The Norwegian Government's Standard Terms and Conditions for the Purchase of Operational Services - Operational Services Agreement, The Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi), July 2015

Operational Services Agreement
Agreement governing the purchase of operational services
The Norwegian Government's Standard Terms and Conditions for IT Procurement

Agreement governing the purchase of operational services

An agreement governing

[designation of the procurement]

has been concluded between:

[Write here]


(hereafter referred to as the Contractor)


[Write here]


(hereafter referred to as the Customer)

Place and date:

[Write place and date here]


[The Customer's name here] / [The Contractor's name here]
Signature of the Customer / ______
Signature of the Contractor

The Agreement is signed in two copies; one for each party.

Duration (starting from the actual commencement date for ordinary operations): [X] years

Unless otherwise is specified in Appendix 6, the commencement date shall be deemed to be:

Agreed commencement date: [date] Actual commencement date: [date]


Unless otherwise specified in Appendix 6, all communications concerning the Agreement shall be directed to:

On behalf of the Customer: / On behalf of the Contractor:
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Telephone: / Telephone:
Email: / Email:


1. General provisions 9

1.1 Scope of the Agreement 9

1.2 Appendices to the Agreement 9

1.3 Interpretation – ranking 10

1.4 Phases of the Agreement 10

2. Implementation of the operational services 11

2.1 Establishment of the operational services 11

2.1.1 Activities and partial deliveries in the establishment phase 11

2.1.2 Planning of the establishment phase 12

2.1.3 Implementation of the establishment phase 13

2.1.4 Testing prior to the commencement date 14

2.1.5 Start-up period and commencement date 15

2.1.6 Approval period 15

2.2 Regular operations following approval 16

2.2.1 Service level requirements 16

2.2.2 Undesirable incidents 17

2.2.3 Changes in the operating environment initiated by the Contractor 17

2.2.4 Ordering of supplementary services 18

2.2.5 Reporting 18

2.2.6 Documentation 18

2.2.7 Plans and exercises for emergencies and disasters 18

2.2.8 Audits 18

2.2.9 New versions of software 19

2.2.10 Life cycle management - contemporariness 20

3. Changes to the operational services subsequent to conclusion of the Agreement 21

3.1 Right to change the contents of the Agreement (service change) 21

3.2 Change estimate 21

3.3 Change orders 22

3.4 Documentation of the change 22

3.5 Consequences of change orders 23

3.6 Dispute concerning the consequences of a change 23

3.7 Disagreement as to whether there is a change 23

3.8 Disputed change order 24

3.9 Dispute resolution – disputed change order 25

4. Duration and termination without cause – discharge or assignment of the Agreement 25

4.1 Duration 25

4.2 Cancellation during the establishment phase 25

4.3 Cancellation during regular operations 26

4.4 Discharge of the Agreement 26

4.5 Temporary extension of the Agreement 28

5. The duties of the Contractor 28

5.1 The responsibility of the Contractor for its performance 28

5.2 Requirements as to the resources and expertise of the Contractor 29

5.3 Disclosure and notification obligation 29

5.4 Access to information 29

5.5 Use of subcontractors 29

5.6 Cooperation with third parties 30

5.7 Wages and working conditions 30

6. The duties of the Customer 31

6.1 Expertise 31

6.2 Facilitation, etc. 31

6.3 Use of a third party 31

7. Duties of the Customer and the Contractor 32

7.1 Meetings 32

7.2 Responsibility for subcontractors and third parties 32

7.3 Confidentiality obligation 32

7.4 Form of communication - in writing 33

8. Consideration and payment terms 33

8.1 Consideration 33

8.2 Invoicing 33

8.3 Late payment interest 34

8.4 Payment default 34

8.5 Price adjustments 34

8.6 Guarantees 34

9. External legal requirements, security and data protection 35

9.1 General external legal requirements and measures 35

9.2 Information security 35

9.3 Personal data 36

9.4 Separation of data 36

10. Right of ownership and right of disposal 37

10.1 The rights of the parties 37

10.2 Attendant responsibilities 37

10.3 Right of ownership of data 37

11. Breach of contract on the part of the Contractor 38

11.1 What is deemed to constitute breach of contract 38

11.2 Notification obligation 38

11.3 Extensions of deadlines 38

11.4 Cure 38

11.5 Remedies for breach of contract 39

11.5.1 Withheld payment 39

11.5.2 Liquidated damages in the case of delay 39

11.5.3 Financial compensation for failure to achieve the agreed service level 40

11.5.4 Termination for breach 40

11.5.5 Damages 40

11.5.6 Limitation of damages 40

11.6 Reconstruction of data 41

12. Breach of contract on the part of the Customer 42

12.1 What is deemed to constitute breach of contract 42

12.2 Notification obligation 42

12.3 Curtailment of the right of retention on the part of the Contractor 42

12.4 Termination for breach 42

12.5 Damages 43

13. Infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties (defect in title) 43

13.1 The risks and responsibilities of the parties in relation to defects in title 43

13.2 Third-party claims 43

13.3 Termination for breach 43

13.4 Indemnification of loss resulting from a defect in title 43

14. Settlement upon termination for breach 44

15. Other provisions 44

15.1 Risk 44

15.2 Insurance policies 44

15.3 Assignment of rights and obligations 45

15.4 Bankruptcy, composition with creditors, etc. 45

15.5 Force majeure 45

16. Disputes 46

16.1 Governing law 46

16.2 Negotiations 46

16.3 Independent expert 46

16.4 Mediation 47

16.5 Joint rules for independent expert and mediation 47

16.6 Litigation or arbitration 47

1.  General provisions

1.1  Scope of the Agreement

The Agreement governs the provision of services relating to the operation of IT solutions as specified in more detail in the Appendices ("operational services").

The Customer has, based on its purposes and needs, specified its requirements in Appendix 1 (Customer requirements specification). In Appendix 3, the Customer has described the software comprised of the operational services under the Agreement (whichever shall be operated). If the Contractor shall take over the operation of any of the Customer's equipment, this shall be specifically stated. Appendix 3 may also include a description of the general architecture and system landscape within which the operational services shall be performed and function.

The Contractor has described its solution, based on the Customer requirements specification, in Appendix 2 (Contractor solution specification). If the Contractor is of the view that there are obvious errors, defects or ambiguities in the Customer requirements specification, the Contractor shall point this out in Appendix 2.

The scope and delivery of the operational services are described in more detail in the Appendices included as part of the Agreement.

The "Agreement" means this general contractual wording, including Appendices.

1.2  Appendices to the Agreement

All rows shall be ticked (Yes or No): / Yes / No
Appendix 1: Customer requirements specification
Appendix 2: Contractor solution specification
Appendix 3: Description of what is to be operated
Appendix 4: Project and progress plan for the establishment phase
Appendix 5: Service level with standardised compensations
Appendix 6: Administrative provisions
Appendix 7: Total price and pricing provisions
Appendix 8: Changes to the general contractual wording
Appendix 9: Changes subsequent to the conclusion of the Agreement
Appendix 10: Standard terms and conditions for third-party deliveries
Other Appendices:

1.3  Interpretation – ranking

Changes to the general contractual wording shall be set out in Appendix 8, unless the general contractual wording refers such changes to a different Appendix.

The following principles of interpretation shall apply in the case of conflict:

  1. The general contractual wording shall prevail over the Appendices.
  2. Appendix 1 shall prevail over the other Appendices.
  3. To the extent that the clause or clauses that have been changed, replaced or supplemented, are clearly and unequivocally specified, the following principles of precedence shall apply:

a)  Appendix 2 shall prevail over Appendix 1.

b)  Appendix 8 shall prevail over the general contractual wording.

c)  If the general contractual wording refers to changes to any other Appendix than Appendix 8, such changes shall prevail over the general contractual wording.

d)  Appendix 9 shall prevail over the other Appendices.

  1. In the case of the third-party deliveries described in Appendix 10, the Contractor's liability shall be limited to following up the third-party delivery as set out in clause 5.1, last paragraph.

1.4  Phases of the Agreement

The Agreement consists of three phases: the establishment phase (clause 2.1), ordinary operations (clause 2.2) and the discharge phase (chapter 4).

2.  Implementation of the operational services

2.1  Establishment of the operational services

2.1.1  Activities and partial deliveries in the establishment phase  Activities

The establishment phase comprises the following components:

a)  Planning (2.1.2)

b)  Implementation (2.1.3)

c)  Testing prior to commencement date (2.1.4)

d)  Start-up period and commencement date (2.1.5)

e)  Approval period (2.1.6)

The establishment phase is followed by ordinary operations (2.2).

The following documents shall be produced in the establishment phase:

a)  Project plan (

b)  Detailed plan for the establishment phase (

c)  Testing plans (

d)  Cooperation plan and operating specification (

e)  Change log (2.2.3)

f)  Activity and follow-up plan for the approval period (  Partial deliveries

The process of establishing the operational services may be split into partial deliveries. If the Agreement includes partial deliveries, these shall be described in detail in Appendix 4.

The Customer may start using the partial deliveries together or on an ongoing basis as they are established. If the Customer starts using two or more partial deliveries together, a joint test shall be conducted prior to the commencement date and approval period for the partial deliveries, unless otherwise is stipulated in Appendix 4.

If the partial deliveries are commissioned on an ongoing basis as they are established, the test prior to the commencement date and approval period for each new partial delivery shall check that partial deliveries that are already in use continue to function in accordance with the agreed requirements. In addition, during the approval period for the final partial delivery, checks shall be made to ensure that the overall performance, capacity and stability of the operational services comply with the agreed requirements.

Unless otherwise is stipulated in Appendix 4, the approval period shall be one (1) month for each partial delivery and two (2) months in connection with the final partial delivery, cf. clause If one or more partial deliveries shall be exempt from the combined testing, this shall be stipulated in Appendix 4.

2.1.2  Planning of the establishment phase  Project plan

The Contractor shall, in consultation with the Customer, prepare a project plan for the work on establishing the operational services. The project plan shall describe the main activities, roles and responsibilities, as well as the progress plan with milestones that shall build on the overall progress plan in Appendix 4, including whether or not the Agreement includes partial deliveries.  Detailed plan for the establishment phase

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed progress plan for the establishment phase, called the "detailed plan for the establishment phase". The Customer shall contribute the information and expertise necessary to enable the Contractor to prepare the plan. Furthermore, the Customer shall facilitate access for the Contractor to any information required by the Contractor from any third parties. If the Agreement includes partial deliveries, a detailed plan shall be prepared with each partial delivery.

The detailed plan for the establishment phase shall describe the scope of the Customer's participation. Those parts of the plan that concern the Customer's participation shall be approved by the Customer. Such approval shall not release the Contractor from any responsibilities. The Customer may not refuse to approve the detailed plan without reasonable ground, for example, the detailed plan does not comply with the requirements in Appendices 1 and 2, does not conform with the project plan, or would have negative consequences of material importance for the Customer.  Test plans

The Contractor shall, within the deadlines set out in Appendix 4, prepare a plan for testing the operational services prior to the commencement date, cf. clause 2.1.4. The plan shall describe the tests that shall be conducted and how they shall be conducted, as well as the acceptance criteria for each test. The Customer shall, at the request of the Contractor, participate in preparing the test plan. The Customer may, in Appendix 4, stipulate requirements for the acceptance criteria and the framework for the test plan otherwise, including whether or not the Customer wishes to participate in preparing the test plan. The Customer's participation in the work does not reduce the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure the progress of the process and prepare the test plan.

Unless otherwise is stipulated in Appendix 4, the Contractor's proposed test plan shall be submitted to the Customer for its approval no later than four (4) weeks prior to the planned commencement of the testing. If the Customer has any objections concerning the test plan, the Customer shall notify the Contractor of these no later than seven (7) working days after the Customer has received the test plan. The notification shall be in writing and describe what must be rectified. The Contractor shall rectify the test plan and resubmit it to the Contractor by no later than seven (7) working days after the Contractor has received the notification from the Customer.

If the Agreement includes partial deliveries, the plan shall, to the extent it is relevant as part of the testing of each partial delivery, stipulate how the Contractor shall check that the partial deliveries that have already been commissioned continue to function as agreed. Insofar as it is possible, the testing should also incorporate an overall test of the performance, capacity and stability of all of the previously established components of the operational services.  Cooperation plan and operating specification

The Contractor shall prepare or make available a cooperation plan and operating specification prior to the commencement of the approval period.

The cooperation plan shall be finalised in consultation with the Customer. The cooperation plan shall contain the routines and procedures necessary for the cooperation between the Customer and the Contractor, including procedures for change handling and procedures for handling undesirable incidents, and shall be based on the cooperation requirements set out by the Customer in Appendices 5 and 6.