Dance With The Wild One (Den Vilda)
48Count, 4 Wall, Intermediate level linedance
Choreographer- Martie Papendorf. South Africa. Sept. 2011
Music- Den Vilda by One More Time on Absolute Schlager [CD1]
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Start - On vocals
1 Tag/repeat
Choreo. demo:
Joyce and friends
Julia James
Manna and friends
1 Diagonal fwd, Behind, Fwd, Cross, Fwd, Sweep turn ½, Step
1,2 Step R to right diagonal (body will angle naturally towards 11.00),
Cross L behind R,
&3,4 Step R to right diagonal, Step L across R, Step R to right diagonal, 12.00
5,6 Sweep L out and around from back to front making½turn right to face 6.00, 6.00
Step L fwd
2 Fwd, Lock, Fwd, Step, Fwd, Swivel ¼ L R
1,2&3 Step R fwd(body opens naturally to left side), 6.00
Lock L behind R, Step R fwd, Step L fwd,
4,5,6 Step R fwd, Swivel ¼turn left (weight toL), 3.00
Swivel ¼ turn right (weight to R) 6.00
3 Cross,Rock ¼ turn left, Side, Fwd, Cross, Unwind ½, Step fwd
1,2 Step L across R, Making ¼ turn left rock R out to right side, 3.00
&3 RecoverL to left side, Step R slightly fwd,
4,5,6 Cross/touch L behind R, Make ½ turn left, Step L fwd 9.00
4 Fwd, Back, Turn ½ and ½ right, Coaster step
1 Step R fwd,
2& Rock L back, Making ½ turn right step R fwd, 3.00
3 Making ½ turn right step L in place, 9.00
4,5,6 Step Rback,Close L next to,Step R fwd
5 Diagonal side, Behind, Side, Across, Fwd, Point, Touch
1 Step L to left side diagonally angling left shoulder towards 7.30, 7.30
2&3 CrossR behind L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
4,5,6 Step L fwd turning left to face 6.00, Point R to right side,
Touch R next to L 6.00
6 Cross, Back, Back, Cross, Coaster step,
1,2&3 Step R across L, Step L back, Step R back, Step L across R,
4,5,6 Step R back, Close L next to, Step R fwd
7 Fwd, Full back lock turn, Sailor step
1,23 Step L fwd, Step R back making ½ turn left,Step L across R,
Step R back making ½ turn left, 6.00
4,5,6 Sweep L out and step behind R, Step R to right side, Recover L to left side
8 Slide/skate, Behind, Step, Side, Fwd, Turn½ left, Step fwd
1 Slide/skate Rto right side,
2&3 Cross L behind R, Step R in place,Step L to left side,
4,5,6 Step R fwd, Make ½ turn left, Step L fwd 12.00
Tag - Repeat section 8 after wall 1ends facing 12.00 to start wall 2 at 6.00
1 Slide/skate R to right side,
2&3 Cross L behind R, Step R in place, Step L to left side,
4,5,6 Step R fwd, Make ½ turn left, Step L fwd
Restart 1
Wall 3 starts at 6.00-
After count 2&, section 4 –
2& Rock L back, Making ½ turn right step R fwd, 9.00
Leave out ½ turn of count 3 to step L in place and restart wall 4 on 9.00 by stepping
R to right diagonal.
Restart 2
Wall 4 starts at 9.00.
Start wall by stepping R to right diagonal.
Restart wall 5 after count 6, section 5 (You will be facing 3.00)
Ending- Dance ends facing 9.00on wall 6,count6 of section 5.
Step R across L to unwind ¾ turn left ending facing front.