Soaring to the Future

GKHS Careers Lesson Plan 2012-2013

Grade 12

Advisory Skills Covered: Advocacy; Guidance Development; Administrative

Date / Section / Topic / Supplies
October 22 & 23, 2011 / CITIZEN
CAREER / ·  College/Career Self-Assessment
·  College/Career Fair / ·  Self-Assessment
·  Questions to ask College Rep
·  College/Career Fair Form

Objective: Students will understand their personal reasons for choosing a College/Career.

Students will understand the importance of a College/Career Fair.



Self-Assessment: The most important aspect in looking for a college is finding the right college fit. In order to help you find the perfect fit it is crucial for you to understand what is important to you – what makes you happy and what is necessary at the institution you attend. Just as important is to realize what you don’t want in a college. All these factors come together to help narrow the options. Before you attend the College Fair, work through this self-assessment exercise. The more thoughtful you are on the self-assessment exercise, the more useful the College Fair will be for you. (Discuss as a class)

·  Do you want to go to college? What are the reasons you want to attend college?

·  What are your expectations for college? What do expect to gain?

·  Would you do better at a two-year community or technical college or a four-year university? What are your reasons?

·  What type of location fits you best? Do you want to stay in the state? Do you want to be close to home?

·  Do you want a rural, urban, or suburban area? Is weather a factor?

·  Consider the following factors when choosing a college: Circle yes or no depending on how you feel about the choice.

Do you want to be close to home? / YES / NO
Do you want to live far away? / YES / NO
Do you want to live in a rural area? / YES / NO
Do you want to live in an urban area? / YES / NO
Is weather a factor in where you will live? / YES / NO
Do you want a college with computer labs? / YES / NO
Do you want a college with sports teams? / YES / NO
Do you want a college with extra-curricular activities? / YES / NO
Do you want a college that has a study abroad program? / YES / NO
Do you want a college that provides health services? / YES / NO
Do you want a college that provides housing options? / YES / NO


Questions to ask College Representatives (discuss the questions before they go to the college/career fair)

·  Do I need an interview?

·  What tests do you require (SAT/ACT/Compass/Accuplacer)? Is there a minimum score?


·  My area of interest includes ______. How does your program fit these needs?


·  What unique programs does your institution offer?

·  What are the admissions criteria at your university

·  Is there an application fee? How much?

·  What types of scholarship opportunities are available?

·  What is your application deadline?

·  Do you have dorms, and do you require students to live in them?

College/Career Fair

a.  College/Career Fair on Wednesday October 24.

i.  There will be no study support period on October 24. You will report to your Career class after 1st Period. We will run on a shortened schedule on this day.

ii. Students are to go to 2nd period after Careers class.

iii.  Students will attend the College/Career Fair during their Careers class.

b.  Career Fair Schedule 8:00-10:00

7:30-7:55 Students in 1st Period

7:55-8:00 Passing to Careers (District Bullying Lesson)

8:00-8:25 Seniors (career fair) 8:25-8:30 Passing

8:30-8:50 Juniors (career fair) 8:50-8:55 Passing

8:55-9:20 Sophomores (career fair) 9:20-9:25 Passing

9:25-9:55 Freshmen (career fair) 9:55-10:00 Passing

2nd Period 10:00-10:30

Passing 10:30-10:35

4th Period LUNCHES 10:35-12:10 (Regular Lunch Schedules)

Passing 12:10-12:15

3rd Period 12:15-12:45

Passing 12:45-12:50

5th Period 12:50-1:20

Passing 1:20-1:25

6th Period 1:25-2:00

c.  Hand out the College/Career Fair Forms

i.  This form is a Careers assignment.

ii.  During the College/Career Fair Wednesday morning, students need to visit at minimum of 4 booths and gather information from those booths to fill out the College/Career Fair Form.

iii.  The College/Career Fair Form is due in Careers after you return from the fair. Students will place the Career/College Fair Form in the CAREER Section of the portfolio.

iv.  Do not lose the Career/College Fair Form it is a Careers assignment.