Sample Interview Coding Practice


JP: What is life like in the residence hall?

S: Life at the University is really unlike anywhere else, your dorm is really like your home and you have a much stronger sense of community here than I expected. Every part of campus is self-sustaining and so close by, you have your dining hall across the quad. You know, it’s good we have our family here in the dorm but then in the dining hall we all come together and get to see a few more people that we wouldn’t normally get to see just walking down our hallway. It’s a really good meeting place for everybody. Just like in a classroom, we see our professors in the dining hall and we see our friends, it’s unlike anywhere else. It’s great.

JP: Have you made new friends in the residence hall?

S: Everyone here is so supportive of each other and you can tell that everyone genuinely cares about each other and that’s a unique aspect of this campus that I really enjoy.

JP: In what ways have you gotten involved in your residence hall?

S: I really like the inter-hall athletics aspect of campus because it’s a really good way to get to know upperclassmen and other people in your dorm that you might not have met otherwise. It’s a good way to get exercise and it’s a lot of fun.

JP: What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

S: My biggest piece of advice is to be patient. Because you come in and you hear so many things about college, and you might not experience all of those things in the first week, but if you’re patient and you make good friends and you just work on those friendships then everything you’ve heard about college you’ll experience and it’s a great time, and you experience all of those things even better at this campus. As a freshman I immediately bonded with the upperclassman in my hallway, a lot of my friends are a year older than me, some are two, three years older than me. And I think that’s one of the greatest things about this campus that your friends don’t all have to be your age. I think dorm life is integral to your education here and the community that is built in the halls of your respective dorm. And something that’s really cool is as a freshman to be placed with these kids from all over the country, but, you know, everyone’s door is always open, and you’re able to meet people very easily, and you’re able to connect with them on many different levels.