Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing

This report displays all fixed asset transactions from the fixed asset ledger. The complete list of fields and their descriptions are listed below.

DATE The calendar date (mm/dd/yy) the report was run.

BATCH DATE The date the fixed asset transaction was run.

BATCH NUMBER The batch number associated with the fixed asset transaction.

TRANSACTION CD / NUMBER (Transaction Code/Number) The transaction code is the document type which includes the following values: FA=Fixed Asset Acquisition, FB=Fixed Asset Betterment, FD=Fixed Asset Disposition, FS=Fixed Asset Internal Sale, FC=Fixed Asset Modification, and FT=Fixed Asset Transfer. The transaction number is the transaction document number.

TRANS AGCY (Transaction Agency) The agency number used as part of the transaction ID number.

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Standard Reports

Report ID – FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

RECORD DATE The calendar date (yy/mm/dd) the transaction was entered into the MARS system.

ACCEPT DATE The calendar date (yy/mm/dd) the transaction was accepted into the MARS system.

ACCT PERIOD (Accounting Period) The accounting period (accounting fiscal year/quarter/fiscal month) in which the document was entered.

FA TYPE (Fixed Asset Type) Fixed asset type indicates the fixed asset type which includes the following values: L=land, B=buildings, I=improvements (non-buildings), E=equipment and machinery, C=construction in progress, and V=vehicles.

FA NUMBER (Fixed Asset Number) The fixed asset number which is the unique identifier (property tag number) for the fixed asset.

BETT NUM (Betterment Number) The betterment number that increases the value of the asset due to improvements made to the fixed assets. A betterment number “00” is associated with a fixed asset when it is established.

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Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

LOCATION The location code that defines where theasset is located.

FUND The fund charged for the fixed asset. A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources. The Finance and Administration Cabinet centrally maintain fund codes on the Fund table(FUN2).

AGCY (Agency) The agency charged for the fixed asset. All agencies that record information in the financial system will be recorded in MARS on the Agency table (AGC2).

XORG (Organization) The organization charged for the fixed asset. The Organization data element is a breakdown of Agency (i.e., Department, Division, Branch, Section, Unit). The Organization structure can be up to twelve levels. In MARS, the Organization data element can be used for a variety of purposes. Valid values are maintained on the Organization table (ORG2).

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Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST- Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

ACTV (Activity) The activity code charged for the fixed asset. An activity is an internal program that you want to define for budgeting and/or reporting purposes. Valid activity codes are maintained on the Activity table(ACT2).

OBJT (Object) The expenditure object code charged for the fixed asset. Object represents the coding level for recording all expenditures in MARS. Objects can be designated as operating or non-operating expenditures; as payroll expenses, or as 1099 reportable. Valid object codes are maintained on the Object table (OBJ2).

DISPOSITION AUTH (Disposition Authority) The document number or name of individual who authorized the disposal of the fixed asset.

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Standard Reports

Report ID – FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

ASSET AMOUNT The amount of the fixed asset transaction.

ACCUM-DEPR AMOUNT (Accumulated Depreciation Amount) The accumulated depreciation for the fixed asset including all betterments.

FROM TO-IND (From To Indicator) F value indicates the fund transferred from and the T value indicates the fund transferred to.

XFUNC (Function) The function code charged for the fixed asset. The Function code is a data element in MARS that is generally used to identify location information. Also, function codes and the associated data elements in the function hierarchy are defined by agency and fiscal year. This allows MARS User Agencies to tailor and maintain a set of function codes specific for agencies’ use for each fiscal year. Valid values are maintained on the Function table(FUNC).

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Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

JOB NUMBER The job number or project number code charged for the fixed asset.

REPT CATG (Reporting Category) The reporting category number charged for the fixed asset. Reporting category codes may be used to provide MARS User Agencies with an additional accounting element to capture reporting information to meet specific user agency needs. Valid reporting category codes must be established on the Reporting Category table (RPTG).

APPR PROG (Appropriation Program) The appropriation program charged for the fixed asset. An appropriation is a dollar amount allocated by law for a specific purpose. In MARS, appropriations are represented by appropriation programs. Valid appropriation program codes are maintained on the Appropriation Inquiry (Extended) table (EAP2).

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Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

ALLT PROG (Allotment Program) The allotment program charged for the fixed asset. An allotment is a limit placed on an appropriation for a specified time period, usually quarterly. In MARS, allotments can be used to control spending within a specified time period. Valid allotment program codes are maintained on the Allotment Inquiry (Extended) table (EALL).

PROG B-UNIT (Program Budget Unit) The program budget unit charged for the fixed asset. Valid program budget unit codes are located on the Program Reference table (PRFT).

REV SURC (Revenue Source) Revenue source represents the coding level for recording all revenues in MARS. Revenue source can be designated as operating or non-operating. Valid revenue codes are maintained on the Revenue Budget Inquiry table (REV2).

SUB-REV SOURCE (Sub-Revenue Source) Sub-Revenue source codes are generally used to provide agencies with the capability of tracking revenues at a level lower than revenue source account code. Valid sub-revenue codes are maintained on the Sub-Revenue Source table (SREV).

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Standard Reports

Report ID - FMARFLST - Fixed Asset Ledger Listing (Continued)

BS ACCT (Balance Sheet Account) Balance sheet accounts identify assets, liabilities, and fund balance.

SUB ORG (Sub Organization) Each Organization can be assigned one or more Sub-Organizations that are defined on the Sub-Organization table (SORG). In essence, the sub-organization defines a portion of the organization. They may be used to track expenditures or revenues as required by agencies.

SUB OBJ (Sub Object) Sub-Object codes are generally used to provide agencies with the capability of tracking objects of expenditures at a level lower than expense object. They may be used to track expenditures as required by user agencies. Accounting transaction lines may be recorded by sub-object thus allowing expenditures to accumulate at the sub-object level. Valid Sub-Object codes are stored on the Sub-Object table (SOBJ).

RECORD NUMBER The record number displays a count of the number of fixed asset records on this report.

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Standard Reports

Activity 7 - 1

1.The FMPX002A report displays all fixed asset transactions processed between the range of dates displayed on the report.



2.Which report displays all fixed asset transactions from the Fixed Asset ledger?





3.Which report displays the out-of-sync amount between the asset value on the Fixed Asset Betterment Inquiry table (FBT1) and the funding source total on the Funding Source Inquiry table (FFSC)?





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Solution 7 - 1

1.The FMPX002A report displays all fixed asset transactions processed between the range of dates displayed on the report.



Answer:A. True

2.Which report displays all fixed asset transactions from the Fixed Asset ledger?






3.Which report displays the out-of-sync amount between the asset value on the Fixed Asset Betterment Inquiry table (FBT1) and the funding source total on the Funding Source Inquiry table (FFSC)?





Answer: C. FMPX027A

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Standard Reports

Are there any questions concerning what we have covered so far in this topic on Fixed Asset Standard Reports? If not, let’s go ahead and move on to the next topic.

In this topic we have:

  • Covered select reports that are considered as Fixed Asset Standard Reports, and
  • What functionality and specific fields are provided by the Fixed Assets Standard Reports.

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