SECTION 1 - HOW TO APPLY1. Fill in all parts of this form.
2. Take or send it to:
Head of Environmental Health
North West Leicestershire District Council
Council Offices
LE67 3JF
3. Enclose appropriate fee. The fee includes the issue of one annual plate (please make cheques payable to North West Leicestershire District Council).
4. Arrangements will then be made for your vehicle to be tested at the Council Depot, Linden Way, off Ashby Road, Coalville.
If the vehicle fails the test, you are given, 7 days to rectify any faults and to present the vehicle again for clearance. However, if the vehicle is unable to get through the second test or if you withdraw your application after a test has been carried out, a charge for the test will be taken out of your refund.
5. You must produce the following documents at the Council Offices before a licence can be issued:
Vehicle Registration Document;
A current Certificate of Insurance;
MOT Certificate (if needed) (Please note that Hackney Carriages over one year old require a current MOT Certificate).
6. You will be told when your licence is ready and you must personally collect this, together with vehicle plate, windscreen disc etc as appropriate from the Council Offices and sign a receipt for these. In the event of a plate being lost or damaged, a duplicate plate can be issued at an additional charge will be made.
7. You should not use the vehicle for hackney carriage/private hire purposes until you have been given the licence and vehicle identification plate(s).
8. Licences are issued for a maximum of 12 months and must then be renewed. You should apply for a new licence in good time.
9. If you have any problems with this application, ask us to help.
SECTION 2 – Please complete this section in BLOCK LETTERS.
1. Person applying for the licence
Telephone Nos (Home) ...... (Business)
2. Which type of licence do you want?
Hackney Carriage Vehicle/Private Hire Vehicle*
(A hackney carriage can work from taxi ranks, be hailed in the street or take bookings but can only charge the fares fixed by the Council. A hackney carriage must have a standard roof sign fitted - details are available on request.
A private hire car must be pre-booked but fares are not restricted and are agreed direct with passengers. A roof sign is not permitted on a private hire vehicle. However, an Operator's Licence must also be obtained from the Council.
Separate drivers' licences must also be obtained from the Council in both cases.)
3. Make of Vehicle
4. Model of Vehicle
Colour of Vehicle
5. Registration No.
6. Engine Size (cc)
Fuel Petrol/Diesel
7. Date of First Registration
(Vehicles must not be over eight years old, with the following exceptions:
(a) Austin FX (London-type cabs)
(b) Other vehicles in an exceptionally well-maintained condition, subject to inspection at 6 monthly intervals.)
8. Number of Passenger Seats
(Allow at least 1 ft 4 ins per passenger on bench seats)
9. Is a taximeter fitted in the vehicle YES/NO*
If YES, what is its number?
(Before a taximeter is fitted you must obtain the permission of the Council)
10. Is the vehicle registered in your name? YES/NO*
If NO, in whose name is it registered?
Telephone Nos (Home) ...... (Business)
11. Are you the owner of the vehicle? YES/NO/PART OWNER*
Please give details of any other owner or part owner:
12. Where will the vehicle operate from?
Company Name
13. Is the vehicle already licensed as a hackney carriage or private hire car? YES/NO*
If YES, please give details:
Name of Council
Licence No.
14. Will the vehicle allow access in and out and accommodation for a disabled passenger remaining seated in a wheelchair? YES/NO*
Is the vehicle adapted in any way for ambulant disabled passengers? YES/NO*
If yes, please specify: Swivel seat YES/NO*
Permanently secured steps YES/NO*
Handrails/handholds at point of entry YES/NO*
Extra wide doorway YES/NO*
Other (please specify)
15. Has the vehicle been adapted in any way since its manufacture? YES/NO*
If so, please give details ......
Please read this section carefully - only sign it if you understand it and it is true.
1. I declare that the answers given in this application are correct.
2. I understand that any licence issued will be subject to the provisions of:
(a) The Town Police Clauses Act 1847;
(b) The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976;
(c) The Council's byelaws and licence conditions;
and to any other relevant laws, byelaws or regulations which come into force.
3. I am aware that when exhaust emission tests are being carried out to my vehicle, it is essential that all drive belts (fan belts/timing belts) are in a serviceable condition and are charged at the manufacturer's recommended time/mileage intervals.
4. Data Protection Acts 1984 and 1998
The Council has a statutory obligation to participate in the National Fraud Initiative which is run every two years by the Audit Commission.
With regard to the Data Protection Acts 1984 and 1998, the Council has a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information that you provided in respect of your licensing application and the data held within the authority for the prevention and detection of fraud. Where required, it may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds and other organisations solely for these purposes.
Licence No...... Date Issued
Receipt No.
Registration document produced ______
MOT Certificate produced ______
Satisfactory vehicle inspection ______
Insurance Company
Insurance Policy No. and Date of Expiry ……………………………………………………………….
Revised: September 2008 HCPH31 (Grey)