Putteridge Community Nursery
Putteridge Road, Luton, Beds, LU2 8HJ, Charity No. 802817
Tel: 01582 480734
Nursery Manager: Jane Dixon




Our postbox will be out from Thursday, 1st December to enable the children to post Christmas cards to their friends as well as post their letters to Father Christmas! Please can we ask that any letters are posted as early as possible as Santa likes to send replies but he obviously gets very busy at this time of year!


Our nativity will take place on Tuesday, 13th December starting at 9.30am. It will take place in Putteridge Primary School’s key stage 1 hall (Infant School). All of the children are invited to take part.

If your child does attend on a Tuesday morning please drop them into nursery as usual, (8.45am prompt)dressed ready for the performance. The staff will then take the children over at 9am. If you child attends breakfast club on a Tuesday, please bring their clothes in (in a named bag) and we will dress them for the performance.

If your child does not attend nursery on a Tuesdaymorning, please can you take them directly to the Extra Care Club room entrance at 9.10am prompt,(located next to the school entrance). We will make sure members of staff are there to receive the children at the door. You can then queue up with the rest of the parents.

Could we please ask that you do not start queuing before 9.10am as we want to minimize any disruption to the school. Please queue on the path leading up to the entrance to key stage 1, there will be a sign indicating where to queue from. Due to safety restrictions no pushchairs are allowed into the building, please use the buggy park to the left of the entrance.

Due to health and safety restrictions at the school we can only issue each child’s family with 2 tickets for admission to the performance, please find them attached to this letter. Should you not require any/both tickets we would be grateful if you could return them as soon as possible in order for us to re-issue to any one requesting extra tickets (this will be on a strictly first come basis and only subject to availability) Please remember to issue each person with their ticket for admission to the hall. NO TICKET = NO SHOW

We will take the children who usually attend on a Tuesday morning back to the nursery after the nativity unless you inform us otherwise in advance. All of the other children will need to be taken home after the performance. We will be collecting any donations after the performanceand would be very grateful if you could spare any change. This year we are supporting Macmillan and Keech. Therefore, we would like to give any donations to help these 2 very worthy causes. Thank you.

If you already know that your child will not be able to perform in the nativity, please could you let us know on the attached sheet and send into nursery.

All of the children will be encouraged to practice singing our Christmas songs. The older children will be invited to take up the small acting partson the stage as it will be their last nativity with us but no child will be asked to do something they do not wish to do. The younger children will join in with the singing all of the songs and to come up on the stage for the final song if they would like to.

Our raffle will be drawn after the performance and additional tickets will be available to purchase on the day. All profit from the raffle will be put towards new toys for the children in the New Year.


Our Christmas parties will take place during the afternoon of Thursday, 15thDecember and during the morning of Monday, 19th December. If your child attends both sessions, they will have two parties. If they do not attend either session, then they will be invited to one (at no extra cost). Details can be found at the end of the letter of when your child’s party is. During the parties, we will be having an entertainer and party food.


In previous years, we have asked parents to donate food for our parties. However, as we have children with allergies and to make sure we are adhering to your wishes with regards to prohibited foods due to religious beliefs, we feel it may be better if we provide the food.

We would be very grateful if parents could give a suggested donation of £3 towards the cost of the parties for their child. As we know you can appreciate, it is quite expensive to provide entertainer sessions.

Phew, what a lot of arrangements. If you are unsure of anything, please ask any member of staff. We would like totake this opportunity of wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and thank you for all your support during 2016. The nursery closes for the Christmas break on Tuesday, 20thDecember at the usual time and reopens on Thursday, 5th January 2017.


Please could you dress your child as ------for

our nativity on Tuesday, 13thDecember. Should you need any help with ideas, please speak to any member of staff.

Christmas party

Your child’s party will be on------



Child’s name ______

My child is able/unable to take part in the nativity (please delete as necessary)

I/We are ableto contribute a suggested donation of £3 towards the cost of the parties (please tick if you are able to help) 

Please send this slip into nursery with your donation if you are able to contribute as soon as possible. Many thanks.

You will need to retain the other part of this page as it will have all the information for your child’s celebrations.

PCN: Laying Foundations for Children & Families to Build a Stronger Community