Instructions for Connect-based Writing Assignment
Part A:Bad-New Writing Assignment (Complete this PART before “PART B” BELOW)
1. Use a hard-wired computer for this assignment. Do not use a Wi-Fi connection! There are no “do-overs.”
2. Download the REFERENCE FILE below and follow the step-by-step instructions. Your challenge is to write a Bad-News- message based on the scenario presented, using it as simply a template. Changing this basic scenario risks up to a 50-point grade penalty—you may add/delete/change details in the scenario, e.g., data, locations, names, addresses, etc., but not the essential nature/intent of the scenario—which is a Bad-News message from a hotel staff, to current customers, announcing cut-backs in their customer rewards program. Most importantly, DO NOT copy verbatim (or near verbatim), the content of the scenario—that is “plagiarism” (see Part B below).
3. Review the grading rubric on p. 6 & 7 of the reference file so you will know how your paper will be evaluated.
4. Complete this assignment only in Microsoft Word (a .doc or .docx Word file)—not an Adobe software/file, or Zip file. Failure to follow these instructions may result in a grade of “zero” your input cannot be associated with you as the author, or if the file cannot be made readable by the McGraw-Hill graders.
5. Save your MS Word document using the following naming convention: “YourLastname_YourFirstname_Bad-News.doc (or .docx).”
6. Once you have completed your work, click on “Choose File,” and browse your computer for your document, and submit it before the deadline for this assignment. Assignments submitted after the deadline date and time will be graded “zero.”
7. Click on “Return to Blackboard” and complete “Part B: Bad-News Writing Assignment – Plagiarism Check” (seePart Binstructions below), andsubmit the same document under Part B after you have first submittedit under Part A.See detailed instructions on p. 3 of the reference document.
[REFERENCE FILE LINK HERE] (When Assignment isdownloaded to Blackboard)
Part B:Bad-NewsWriting Assignment - Plagiarism Check (COMPLETE “PART A” FIRST)
1. Plagiarism is using another person or source’s words or ideas asyour own. Part B of this assignment, will measure if, how, and in what form, plagiarize. Since you did not originate the scenario,do not copy verbatim or in paraphrase(1) the contents of the assignment scenario, (2) the input of fellow students, or (3) the content on the Internet or other sources. These are examples of plagiarism!
2. Once you have completed Part A and have submitted it for grading, submit the identical Microsoft Worddocument again under the Part B instructions. Click on “Browse My Computer” and upload the same document you submitted for Part Awith a .doc or .docx file extension.
3. After your Part B submission, you will receive a “Plagiarism Index” of from 0 to 100 percentage points. Students receiving a “Plagiarism Index” of from “zero” to the average plagiarism index for the class willnothave their index deducted from their initial point score for the assignment.Students receiving a “plagiarism index” higher than the average class index will have the excess number of index points (your index minus class average)deductedfrom their initial point score for the assignment(“index adjustment”).Not submittingyour identical your Part A paper for an identical Part B plagiarism check (in that order) by the due date & time will result in aPart B plagiarism index of 100 percentage pointswithout the benefit of the index adjustment.
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Institution Release Statement: All assignments are subject to UTSA's policy on scholastic dishonesty which is located at.