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Job # 17-3166November 2017

SCREENERresponses given in percent n=355

Hello, my name is ______and I am calling from Triad Research. Tonight we are talking to people in Brecksville and Broadview Heights about the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools. This is not a sales call. We are interested in your opinions only.

(If necessary: “In order to meet our quota, we need to talk with an equal number of males and females and we have already met our quota for females. Is there a male member of your household available that I could speak to?” If yes: Repeat introduction.)

(If asked how long it will take, say about 10 minutes.)

A. / Just to make sure, do you currently live in the Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District? / 100 / Yes (Go to Question 1)
No (Thank and terminate)
B. / (By observation) Is the respondent male or female? / 48
52 / Male
1. / Overall, how would you rate the quality of education in the Brecksville-Broadview HeightsSchools? Would you say it is excellent, good, only fair or poor? / 65
4 / Excellent
Only Fair
Not Sure
2. / The Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District operates four elementary schools. From what you’ve seen or heard, would you say the elementary school buildings are in good condition, need minor repairs and improvements, need major repairs and improvements or need to be replaced? / 11
24 / Good Condition
Minor Repair
Major Repair
Need Replaced
Some of Each (Vol.)
Don’t Know
3. / Because of the age and condition of the four elementary school buildings, the district has been working on a facilities plan to address the elementary schools. Were you aware of that? / 68
1 / Yes, aware
No not aware
Not Sure
4. / The school district has a two and a half mill bond issue that will expire soon. Extending this bond issue would NOT increase the amount of property taxes you are currently assessed. Would you be willing to support a ‘no increase’ bond issue next year so the district could replace the elementary schools? / 72
6 / Yes, willing
Need more info (Vol.)
Not Sure

Due the condition of the buildings, a citizens committee has been studying different options to replace or renovate the four current elementary schools and have suggested two options. Rotate Questions 5 and 6 with Q’s 7 and 8.

5. / (One/Another) option is to build one new building with multiple wings for all pre-school through fifth grade students on land the district already owns and close the existing four elementary school buildings. Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose that? / 16
17 / Strongly Favor (Skip to Q7/9)
Favor (Skip to Q7/9)
Oppose (Go to Q6)
Strongly Oppose (Go to Q6)
Don’t Know (Skip to Q7/9)
6. / (If oppose) Why do you say that?
(Go to Q7 or Skip to Q11)
7. / (One/Another) option is to build two new elementary schools for all pre-school through fifth grade students in two different locations on land owned by the district and close the existing four elementary school buildings. Do you strongly favor, favor, oppose or strongly oppose that? / 24
19 / Strongly Favor (Skip to Q9/5)
Favor (Skip to Q9/5)
Oppose (Go to Q8)
Strongly Oppose (Go to Q8)
Don’t Know (Skip to Q9/5)
8. / (If oppose) Why do you say that?
(Go to Q9 or Q5)
9. / What if you knew that the cost of building one new larger school would be about four million dollars less than building two new schools at two different locations? Knowing that, do you think it would be better to build one or two new elementary schools or doesn’t it matter to you? / 31
13 / Build one
Build two
Doesn’t Matter
Don’t Know
10. / Now I’d like to read you some reasons why the district is considering building one or two new elementary schools. Please tell me if you think each one is a very good reason, just a good reason or not a very good reason to build new elementary schools. The first one is …. (Read item, Randomize list) Do you think that is a very good, just good or not a very good reason to build new elementary schools? (Repeat choices as needed)
Good / Just
Good / Not
Good / Not
a. / The current elementary school buildings are old and need new roofs, windows, and doors, and more energy efficient heating and cooling systems. / 45 / 28 / 22 / 6
b. / The elementary schools are not fully accessible to students and visitors with physical disabilities. / 38 / 28 / 28 / 6
c. / The current classrooms are small, outdated and lack flexible space needed for learning. / 35 / 30 / 30 / 5
d. / With fewer buildings, it’s easier to align programs and reduces the changes for students. / 28 / 34 / 31 / 7
e. / All of the elementary schools need better electrical systems to keep up with the increased use of technology. / 41 / 27 / 27 / 5
f. / The new buildings would have modern security systems and safety measures. / 48 / 23 / 25 / 3
11. / What if the School District were to put about 47 million dollar bond issue on the ballot for a period of 35 years which would NOT increase the amount of property taxes you are currently assessed? Would you definitely vote for, probably vote for, probably vote against or definitely vote against this bond issue? / 45
11 / Definitely For (Go to Q12)
Probably For (Go to Q12)
Probably Against (Go to Q12)
Definitely Against (Go to Q12)
Not Sure (Skip to Q13)
12. / What is your main reason for voting that way?
(Skip to Q14)
13. / (If not sure) What would you like to know about the issue that would help you decide?
14. / What if you knew that the district would save over one million dollars a year in operating costs by building one or two new schools that are more efficient? Does knowing that make you more likely or less likely to vote for the bond issue? / 63
7 / More Likely
Less Likely
No Difference (Vol.)
Not Sure
15. / Now, please tell me if you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements. The first one is..... (Read Statement and Ask) (Rotate Start). Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree with that?
Agree / Agree / Disagree / Strongly
Disagree / Don't


a. / The Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools do a good job of using the tax money they receive. / 26 / 35 / 17 / 8 / 13
b. / The elementary schools are fine the way they are now. / 10 / 16 / 28 / 33 / 14
c. / I’d rather vote against the bond issue so my taxes will go down. / 13 / 8 / 26 / 46 / 8
d. / I won’t support a bond issue if they are going to close the current elementary schools. / 13 / 11 / 25 / 39 / 12
16. / Do you have any school-aged children living at home with you? / 33
-- / Yes (Go to Q17)
No (Skip to Q18)
Refused (Skip to Q18)
17. / Are any of your children attending the Brecksville-Broadview HeightsCity Schools this year? / 29
67 / Yes
No school-aged children
18. / And finally, please tell me into which of the following age groups you fall. Are you..... (Read responses 1 through 4)? / 5
1 / 18 to 34
35 to49
50 to 64
65 and over