Syllabus and Course Expectations for 6th Grade Language Arts
Introduction and professional biography
Welcome to 6th grade Language Arts! My name is Mrs. Smith, and I am looking forward to an excellent year with you. I love to read and write, and most importantly, I love to discuss the books I’m reading with people around me. I like to try new and different things to get students interested in reading and writing while exposing them to many different genres and forms. Some things we do this year will push you out of your comfort zone and will help you reach your potential in this class.
Course Description
The 6th grade Language Arts program encourages students to develop reading, writing, spelling, and grammar skills. Since each class is different, the yearly book list has never been the same twice. I choose books according to each class’s needs, interests, and dynamic. We will work with basic grammar and spelling rules each day. We will write weekly journals which will allow you to express yourself as a writer in a candid and private way. We will also delve into various genres of literature throughout the year. You will expand and apply skills of questioning and understanding through group and individual projects, class discussions, and public presentations.
Major Grammar Units
- The Basic Sentence
- Nouns
- Modifiers
- Verbs
Be prepared for class:
- Materials – Students are expected to have the following materials each day during class (unless otherwise instructed by the teacher):
- Student planner
- Language Arts binder
- Spelling book
- English book
- Reading book (usually a novel)
- 2 sharpened pencils with erasers or blue/black pen
- Homework
- Red pen
- AR book
- Ready-to-learn attitude – when you come to class ready to learn and enthusiastic about the day, you are more likely to enjoy what we are doing , which will allow you to better benefit from the lessons.
- Active participation – all students are expected to participate in class. This means that you will follow classroom procedures each day, take notes when asked to do so, answer questions when asked, as questions when you do not understand something, and participate in in-class reading and activities as instructed.
Language Arts Classroom Procedures:
- At the start of class, immediately turn in your homework, and write new assignments in your planner (this will be signed at the beginning of class).
- Once your homework is written in your planner, write the quote of the day in your notebook.
- If there are any new notes that you need, they will be given to you at the start of class (usually within five minutes of the scheduled class start time).
- We will usually complete any grammar work we need to complete before moving on to reading.
- All work that is handed in must be completed in blue/black ink or pencil only. No colored ink.
- White-Out is NOT allowed in class.
- When working in groups, it is important that everyone complete a certain task and the work is shared. No single person should be completing all of the work alone.
- Spelling pre-tests will be given on the first class day of each week. If a student receives a 90% or higher on the pre-test, he/she does not have to take the test that Friday. The work for the unit, however, will still be required for that student due to the nature of the assignments.
- ALWAYS have an AR book. The point requirements must be met each quarter and will be counted as a test grade. The requirements for middle school are:
- 6th Grade – 16 points
- 7th Grade – 18 points
- 8th Grade – 20 points
- When class is over, be sure to clean up your area, put away anything that you may have used, and wait patiently in your seat to be dismissed. Do not line up at the door, and do not begin packing up until you are told to do so.
- Be sure to bring everything you need when you come to class. You will NOT be allowed to leave during class to get materials from your locker.
- Students are encouraged to use the restroom between classes. In the case of an emergency, you may ask permission to use the restroom during class. I will sign the Hall Pass section in your planner, and you will be required to carry the planner with you. If you do not have your planner in class, you will not be excused to use the restroom.
- Everything that you may need, whether it be a quote of the day, journal topics, daily homework assignments, notes, or information about important dates and upcoming events, can be found on my website – .
Classroom Rules
- Follow directions the first time given
- Be respectful of yourself and others
- Be prepared
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
1st OffenseVerbal Warning
2nd OffenseCheck in behavior plan and conference with student
3rd OffenseStudent will call parent during recess or after class
4th OffenseAll of the above plus office referral
Severe Clause Immediate office referral and call to parent
Individual rewards
- Verbal praise
- Positive notes, emails, and/or phone calls home
- Tangibles – varies depending on classroom
Class-Wide or Middle School-Wide rewards
- Verbal praise
- Special privileges (dress down day, game day, movie day, etc.)
Grading Procedures:
- Tests: Grammar and spelling tests will be worth 100 points each. If a student receives a C or below on grammar tests, he/she will have an opportunity to complete a “Correct and Reflect” assignment, which will allow him/her the chance to correct the mistakes on the test and explain the error made. This assignment will add credit to the test grade for each correction and explanation given properly.
- Quizzes:Grammar quizzes will be given at least once during each grammar unit. They will usually be worth 20-30 points each. These quizzes serve two major purposes: to help me assess learning, and to help students know what to review before tests. Open notebook quizzes will be given twice per quarter. They will be worth 10 points each, and serve two purposes: to help keep you organized and to help me assess organization. If you are doing everything you need to do in class, you are guaranteed all 10 points on each of these quizzes.
- Homework:Homework assignments will vary in point values, but are weighted differently from tests and quizzes. While it may seem that a homework assignment is “worth” more than a quiz, the weight of the assignment type determines how the assignment affects the overall grade.
Grading Scale:
A = 90-100%B = 80-89%C = 70-79%D = 60-69%F = 59% and below
Quarterly Grades will be weighted as follows:
- Homework: 10%
- Classwork: 10%
- Quizzes: 30%
- Tests/Projects: 50%
If you are absent, check the “What did I miss?” bulletin board to see what we did in class while you were out. I will not come tell you what you missed; it is your responsibility as a middle school student to make sure you stay on track. You will have the same number of days to complete your missing work as the number of days that you were absent (if you are absent for 2 days, you will have 2 school days to complete your work). If you missed any worksheets, come get them from me AFTER checking the bulletin board. Assignments missed due to absences will be entered as a zero initially with a note indicating the absence. After the assignment is handed in and graded, the grade and note on Headmaster will be updated. This may take up to one week. Quotes of the day will not be posted on the bulletin board, so it is up to you to get them from a classmate or from my website.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this syllabus is subject to change as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact me via email at at any time with questions or concerns.
Please sign below to indicate that you and your child have read and discussed the syllabus and course expectations for 6th grade Language Arts and feel confident that the expectations for this class are well understood. DETACH AND RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY NO LATER THAN FRIDAY AUGUST 28, 2015.
My child, ______, and I have read and discussed the information above. We understand the expectations and agree to follow them as outlined.
Parent Signature
Student Signature