Write your answers ONLY on the answer sheet provided. Make sure to follow all instructions and put your name on your answer sheet.

  1. An organism’s physical appearance is its
  2. genotype
  3. phenotype
  4. codominance
  5. heterozygous
  6. What is the chromosome theory of inheritance?
  7. chromosomes are carried from parents to offspring on hybrids
  8. genes are carried from parents to offspring on chromosomes
  9. Hybrid pairs of chromosomes combine to form offspring
  10. codominant genes combine to form new hybrids
  11. The different forms of a gene are called
  12. alleles
  13. factors
  14. masks
  15. traits
  16. Where does protein synthesis take place
  17. in the ribosomes in the nucleus of the cell
  18. on the ribosome in the cytoplasm of the cell
  19. in the chromosome in the nucleus of the cell
  20. on the chromosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell
  21. Cloning results in two organisms that are
  22. both adult mammals
  23. produced from cuttings
  24. genetically similar
  25. genetically identical
  26. In an attempt to produce a potato that tastes good and is also resistant to disease, plant breeders crossed a potato variety that tastes good with a variety that resists disease. This technique is an examples of
  27. genetic engineering
  28. inbreeding
  29. selective breeding (hybridization)
  30. cloning
  1. A carrier is a person who has
  2. one recessive and one dominant allele for a trait
  3. two recessive alleles for a trait
  4. two dominant alleles for a trait
  5. more than two alleles for a trait
  6. Factors that control traits are called
  7. genes
  8. purebreds
  9. recessives
  10. parents
  11. What does the notation TT to genecists
  12. homozygous dominant alleles
  13. heterozygous alleles
  14. homozygous recessive alleles
  15. one dominant and one recessive allele
  16. What does a punnett square
  17. all the dominant alleles in a genetic cross
  18. all the possible outcomes of a genetic cross
  19. only the recessive alleles in a genetic cross
  20. all of Mendel’s discoveries about genetic crosses
  21. An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait is
  22. codominant
  23. tall
  24. homozygous
  25. heterozygous
  26. a heterozygous organism has
  27. three different alleles for a trait
  28. two identical alleles for a trait
  29. only one allele for a trait
  30. two different alleles for a trait
  31. An organism’s genotype is its
  32. feather color
  33. physical appearance
  34. genetic makeup
  35. stem height
  1. A homozygous dominant male is crossed with a heterozygous female, what do their alleles look like?
  2. AA x aa
  3. AA x Aa
  4. AA x AA
  5. Aa x Ac
  6. Selective Breeding is
  7. when organisms genes are changed to get desirable traits
  8. when organisms are dissected for scientific learning
  9. when two organisms with desirable traits are bred for those traits
  10. when two organisms are removed from the gene pool
  11. The Catholic Monk that is considered the “father of modern genetics”
  12. Charles Darwin
  13. Gregor Mendel
  14. Albert Einstein
  15. Francis Cook
  16. An organisms physical appearance
  17. heterozygous
  18. genotype
  19. phenotype
  20. homozygous
  21. You cross a black homozygous dominant male rabbit with a heterozygous black rabbit what percentage of the offspring will be white?
  22. 0%
  23. 25%
  24. 50%
  25. 75%
  26. In selective breeding mating animals for desired traits sometimes results in
  27. healthy offspring
  28. unhealthy offspring
  29. short offspring
  30. tall offspring
  31. Two people marry and have children one of their children has Cystic Fibrosis. What do we know about the genotypes of the parents?
  32. they are both homozygous dominant and healthy
  33. they are both homozygous recessive and sick
  34. they are both heterozygous and carriers
  35. One is homozygous and the other is not
  1. You have red hair just like your mom’s sister Aunt Suzie because
  2. you inherited traits from Aunt Suzie
  3. you share traits passed down from similar ancestors
  4. Aunt Suzie is really your mom and no one told you
  5. You both got the traits by chance and are not really related
  6. Cooking, running, and playing instruments are examples of
  7. homozygous traits
  8. inherited traits
  9. acquired traits
  10. heterozygous traits
  11. What percentage of DNA do you share with your brothers/ sisters?
  12. 25%
  13. 100%
  14. 30%
  15. 50%

Use the chart above to answer the following questions

  1. In the chart above what are the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring in the F1 generation?
  2. In the F2 generation what percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers?
  3. In which generation are the parents heterozygous? How do you know?
  4. Looking at both the F1 and F2 generations how many of the offspring will be White?
  5. Looking at both the F1 and F2 generations how many of the offspring will be heterozygous and purple?

SpongeBob SquarePants recently met SpongeSusieRoundpants at a dance. SpongeBob is heterozygous for his square shape, but SpongeSusie is round. Create a Punnett square to show the possibilities that would result if SpongeBob and SpongeSusie had children. HINT: Read question #2!

29. Complete the Punnett square on your answer sheet to answer the following questions about Sponge Bob and Sponge Suzie.

30.List the possible genotypes and phenotypes for their children.

31.What are the chances of a child with a square shape? ____ out of ____ or ____%

32.What are the chances of a child with a round shape? ____ out of ____ or ____%

Use the pedigree chart to answer the following questions

The pedigree shows Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a recessive trait, being healthy is the dominant trait.

33. How many of the offspring are not infected with Cystic Fibrosis?

34. How many of the female offspring are infected with Cystic Fibrosis?

35. Which parent was sick with the disease?

36. In order for the children to be infected what do we know about the mom’s genes?

Answer 1 of the 3 essay questions below on your answer sheet with 5-7 full sentences.

A.What is genetic modification? Explain the possible benefits (2) and the possible drawbacks (2).

B.What is selective breeding? Give examples of the benefits to humans that are a result of selective breeding.

C.Compare and contrast acquired traits and inherited traits. Give examples of both types and how you get them.