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Holidays in Francophone Countries
The holidays are approaching. Francophone countries have a variety of religions and celebrations. The project is due on Tuesday, 12/22 or Wednesday, 12/23, whichever day you have class.
The task: Pick one of the following. You will present your information to the class. You may present in groups of 2.
o Holiday expressions. Find out how to say words associated with holidays in the target language (including verbs and phrases for a variety of religions, like “Happy Hanukkah” or “Happy Holidays” or “to celebrate Three Kings Day”). Include at least 15 expressions.
o Holiday celebrations. How do families celebrate the various holidays in Francophone countries? What would a typical Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanzaa etc. feast look like in a French speaking country?
o Books, songs, fairy tales, fables? What sorts of songs, books, fairy tales, and fables have been written about these holidays in French speaking countries? Find lyrics, fairy tales, etc., to share with the class. You may find a French holiday song to play for the class; bring it in along with the lyrics.
o Videos. You may make or find a video about holidays in France or French speaking countries. Share with the class.
o Holiday food. Prepare a traditional food for the holiday you have chosen to share with the class. Be sure to bring in a list of ingredients.
o Perform a song. Perform a song (using a guitar, CD, video tape, MP3 file) for the class, in French, from one of these celebrations
o French Exchange contact. Contact a student from the French Exchange. Find out how his/her family celebrates the holidays and share the information with the class.
o French experience. Contact a relative/friend who has spent the holidays in a French-speaking country. Ask him/her what the holiday is like in that country. Share the information with the class.
o French holiday cards. Find 20, print them out, and share with the class.
Be sure to include:
1. Culturally accurate information, the name of the country/region and the holiday
2. A visual component, such as a PowerPoint slide, handout, poster, brochure or student-created website
3. For the presentation – Speak so the entire class can hear you, include some French, and have all members present equal amounts
4. Timeliness – Turn in your project/present by 12/22 or 12/23, whichever day you have class
5. Citations – Include at least 3 – books, websites, or people
Topic / Exemplary / Proficient / Partially Proficient / Incomplete / Points/Comments1.
Information / 4 points
Culturally accurate. You include the name of the country/region and the holiday. / 3 points
Mostly culturally accurate, with a few small errors. You include the name of the country/region and the holiday. / 2 points
You include either the name of the country/region or the holiday.. / 0 points
You do not include the name of the holiday nor the country/region.
Presentation: Format / 4 points
You include a visual piece – a PowerPoint, poster, website, brochure, or handout to share your information with the class. The visual is easy to read with a variety of information and is well presented. / 3 points
You include a visual piece to share your information, but it is not always easy to read/understand. You have a variety of information. / 2 point
You include a visual with “bare bones” information. / 0 points
You include no visuals.
Presentation: Presence / 4 points
You speak so the entire class can hear you. You include some French in your presentation. Both group members present equally. / 3 points
You speak so the entire class can hear you and both group members present equally. / 2 points
The entire class cannot hear you and one person dominates the presentation. / 0 points
You do not present your information.
Timeliness / 4 points
Your presentation is turned in by 12/22 or 12/23 (whichever day you have class.) / 0 points
Presented after 12/22 or 12/23. Must be presented!
Citations / 3 points
You include the name of the sources you used – whether it be a website, a book, or a person. You use at least 3 sources. / 2 points
You include the name of the sources you used – whether it be a website, a book, or a person. You use at least 2 sources. / 1 point
You include the name of the sources you used – whether it be a website, a book, or a person. You use at least 1 source. / 0 points
No sources.
Your score/19
What went well: What to improve: