Visiting Scholars Program /
Through our visiting scholars program, NCSRR seeks to attract energetic and talented scholars from computer science, robotics, neuroscience, biomechanics, physical therapy, and other fields to become experts in biomechanical simulation and the needs of the rehabilitation community.
This year up to four individuals will be chosen to visit NCSRR at Stanford University for a 5-week period over the summer. Each visiting scholar will receive an $8,000 stipend to cover expenses.During their visits, awardees will receive training and mentoring to help them achieve their research goals.They will have the opportunity to participate in formal meetings, discussions with OpenSim experts, and brainstorming sessions with their fellow visiting scholars to advance their research and the OpenSim project.
The visiting scholars will be located together at Stanford University’s interdisciplinary research building, the Clark Center, which is located at the nexus of the Schools of Medicine and Engineering.At the end of their visits, participants will submit a final report on their project, present their accomplishments at a wrap-up session, and post their work on
All research products derived in whole or in part through this program will be expected to formally acknowledge the research infrastructure grant R24 HD065690.
The Application Process
The visiting scholars program is aimed at post-doctoral fellows and faculty members, but doctoral students are welcome to apply.A completed application packet should include the following:
The completed cover form (page 3 of this packet)
A research proposal
A full CV
Two letters of support
The research proposal consists of 1-4 pages, single-spaced using 11-pt Arial. It should provide a scientific description of the project to be performed during your visit and convey the impact on rehabilitation and the biomechanical simulation community. Please use the following outline to organize your proposal:
Specific Aims: Review the rationale for your study, and state your hypotheses and specific aims.
Methods: Provide an overview of the study design and methods. Clearly identify why an on-site collaboration would be beneficial to the proposed work. Potential bottlenecks should also be described with proposed solutions.
Expected Results: State the expected outcome of your work and its impact on the field.
Relevance to Rehabilitation: Articulate the importance of this project to rehabilitation.
Contributions to the Biomechanical Simulation Community: Describe the software, data, and/or models that will be made available to the biomechanics community at the end of the visit.
Suitability of Applicant: Explain why your background is appropriate for the proposed research problem. Describe your prior experience using OpenSim or other modeling and simulation approaches.
All application materials, including letters of support, must be received by midnight onFebruary 6, 2015. Applications materials should be sent electronically, preferably as a single PDF, to . The letters of support can be sent separately, if desired.
The Selection Process
Visiting scholars will be selected based on several factors, chief among them:
- The potential impact of the proposed work on biomechanical simulation and/or rehabilitation research
- The likelihood of success
- The benefit derived by the project from an extended on-site collaboration
- Strength of candidate’s research record and the letters of recommendation
From the applications received, we will select the finalists.We will conduct phone interviews with the finalists and announce the winners by April, 2015.
Additional Questions
If you have additional questions about the program or the application process, send us a message .
/ National Center for Simulation in Rehabilitation Research (NCSRR)Visiting Scholars Program /
Last Name / First NameName of University / Academic Title
Email Address / Telephone Number
Project Title
I can provide my own funding. Please consider my application even if funding is not provided.
Project Proposal:
Project involves animal subjects / Project involves human subjects / Project involves human specimensProvide a one-paragraph summary of your project proposal below, stating the purpose of the project, your methods, and your expected outcome.
NCSRR Visiting Scholars Application Packet / 12-20151