The Honorable (FULL NAME)

United StatesSenate


Washington, DC 20515

Dear Senator NAME,

The future of American manufacturing has never been more important to our nation’s economy. Since 2004, nearly 6 million manufacturing jobs have disappeared due to overseas competition, industry contraction, poor public policy, lack of capital, and the general downturn in the nation’s economy.

The Modernizing American Manufacturing Bonds Act (MAMBA)supported by our organization, the Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA),and hundreds of issuers throughout the country, is a comprehensive package that will modernize and revolutionize Qualified Small Issue Manufacturing Bonds, more commonly known as Industrial Development Bonds (IDBs) or simply manufacturing bonds.IDBs can support expansion and investment in existing manufacturing facilities, as well as the development of new facilities and the purchase of new machinery and equipment. More importantly, IDBs create jobs. The four reforms in the bill will expand the capacity and usability of manufacturing bonds to help create American jobs immediately. Additionally,this reform packagewill expand access to capital for manufacturers throughout the country and support America’s most productive industry.

We along with thousands of other development finance industry stakeholders supportMAMBAand respectfully request that you support its reintroduction before the U.S. Senate.MAMBA has received strong bi-partisan support, and it was last introduced by Senators Brown (D-OH) and Perdue (R-GA) as S. 3416.We look forward to your support, as this important piece of legislation will revolutionize manufacturing finance and strengthen the U.S. economy.

In the coming weeks and months you will be hearing from CDFA and others to support this cause. As always, we thank you for considering our views, and we stand prepared to support you in efforts to pass this important – and job creating – legislation immediately.

Thank you in advance for your support!




Enclosures: The Modernizing American Manufacturing Bonds Act

Cc: Council of Development Finance Agencies (CDFA)