TheSchwarzwald Record
W3401 Orchard Road, Elkhart Lake, WI 53020 Phone: 920-565-2631
Email: Website:
Pastor Information: If you would like the church and Pastor Bob to know
Rev. Robert C. Hamilton, Interim Pastor when you are in the hospital, please contact the church
Local Phone # 920-400-1181 565-2631 or Pastor Bob at 920-400-1181. Should your
Cell Phone #563-343-5150 call be answered by the answering machine, please
Email Address: leave a message.
St. John’s UCC Schwarzwald Council & Treasurer
President Tim Keenan Vice President Fred Westermeyer
(565-2271) Email: (693-8665) Email:
Secretary Rose Miller Member LaVerne Laack
(286-6148) Email: (565-2390) Email:
Member David Schmitz Member Kevin Wehmeier
(565-3566) Email: (565-3245)
Treasurer Lynn Busse
(464-0246) Email:
Sunday Worship Hosts
Worship Services 9:15 AM
Chimes Players 10:15 AM
Sunday School 10:30 AM
November Choirs
December Women’s Guild
The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and one who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in every good work. 2nd Corinthians 9:6-8 [NRSV]
Jesus often is credited with saying, “God loves a cheerful giver.” However, it was actually Paul who said this in his 2nd letter to the Corinthians. In that letter he was encouraging the Corinthians to support an offering being gathered to aid early Christians in Jerusalem. Reading this letter, it is obvious Paul was encouraging and prodding the Corinthians to follow through with their promised support of this offering. It is a reminder that offerings and helping others have been an essential part of church life from the very beginning, and it shows that from the earliest days of the church it has been necessary to encourage people’s generosity. Certainly, Paul did not shrink from this challenge.
During the annual congregational meeting in January, the need to repay the $80,000 building fund loan was recognized, and it was decided to be intentional about getting this loan retired. A thermometer was placed in the narthex to display the progress on this effort. Almost immediately, $5,000 helped fill the thermometer bulb, but very little progress has been seen since.
Every Sunday we enjoy and benefit from the beautiful addition made possible because that $80,000 was spent. It provides a very comfortable gathering place for fellowship.
Yes, $80,000 is a lot of money, but with everyone doing their part the money can be raised. Paul has provided the directions. Each one must give as they have made up their mind. Giving shouldn’t be done reluctantly or under compulsion. Remember that God loves a cheerful giver, and remember that God is the Provider, who makes it possible for you to share abundantly in every good work.
Retiring this debt is a good idea, but it can only happen with everyone doing what they can to make it happen. The time for talking about this being a good thing to do is past. It is time to act! It is time to show that Paul was right that God is able to provide every blessing in abundance so that there is always enough of everything for sharing abundantly in every good work.
Prayerfully consider what you can be doing each month for the next several years to help get this debt eliminated. –Pastor Bob
PS: It is also important that everyone take responsibility and do whatever they can to support the Annual Operating Budget of the church.
Bible Readings . . . At Home
Nov 4 / Ruth 1:1-18 / Psalm 119:1-8 / Hebrews 9:11-14 / Mark 12:28-34
Nov 11 / Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 / Psalm 146 / Hebrews 9:24-28 / Mark 12:38-44
Nov 18 / 1 Samuel 1:4-20 / Psalm 16 / Hebrews 10:11-14, / Mark 13:1-8
Nov 25 / 2 Samuel 23:1-7 / Psalm 93 / Revelation 1:4b-8 / John 18:33-37
Our thoughts
and prayers to
the family of
Gerald Leonhard who passed away Friday, October 12, 2012. The funeral was held on Thursday, October 18th here at St. John’s UCC with burial in the church cemetery.
Our sympathy goes out to his family….
daughters Terese Leonhard (Mike Birch),
Gail (Rex) Nelson and Karla (Mark) Ashenhurst, four grandchildren and other family and friends.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you;
not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14: 27
God’s Blessings and Congratulations to
Jeremy and Tammy (Busse) Endries on the birth of their daughter, Brynn Lynn
on October 18, 2012. Bryn has a big brother William at home!
“Children are a gift from the LORD;
they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3
Congratulations and God’s Blessings to
Greg and Melissa (Wagner) Thomson who were married in Milwaukee on October 28, 2012. Greg and Melissa will be residing in Milwaukee!
“Love is patient; love is kind; love is not jealous or boastful.” I Corinthians 13:4
Special thanks to all who walked or helped in any way with this
year’s CROP Walk.
Our church raised
Special thanks to Herb & Rosemarie Dickman for chairing the walk!
How about checking out these categories on-line @ or check out the entire list of (500 vendors) in the back of church to place your next Scrip Order.
Gift cards can be ordered to do your everyday shipping; Holiday shopping or just as a great gift. Let’s finish the year strong by earning a percentage for the church.
*Holiday Entertaining* Best Sellers
Books & Music Children & Teens
Clothing & Accessories Department Store
Dining – Casual Dining – Fine
Dining-On The Go Discount Store
Electronics & Office Entertainment
Gas & Auto Grocery
Health & Beauty Home Décor
Home Improvement Online & Catalog
Service Specialty Retailer
Sporting Goods Travel
Utility Vacations
We need singers, handbell players, chimes players, Acolyters and volunteers in general!!!!
How about checking out some of the musical groups of the church such as…
The Handbell Choir is always looking for extra players. You don’t even have to know how to read music! Can you count…you can play Handbells! Contact Joan Bender (693-8575) if you are interested! “Raise a song, sound the timbrel, the sweet lyre with the harp.” Psalm 81:2
The Vocal Choir is in need of some voices!! Contact Sandy Voss (565-3683) if you are interested. “Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!” Psalm 95:1
Can you light a candle? You can be an Acolyter on Sundays!!!! It’s very easy to do! The Church Council will explain it and there you go!!! There is a sign up sheet in the Narthex that really needs some
Names on it! Check it out!
Church Council Meeting
October 9, 2012
Tim Keenan called the meeting to order.
Secretary’s and Treasurer’s Reports were read and approved.
Pastor Hamilton led us with a prayer. He reported that the Confirmation classes are going to Lakeland College for classes.
He has attended five meetings, and made five hospital and six home visits this month.
November 9th and 10th, the Confirmation Classes are going to Pilgrim Center for a retreat.
Old Business
October 28th is Mission Feast Sunday.
October 14th is the Crop Walk.
The Thanksgiving Eve Service on November 21st at Bethlehem Church is open to all. Loose offering will go to the Tri-County Health Fund. Each church’s envelopes will come back to each church.
David Schmitz purchased seven windows for the parsonage. They will be installed this fall.
New Business
The septic tank needs to be pumped.
If anyone would like to fly a flag in honor of someone at church, the cost of the flag is about $40. Please see the church board.
Meeting adjourned.
Pastor Hamilton led us in the Lord’s Prayer.
St. John's UCC - Monthly Report of Income / Expense2012 / Actual / Actual
Sept / 9 Mos.
Total Income / $9,223.02 / $87,491.68
Total Expense / 10,349.77 / 96,146.20
Difference / (1,126.75) / (8,654.52)
Our Church's Wider Mission
Sept / 9 Mos.
Actual / $402 / $3,714
Goal / 500 / 4,500
Difference / (98) / (786)
Please be certain you designate on the giving envelope the fund or funds where you want your contribution to be posted. Monies in envelopes without designation automatically are placed in the general fund. If you would like to mail your offering envelope please send it to the Church office.
Christian Stewardship
The principles of Christian Stewardship, based on the Gospel, ask all Christians to share our time, talent and treasure in gratitude to God in proportion to the blessings we have received from God. It is a Christian’s response that molds how we live our lives in the use of our time, talent and treasure. The nominating committee will soon begin contacting members to serve on various boards and committees. I encourage you and remind you that in reality it is God that we are working for, and all glory and honor should go directly to Him. Our lives of service can have a tremendous impact on our lives, our congregation and our missions.
We are further challenged to share our “first fruits”, the best of what we have, in service to those around us. We are aware that financial challenges remain for some, so please know that we are grateful for whatever financial commitment you can make. We live with trust for all God’s gifts to us and share justly and fairly with the Church and others, especially with the less fortunate. Stewardship is an attitude of gratitude out of the love of God and one another. St. John’s U.C.C. Consistory
Sponsor US Flag
The Church Council decided to begin a program that allows members to sponsor a 4’ x 6’ U.S. Flag flown outside the church to honor a person, organization or event of the church. Flags cost about $40 and last anywhere from 5 to 6 months, depending upon weather conditions. Unless otherwise requested, flag sponsor will be noted on the narthex bulletin board. Please contact David Schmitz or Tim Keenan for more information.
Search Committee Update
The search committee hashad two meetings inOctober. During these meeting we have been updating the church profile, which is our first step in theprocess.We will continue tokeep everyone updated on our progress.
Thank you for the congregations continued support in the search for a new pastor.
Search Committee Secretary, Jessica Barts
Change of Address
Reminder to notify the Church Secretary of any address changes, email and/or US mail, so monthly newsletters, Friday greeting’s, etc. can be delivered without interruption. This year it’s also important in order to receive absentee ballots.
Confirmation Class Retreat
The Confirmation Class will be joining classes from St. Mark’s, St. James, Bethel, Bethlehem, and Immanuel for the Sheboygan County Rural Church Fellowship Confirmation Class Retreat on November 9 and 10. It will be held at Pilgrim Center on Green Lake. St. John’s Confirmation Class members this year are Kaitlin Rietbrock; Paige Rastello-Weber; Peter Luebke; and Trace Woepse.
Sunday, November 11, is going to be a special Sunday. You won’t want to miss all that will be happening that morning. We will observe Veterans’ Day with Roy Luebke sharing the significance of the day, which is November 11.
The Search Committee has been getting organized and will be commissioned for their important task that morning. The United Church of Christ the search process is one that is covenantal. This covenantal relationship involved the committee, the congregation, and the conference. The Rev. Art Wille, Associate Conference Minister, will worship with us on November 11 to represent the Wisconsin Conference during the Commissioning of the Search Committee.
The Sunday School will be holding Fall Fest following worship on November 11. Several activities are being planned for the Fall Fest. These projects will be inter-generational events. Please stay after worship and join in the fun and fellowship of Fall Fest!
Sunday School
The Sunday School is preparing for their Annual Fall Fest which will be November 11, 2012. They will be a part of the worship service that day with special activities to follow.
One of the activities they will participate in is Project Linus. At Project Linus, a non-profit organization, they provide homemade blankets to children in need. These blankets are lovingly made by adults and children from all walks of life and many different sources. If you are able to donate “kids fleece” for us to make, the size should be 1-1/2 to 2 yards. We can do single fleece blankets (print design should be colorful and youthful) or double sided fleece blankets (one solid color and one print design which again should be colorful and youthful). For example: 1 ½ yards of solid fleece and 1 ½ yards of a design/ print fleece. We are also looking for volunteers to help “tie” these blankets on November 11th. We will have samples in the Narthex for you to see. Any questions on this please see Joan Bender. IF YOU CAN TIE A SHOELACE, YOU CAN TIE THESE BLANKETS!!