factors Influencing Name-Giving in Jordan"

- "Computer Terminology in Arabic: Development and Standardization"

- "The Role of the Particles of Interrogation, Negative, Conditions and Assertion in the Syntactic and Semantic Behavior of the Kernel Sentence in Arabic"

- "Political Discourse Analysis: An Arabic-English Contrastive Case Study"

- "Translating Culture-Bound Expressions in Naji Al-Ali's Caricatures from Arabic into English"

- "The Marketability of Different Technical Arabicized Terms Issued by the Jordan Academy of Arabic Language"

- "The Linguistic Situation of Gypsies and Turkmans as Ethnic Minorities Living in Jordan: A Sociolinguistic Perspective"

- "Parables in the Holy Quran: An Evaluative Study of Some Renditions of Quranic Parables"

- "Synonymy through Connotative Meaning in the Holy Quran"

- "Arabicization of Computer Science Terms"

- "Translation Strategies: An Examination of a U.N. Text: The Iraq-Kuwait Conflict"

- "Interpretation of Body Language in Jordan"

- "N.J. Dawood's Translation of the Quran: An Evaluative Case Study"

2000 :

- "Criteria for Acceptability of Arabicized Medical Terms in Light of Language Planning and Term Planning"

- "Stylistic Problems in A. Elyas's Translation of "al-liss wal kilab"

19. Publications

Journals :

1. "A Critique of the Research on Semantic Memory and Semantic Retrieval in Children," The Arab Journal for Humanities, Kuwait University.

2. "The Development of Negative Structure in Children: Evidence from Jordanian Arabic", The Arab Journal for Humanities, Kuwait University.

3. The Arab Journal for Humanities, Kuwait University

3. "Negation and Quantifiers in English with Specific Reference to the Works of Klima and Jackendoff.

4. "Verb Phrase Deletion in English Revisited"

5. "Towards a Better Approach to Translation." In collaboration with Hisham Sawaf.

6. "The Influence of Arabic on Written English" (Problem of ESL Learners)

7. "Learning Listening Skills in English (Translated from English into Arabic), 1986.

8. "The Acquisition of Negative Semantic Categories by Jordanian Children"

9. "An Evaluation of the Models of Semantic Long-Term Memory"

10. "Words Association of Culture: An Arabic Model"

11. "The Development of Affixes: An Evidence from Urdu. ERIC. 1990.

12. "An Acoustic Characterization of the Emphatic vs. Non-Emphatic Consonants in Arabic as spoken in Jordan"

13. "An Analysis of the syntactic-Semantic Structures of Negative Utterances with Reference to the Speech of Jordanian Children.

14. "Child-Adult Utterances (Chapter in a book on Imitation). 1990.

15. "The Translation Centres in the Arab World, META, 1994.

16. "English Language and Literature in EFL Situations," A Collection of Papers from the 21st IATEFL Conference, Dulsburg: Land, Series B, Nos. 181-190, 1988.

17. "The Development of Affixes in Urdu," Proceedings of the XIVth International Congress of Linguistics, Berlin, East Germany, 1988.

18. 'The Role of the English Departments at Arab Universities in Graduating Professional Translators." Proceedings of the Conference on Training and Teaching Translators," San Diego University, California, 1983.

19. "The Need for Home-Assignments in EFL Class," Proceedings of the Conference of the Moroccan Association of Teachers of English, 1999.

20. "English Language and Literature in EFL Situations," Eric Database: Resources in Education"

21. "The Acquisition of the Affixes in Urdu. Eric Database: Resources in Education"

Papers Sent for Publication :

22. "The Impact of Culture on Word Association Norms."

23. "The Translation of Metaphor in Journalistic Argumentative Text with Particular Reference to Arabic Newspapers"

24. "Translation and Culture: A Case Study"

25. "The Translatability of Humor with Particular Reference to English Jokes and Riddles"

26. "Translating Cosmetic Labels"

27. "English-Arabic Translation of T.V. Advertisements Targeting Woman"

Unpublished Manuscripts

28. "Nurses' Verbal Interactions with Female and Male Patients at Jordanian Hospitals"

29. "The Acquisition of Figurative Language by Arab Children"

30. "The Acquisition of Discourse Markers by Arab Children"

31. "The Acquisition of Relative Clauses by Arab Children"

32. "The Acquisition of Passive Voice byArab Children"