Board of Director’s Agenda

March 11, 2017

Meeting called to order by President Sue Errgang at 10am. Board members in attendance were Tony Howard, Sue Errgang, Lisa Placke, Paul Minch, Mark Cleveland and Bob Watson. Members absent were Bob Beil and Elaine Krietemeyer.

Minutes from December meeting: Motion to accept made by Bob Watson and second by Paul Minch. All in favor and motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report for January and February. Motion to accept January report made by Lisa Placke with a second by Mark Cleveland. All in favor and motion passed.

Motion to accept February treasurers report made by Lisa Placke and second Tony Howard. All in favor and motion passed.

Committees Reports:

Building Permits: These items are being tabled until Bob Beil returns.

Speak w/Attorney to seek options when permits haven’t been acquired. Sue Errgang will contact the attorney concerning this question and report back in April

Review changes made to bldg permit application

Application given to William Martin, 1900 Inverness

Communications: The January newsletter has been sent out.


A complaint was received from a resident asking why the weather alert sirens didn’t sound during the March 1st storm. A letter will be sent to the property owner noting the sirens were put in place by the Owen County Fiscal Court and they are responsible for sounding the sirens. Lisa Placke spoke about seeing in local newspapers and news station that none of the sirens in NKY sounded because the National Weather Service sent the alert message as a low priority and the 911 centers missed the alert. A letter will also be sent to a property for disturbing the peace. Verbal complaints have been received about blowing a car horn and air horn on Inverness Drive during various hours of the day.


Paul has been notified that our Quickbooks subscription is about to expire and he made a motion that we renew for 3 years. Bob Watson made a second. All in favor and motion carried.


Bob Watson gave a report on the ditch at the Community Center. One problem we face is the parking lot is 5-6 inches higher than the floor of the community center. There could be a flooding concerning inside the community center if we don’t fix the ditch properly. We need to address the safety issues with all ideas that we’ve been presented with. Plus, with the building of a shelter in the future we need to make sure we don’t install something that will need to be removed in the future. Sue has received bids to either fill it in with gravel or install a grate. Bob Watson has suggested putting up a fence. Bob Watson and Tony Howard will address the ditch issue under the new picnic shelter committee.

We believe Don Renfro has provided Bob Beil with a copy of his liability form.


Report given by Tom Jenkins. The electrician for Integrity Electric, Ray Simpson, KU and the engineer from the supplier are all coming in on Tuesday for the pump on Lake Inverness. Tom has purchased all the material needed for the spillway project. Big bass lake needs to be sprayed again this Spring for cattails. Tom will take care of that. We will need to purchase more Cutter this Spring for Lake Inverness. The spillway close to the damn near Lake Holiday may have watermeal but it flows directly into the KY River so spray may not be needed. Tom will keep an eye on it. Tom says that trees in the lake have become a big issue. Sue will ask Elaine to assist Tom in locating the owners of the lots with trees in the lakes.

Legal: Nothing to report


The 2017 Fish Fry for Lent is underway.

Lisa Placke made a motion for a Great American Cleanup campaign to the board. This will be a 2 part event. Part one will be organizing teams of volunteers made up of 4 people each and assigning them to parts of the park to pick up trash. Coffee, donuts and OJ will be provided before the event as will the trash bags. The cleanup will start at 9am on April 29th with everyone meeting at the Community Center to get their assigned area and meeting back there with their filled trash bags at Noon. Part 2 is a 60 Day Amnesty program from receiving compliance letters and fines for compliance violations. Property owners will have 60 days to clean up their properties and get in compliance. Fine letters will be sent starting June 1 with any compliance issues that weren’t addressed. Lisa will contact Rumpke about bringing a dumpster. Bob Watson second the motion. All in favor and motion passed.

Property owner Gary Roberts has offered to have a fundraiser for the shelter fund. Gary’s band will set an upcoming date to host a concert at the community center. Donations will be accepted and all donations will go to the shelter fund. Lisa and Gary will get together to work out the details.


Bob Beil is still compiling list of culvert pipes

Oversight No report per Sue

Old Business:

a)Third reading and vote of description and goals for the Compliance Committee to be added to the By-Laws. Sue did the third reading. Lisa Placke made a motion to accept with a second by Mark Cleveland. All in favor and motion passed.

New Business:

a) Picnic Shelter: Sue asked Tony Howard if he would be interested in chairing the committee for the shelter. Toby agreed and Bob Watson has agreed to be on the committee.

b)Revisit the percentage of event profit that goes to the community center fund to cover expenses (Paul Minch.) Currently, 10% of the profit made from events is deposited into the event fund. Lisa made a motion that we raise that from 10% to 25% to help cover the expenses for the community center with a second by Bob Watson. All in favor and motion passed.

c)Consider hiring a handy man to take care of community center, cleaning, buffing floors and any other odd jobs we might have (Sue Errgang)Tony mentioned some of the ladies that clean the hotel with Kathy Ryan maybe interested in the cleaning schedule. Much discussion on how often and when the cleanings need to be done. Sue will contact some people to get cleaning bids. A motion was made by Paul Minch to have Jim Baird buff the floors once a month for $50. Monies will be paid out of the event fund. There was a second by Tony Howard. All in favor and the motion passed.

d)Tom Hoppenjans (Bob Beil) The Board would like to ask Bob Beil to host Tom Hoppenhans coming to the park for this event. Bob can set the date and time for this event and have Judy Martin send out an email with details.

e)Donnie Balls lot. Donnie owes us somewhere along the lines of $1600 in back fees and he recently passed away. Sue received a call from Donnie’s daughter, Amy. The family was unaware of Donnie owning any property in the park until his passing. The family would like to pay all the back fees and give us back the lot. The estate attorney, Jim Monk, has also called Sue with the same offer from the family. We will ask Mr. Monk to prepare the deed and for the Ball family to pay the recording deed. Bob Watson made a motion that we have the family pay off the back fees owed and we will take back the lot. A second by Mark Cleveland. All in favor and motion passed. Paul Minch said we have a second property with the same situation. Roberta Mason has no fees due and she is wanting us to take back the lot. Paul will contact Mrs. Mason to let her know we will take back the lot but she must pay to have the deed prepared and recorded.

f)Cocrete: We will have some broken up concrete from driveway and walkway repairs that will need to be disposed of. Tom Jenkins believes we can use it to fill in a drop off in Big Bass Lake. Right now the boaters can’t get their boats in and out because of a 12” drop off. Mark made a motion we use some of the concrete to fill the drop off. A second by Lisa Placke. All in favor and motion passed.

g)The guard house is infested with termites and Sue is waiting for a bid from Terminix. Mark Cleveland will ask his son to come look at it also as he works for a bug control company in Lexington

h) Bill Kemper gave a report about the guard house flooding. A drain needs to be put in at the doorway that will go around the building. Sue will get bids for the work. The 2 doors on the guard house are sagging and starting to rot. Billy feels they need to be replaced. Sue will get bids for replacing the doors. Billy has a guard that brings 2 dogs to work with him. The oversight committee will reach out to the guard to let him know pets are not allowed. Billy would like to see the guards get a raise from $9.25 an hour to $10. The oversight committee will discuss and make a presentation to the board. When a shift becomes open for whatever reason, Sue would like for seniority to be used when filling that open shift.

i)Community Center venting: We need to cut holes in the old roof to allow the heat and humidity to vent out through the new roof. Sue has spoke to Don Renfo about doing the work. Mark made the motion with a second by Bob Watson. All in favor and motion carried.

j)Sue has requested she be given the authority to spend up to $300 for repairs etc that come up at the Community Center without having to wait for the next board meeting to get approval. A motion was made by Bob Watson with a second by Mark Cleveland. All in favor and motion carried.

Sue is recommending that a board member be on all event committees ie Derby Day, New Years, Halloween, all PPROA and PPLA events. We now have a check list of all cleaning items that event committees are required to do after the event. Lisa made a motion to accept Sue’s ideas of the community center to do list after each event . Items not completed will be charged at normal community center cleaning fees. Mark Cleveland second the motion. All in favor and motion passed. Sue would like to find a way to secure the office so the PPROA can store sensitive documents, financial reports, etc. She proposes asking the ladies to remove their items from the office so we can have the locks changed. Sue and Lisa will bring it up at the April PPLA meeting.

Paul had a bill dropped off at his house and he doesn’t know who to pay. Paul Minch would like to open a second bank account for the event and shelter funds to get them out of the general fund account. Paul made a by motion to open the new account with a second by Bob Watson. All in favor and motion carried.

Lisa Placke asked for permission from the board to block Riverside Drive from Tony Bowman’s to Lisa Placke’s property for a block party the first Saturday in May. All other roads would remain open and residents will have access to their properties. All board members gave their blessing.

If the park suffers another power outage like the 36 hour outage on March 1st, Jack Yates would like for the community center to be opened for residents in need of warmth or to use the stove for meals. The board agreed. Jack would like to see the names and amounts put in the newsletter for property owners who are not members in good standing and at minimum 2 years behind on fees. Jack and Zach Smoot will be working on the muskrat problem. Zach can use traps and he’ll need to get permission from the property owners to access the lake. Zach can flag the traps so everyone knows the traps are there. The board can have Zach sign the waiver of liability form. Sue will call the attorney to see about having another liability form drawn up between the property owner and Zach for the work Zach will be doing maintaining the lakes on the Boards behalf.

Jim Baird informed the board that MAPP is dissolving and they will be donating the $1900 they have in their account to the shelter fund.

Motion to adjourn made by Lisa Placke with a second by Tony Howard. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Placke, VP and Secretary

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