Faculty of Education
Financial Assistance Application Form
(Bursary and Hardship Funding
Application Form)
This form should be used if you are applying for financial assistance from bursary and hardship funds for a programme of study offered by the Faculty of Education at the Royal Academy of Dance. The form should be used to provide details about your financial circumstances so that the RAD can decide if financial assistance can be offered to you. Late submission of the form may prejudice your application.
Please note that for part-time programmes, only one application per level will be possible.
All students should complete Sections 1 to 8, and Section 11(as appropriate),and sign the declaration in Section 12. You should then ask your parent(s)/guardian or partner (as appropriate) to fill in Section 9 or 10 and to sign the declaration in section 12. If a section is not applicable to you, please enter “N/A”.
Section 1 / Personal details to be completed by the studentYour application is for (please tick as appropriate):
Bursary support
Hardship support
Both bursary and hardship support
Your surname
Your first name(s)
Your date of birth / Date / Month / Year
Your age at the start of the programme of study in years
Programme Applied for or studying
Year of Entry
Current Level of Study
Student ID number
Have you researched and sought funding from other bodies?Please state which organisations.
Have you applied for assistance from the RAD before? Please circle / Yes / No
If yes – when?
Are you:
Single? / / Married/cohabiting? / / Divorced? /
Separated? / / Widowed? /
Section 2 / Dependent children to be completed by the student
If you have any children who will be wholly or partly dependent on you for the duration of the programme of study for which you have applied, please enter their details below. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Full name / Date of birth / School or establishment to be attended / Annual gross income of childSection 3 / Your income to be completed by the student
To assess your financial status we need you to fill this form in accurately, giving all the details you can. Where appropriate, please specify where from and complete for the most appropriate payment period. Count items once only.
Will you be in receipt of any unearned income during the current academic year? / Yes / / No / If yes, please give details of this income and the amount you expect to receive:
(Do not include details of any earnings from part-time employment.)
Item / Week (£) / Month (£) / Year(£)
Tuition Fee Loan
Maintenance Grant (Please Specify)
Student Loan for Living Costs
Parents Learning Allowance/Lone Parent’s Grant
Adult Dependants’ Grant
Childcare Grant
Care Leavers’ Grant
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA)
Net Earnings
Parental/Partner Contribution
Child Tax Credit
Working tax Credit
Child Benefit
Housing/Council Tax Benefit
Income Support
Jobseekers’ Allowance
Professional/Career Development Loan
Other Scholarships/Trusts/Grants
Disability benefits (please specify)
Other income including savings (please specify)
Section 4 / Your partner’s incometo be completed by the student
Please give details of your partner’s income.
Item / Week (£) / Month (£) / Year (£)Net earnings
Section 5 / Your expenditure to be completed by the student
Will your expenditure be greater than your income during the current academic year? / Yes / / No /
Please give details of your principal expenses and the amount you expect to spend:
Item / Week (£) / Month (£) / Year(£)
TV Licence
Contents insurance
Council Tax
Childcare costs
Travel costs (home to institution)
Travel costs (daily travel during term time)
Private vehicle costs (road tax/fuel/insurance/maintenance etc)
Books/equipment/course costs (including photocopying)
Disability costs not covered by DSA (please specify)
Insurance (excluding car/contents insurance)
Other costs (please specify)
Section 6 / Financial Request to be completed by the student
Total Annual Income (from sections 3 and 4) / £
Total Annual Expenditure (from section 5) / £
The difference between these values: / £
How much support are you applying for?
Hardship Fund / £
Bursary Fund / £
Which Bursary are you applying to?
General Bursary Fund / / Professor Kasza-Kasser Memorial Fund(Bursary) / / Margot Fonteyn Bursary Fund /
Dame Beryl Grey Fund(Bursary) / / Violet Binnie Bequest(Bursary) /
Have you read and understood the Hardship and Bursary Funding policy? /
Section 7 / Personal Statementto be completed by the student
Please state why you require financial assistance, and why you believe your situation to be exceptional and to merit additional support. You should also clearly state your career aims or aspirations and how the programme you are studying will fulfil these.
You may need to continue on another sheet.
Section 8 / Details of independent student status or parent(s) to be completed by the studentIf you fall into one of the following groups, you will be regarded as an Independent Student and you do not need to provide details of your parents’ income.
If you wish to claim independent status, please indicate which group you fall into by crossing the box next to that group.
You will be 25 years of age or over at the beginning of the programme of study applied for or at the beginning of the current academic year of study. / You have been married for two years or more at the beginning of the programme of study applied for. /
You have been supporting yourself financially for three years or more by the beginning of the programme of study applied for. /
You have no parents living. /
Married independent students must give details of their husband/wife and their income.
For students aged 25 or over living with their partner, details of partner’s income must be given.
Section 9 / Details of parents’ income (dependent students only) to be completed by the student’s parent(s)with whom the student normally lives.Please indicate in which of the following bands your combined income falls for the financial year ending 5 April prior to the academic year for which application is being made. If divorced or separated, include only your own total income.
Below £20,000 / / £20001-£24999 / / £25000-£29999 / / £30000-£34999 / £35000-£39999 / / £40000-£44999 / / £45000-£49999 / / £50000 or more /
Section 10 / Details of income for partner to be completed by partner
Please indicate in which of the following bands your income falls for the financial year ending 5 April prior to the academic year for which application is being made.
Below £20,000 / / £20001-£24999 / / £25000-£29999 / / £30000-£34999 / £35000-£39999 / / £40000-£44999 / / £45000-£49999 / / £50000 or more /
Section 11 / Bank/Building Society details to be completed by the student
(Applications for Hardship Funding only)
You need to supply us with your Bank/Building Society details – if your application for hardship funding is successful we will use these to pay funds to you.
Name of Bank/Building SocietyBranch name
Sort Code
Account name
Account number
Section 12 / Declaration to be signed by the student and his/her parent(s) or spouse or partner
I declare that the information given in this form is, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, true and accurate in all respects. I understand that if financial assistance is offered, this will be conditional upon confirmation of the above information. The income figures and confirmation of independent status (where appropriate) may be subject to verification.
Signature of Student / DateSignature of Parent/Partner* / Date
*Delete as appropriate
Please complete and return this form to:
Registrar (Financial Support)
Faculty of Education
RoyalAcademy of Dance
36 Battersea Square
SW11 3RA
Applications for assistance will only be shared with appropriate members of RAD staff – those involved in making the decision on funding. It may be necessary for those making the decision to share or seek information from other colleagues. Your Bank/Building Society details will be passed to the Finance Department in order to make payment in case hardship funding is awarded.
S:\Faculty of Education\04programme_management\academic_registrar\Finance\Hardship and Bursaries\Financial Assistance Application Form_draft_Feb11.doc
1 of 8February 2011