Thameside Primary School

Cotman Close Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 5NL

Telephone/Fax: 01235-527600


Headteacher: Miss A. Grice

“Every Child Every Chance Every Day”

Friday 27th January 2017

Dear Parents and carers,

Happy New Year! All the children have come back to school this term excited to continue their learning. In the first few weeks back we have been specifically looking at planning and thinking about how we use this to help us learn. We will be continuing to discover how we learn and what can help us learn throughout the term.

In Key Stage 1 we will be continuing with our ‘Starting from a book’ curriculum. Both year 1 and 2 will be looking at books around The Arctic and after half term Castles.

Physical Education

A specialist PE teacher will take Miss Baker’s and Mrs Wood’s class for PE on Thursday afternoons. There will be another PE slot within the week which will be taken by your class teacher. Please could you ensure that your child has a named PE kit in school at all times. This should be kept on their peg and contain appropriate kit for indoor and outdoor activities. This should include shorts and a yellow or white t-shirt for indoors and jogging bottoms and jumpers for outdoor PE. Unless the weather is extremely bad, children will generally be outside for games. They should also have plimsolls or trainers for PE, they cannot do PE in their school shoes. PE kit can be taken home and washed at the end of term. Children will be rewarded with stamps for their yellow cards if they bring a complete PE school each week. We are really encouraging them to take responsibility for their possessions and what they need to carry out their learning.

Children are also not allowed to wear jewellery during PE so it would be appreciated if any earrings could be removed on PE days, otherwise these will need to be taped up. Hair needs to be tied up.


Mrs Harrison will take Miss Baker’s and Mrs Wood’s class for music on Thursday afternoons.

Wellie Wednesdays

Every Wednesday children have the opportunity to play on the school field. They will need to have a pair of wellies in school or a spare pair of shoes. These shoes must be different to PE shoes. Please name these wellies or shoes.

Home Learning

There is an expectation in Key Stage 1 that children will read or be read to every night. Children will continue to bring home their reading journals for any adults who read with them to record how they have done. Please record any time you read with your child in the reading journal including a short comment on what they did well and what they had difficulties with or a signature. Children will also get Homework on a Friday. Please see the Homework Information and Expectations sheet for details.

We are always very happy for children to tell us about learning and achievements they have made outside the school, and for them to bring in certificates or photos to share with the class. We would also like to encourage children to bring a favourite book or, even better, a book that is relevant to our topic. However could we please ask that children do not bring toys etc. to school as these can sometimes be broken or lost. Please ensure that the office are informed of all medical and/or dietary conditions and that children who need inhalers etc always have them in school, named and labelled as appropriate.

We are looking forward to the term and working with you. Please remember that we are always available for any questions or concerns at the start of the day or after school.

Miss Baker Mrs Wood