Critical Drugs List- Drugs that should never be omitted or delayed
The list below is not exhaustive. Clinical staff must apply judgement and take advice on how quickly a drug must be obtained and administered- refer to the Trust policy for reducing harm from omitted and delayed medicines.
Contact the doctor urgently if the current prescribed route is unavailable e.g. ifthe patient is NBM or if a new cannula is needed.
Drug or drug class / Stock LocationAlteplase / CRCC (L), CRCS (L), A&E (L), CCUN (L),EDC (Q)
Amantadine / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Antibiotics, Antivirals & Antifungals / Check composite stock list
Apomorphine / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Apixaban / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Azathioprine / EDC (Q) Pharmacy (L)
Bromocriptine / Pharmacy (L)
Calcium folinate / A&E (L), EDC (L)
Calcium sulphonate (Sorbisterit) / 6B (L), MAU (Q)
Carbamazepine / Fairlands (L), AAU (L), Bluebell (L), Isabel Hospice (Q), Mymms (Q), Welwyn (Q), MAU (Q)
Ciclosporin (Neoral® Deximune®) / Neoral® 6B (L), 5BN (L), 5BS (L) / Deximune® 5BN (L), 5BS (L)
Co-Beneldopa (Madopar®) / AAU (L) Pharmacy (Q)
Co-Careldopa (Sinemet®) / SSU (L), AAU (L), EDC (Q)
Dabigatran / Theatre Recovery (L), Princes Ward One (Q)
Diazepam injection / Stock on most wards
Digifab® / Pharmacy (Q) (L)
Enoxaparin / Stock on most wards
Entacapone / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Epoprostenol / CRCN (L), CRCC (L), CRCS (L), ICU (Q)
Fondaparinux / A&E (L) (Q), HAU (L), AAU (L), SSU (L), BAR (L), PIRT (L), CRCN (L), CRCC (L), CRCS (L), 6AN (L), 8BASCU (L), 9AN (L), CCUS (L) Digswell (Q), CDU (Q),Ayot (Q), ICU (Q)
Flumazenil / Stock on all wards
Gabapentin / AAU (L), Isabel Hospice (Q)
Glucagon / Stock on most wards
Heparin sodium (10,000 units/10ml) / A&E (L), 8B (L), 6B (L), 11BN (L), 5A (L), CCUN (L), 8A (L), SSU (L), AAU (L), CRCN (L), CRCC (L), CRCS (L), 10BS (L), 5B (L), 8BASCU (L), 9AN (L), Bluebell (L), A&E Resus (Q)
Hydrocortisone (IV) / Stock on most wards
Hydrocortisone (oral) / 6B (L) Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Immunoglobulins / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Insulin / Check pharmacy site on knowledge centre
Lamotrigine / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Levetiracetam / EDC (L) (Q)
Methylthioninium chloride / Theatres (L) (Q), Delivery suite (L), A&E (L)
Methylprednisolone / A&E (L) (Q), 9AN (L), Theatre Recovery (L), 6B (L), Elizabeth House (Q), ICU (Q)
Morphine; fentanyl; oxycodone / Controlled drugs- refer to CD SOP for out of hours
Mycophenolate / 6B (L) Pharmacy (Q)
Naloxone / Stock on all wards
Orphenadrine / Pharmacy (L) (Q) & Aston (L)
Pergolide / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Phenytoin (oral) / AAU (L), SSU (L), 6AS (L), Barley (L), CCUS (L), 9AN (L), Bluebell (L), MAU (Q), EDC (Q)
Phenytoin injection / A&E (L,Q), ACCP (L) (Q), AAU (L), SSU (L), CCUN (L), 6AN (L), NICU (L), Bluebell (L), 9AN (L), CRCN (L), CRCC (L), CRCS (L), HAU (L), ICU (Q)
Phytomenadione (Vitamin K) / Stock on most wards
Pramipexole / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Prasugrel / CCUN (L) EDC (Q)
Prednisolone (oral) / Stock on all wards
Rivaroxaban / EDC (L)
Resus medication / Normally available in cardiac arrest boxes
Ropinirole / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Rotigotine / PAT (Non-formulary) item- order via pharmacy
Selegeline / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Sodium Valproate (oral) / EDC (L) (Q), SSU (L), AAU (L), Aston (L), Bluebell (L), Fairlands (L), Isabel Hospice (Q), MAU (Q)
Sodium Valproate (injection) / EDC (L) (Q), CRCN (L), CRCC (L), CRCs (L), HAU (L)
Tacrolimus (Advagraf, Adoport and Prograf) / Prograf 6B (L) / Advagraf & Adoport - Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Ticagrelor / CCUN (L), CCUS (L), EDC (Q)
Topiramate / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Vigabatrin / Pharmacy (L) (Q)
Warfarin / Stock on most wards
Toborrow a drug from a different ward out of hours, follow the Trust policy. For ‘EDC’ contact the duty matron.