Test Change
4800 Changed Spouses SSN from 4800004850 to 400004850
4801 FORM IT-209 Part 1 Updated children’s names, SSN’s and DOB’s
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4801 / IT-201 / 66 / 948 / 1018
4801 / IT-201 / 70 / 19 / 20
4801 / IT-201 / 76 / 2030 / 2101
4801 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 2021 / 2092
4801 / IT-209 / 25 / 456 / 483
4801 / IT-209 / 28, 29 / 379 / 407
4801 / IT-209 / 31, 32 / 948 / 1018
4801 / IT-209 / 35 / 379 / 407
4801 / IT-209 / 37, 42 / 114 / 122
4801 / IT-209 / 43 / 948 / 1018
4801 / IT-209 / 45 / 19 / 20
4802 Dependent Information: On form IT-215, line 4 corrected Mary to NOT disabled. On forms IT-201, 216, 213, and 214, Jane’s birth year changed from 1999 to 2002.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4802 / IT-201 / 65 / 1454 / 1540
4802 / IT-201 / 70 / 259 / 271
4802 / IT-201 / 76 / 6749 / 6847
4802 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 6712 / 6810
4802 / IT-201 / TP’s signature box / Ph. # missing area code / 518
4802 / IT-215 / 8 / -405 / -5
4802 / IT-215 / 10 / 5178 / 5423
4802 / IT-215 / 12 / 1553 / 1627
4802 / IT-215 / 13, 15 / 99 / 87
4802 / IT-215 / 16 / 1454 / 1540
4802 / IT-215 / 27 / 259 / 271
4802 / IT-215 / Worksht B, ln 1, 5 / 99 / 87
4803 Dependent Information: On form IT-216 Samuel should be marked as disabled.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4803 / IT-201 / 65 / 1448 / 1522
4803 / IT-201 / 70 / 259 / 271
4803 / IT-201 / 76 / 4664 / 4750
4803 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 4494 / 4580
4803 / IT-214 / 8, Samuel’s DOB / 06/01/1998 / 06/01/1989
4803 / IT-215 / 8 / -405 / -5
4803 / IT-215 / 10 / 5178 / 5423
4803 / IT-215 / 12 / 1553 / 1627
4803 / IT-215 / 16 / 1448 / 1522
4803 / IT-215 / 27 / 259 / 271
4803 / IT-216 / 3, col. D, Samuel / mark as disabled
4804 Form IT-249, line 15 is now blank.
4805 Form IT-249, line 15 is now blank.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4806 / IT-201 / 78 / 585 / 583
4806 / IT-112.1 / 7 / 35 / 0
4806 / IT-112.1 / 8, 9 / 0 / 35
4806 / IT-112.1 / 9a computation / 0 / 3700/3800 x 40
4806 / IT-280 / 3 / 2788 / 2747
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4807 / IT-201 / H – Dependents / Second son’s last name misspelled / MICHAELS
4807 / IT-201 / 39, 43 / 6401 / 6632
4807 / IT-201 / 42 / 6367 / 6598
4807 / IT-201-ATT / 5 / 4367 / 4598
4807 / IT-201-ATT / 7 / 6367 / 6598
4807 / IT-112-C / 33 / 6401 / 6632
4807 / IT-112-C / 35 / 214 / 222
4807 / IT-112-C / 47, 49 / 6401 / 6632
4807 / IT-250 / 11 / 6401 / 6632
4807 / IT-250 / 13 / 6367 / 6598
4807 / IT-255 / 4 / 6401 / 6632
4807 / IT-255 / 6, 7 / 4367 / 4598
4807 / IT-255 / 8, 10 / 633 / 402
4807 / W2 / Box 16 / 10500 / 105000
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4808 / IT-201 / 56 / 13 / 49
4808 / IT-201 / 58 / 15 / 51
4808 / IT-201 / 61, 62 / 737 / 773
4808 / IT-201 / 80 / 287 / 323
4808 / Y-203 / 4 / 1500 / 1333
4808 / Y-203 / 5 / 9548 / 9715
4808 / Y-203 / 6 / 13 / 49
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4810 / IT-203 / 51, 52a, 52b / 85 / 81
4810 / IT-203 / 61 / 3935 / 3938
4810 / IT-203 / 66 / 5261 / 5264
4810 / IT-203 / 67, 68 / 5194 / 5197
4810 / IT-203-ATT / 9a / 272 / 275
4810 / IT-203-ATT / 13, 17 / 3935 / 3938
4810 / IT-215 / 8 / -405 / -5
4810 / IT-216 / 27 / 85 / 81
4810 / IT-216 / 28 / 272 / 275
4810 / IT-360.1 / 44 / 5250 / 5400
4810 / IT-360.1 / 45 / 6160 / 6010
4810 / IT-360.1 / 47 / 4660 / 4510
4810 / IT-360.1 / 48 / 135 / 131
4810 / IT-360.1 / 50, 53, 55 / 85 / 81
4812 Form IT-230, Part 1: Box for “New York State or the United States or political subdivisions” should NOT be checked.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4814 / IT-203 / 70 / 1379 / 1349
4814 / IT-203 / 71 / 28 / 26
4814 / IT-203 / 72 / 28 / 0
4814 / IT-2105.9 / 14, 18 / 1861 / 1898
4814 / IT-2105.9 / 15 / 1711 / 1674
4814 / IT-2105.9 / 20 / 2247 / 2284
4814 / IT-2105.9 / 21 / 553 / 516
4814 / IT-2105.9 / 22, 24 / 28 / 26
4815 Dependent information: On forms IT-201, IT-214, and IT-216 Jane’s birth year changed from 1999 to 2002.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4815 / IT-201 / 65 / 1466 / 1540
4815 / IT-201 / 70 / 259 / 271
4815 / IT-201 / 76 / 6112 / 6198
4815 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 6045 / 6131
4815 / IT-215 / 8 / -405 / -5
4815 / IT-215 / 10 / 5178 / 5423
4815 / IT-215 / 12 / 1553 / 1627
4815 / IT-215 / 16 / 1466 / 1540
4815 / IT-215 / 27 / 259 / 271
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4825 / IT-201 / 65 / 1466 / 1540
4825 / IT-201 / 70 / 259 / 271
4825 / IT-201 / 76 / 4612 / 4698
4825 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 4545 / 4631
4825 / IT-215 / 8 / -405 / -5
4825 / IT-215 / 10 / 5178 / 5423
4825 / IT-215 / 12 / 1553 / 1627
4825 / IT-215 / 16 / 1466 / 1540
4825 / IT-215 / 27 / 259 / 271
4827 Remove the 1099-R for the Canadian Retirement income.
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4832 / IT-203 / 51, 52a, 52b / 85 / 81
4832 / IT-203 / 61 / 2435 / 2438
4832 / IT-203 / 66 / 3759 / 3764
4832 / IT-203 / 67, 68 / 3694 / 3697
4832 / IT-203-ATT / 9a / 272 / 275
4832 / IT-203-ATT / 13, 17 / 2435 / 2438
4832 / IT-215 / 8 / blank / -5
4832 / IT-216 / 27 / 85 / 81
4832 / IT-216 / 28 / 272 / 275
4832 / IT-360.1 / 44 / 5250 / 5400
4832 / IT-360.1 / 45 / 6160 / 6010
4832 / IT-360.1 / 47 / 4660 / 4510
4832 / IT-360.1 / 48 / 135 / 131
4832 / IT-360.1 / 50, 53, 55 / 85 / 81
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4833 / IT-201 / 39, 42, 43 / 6631 / 6632
4833 / IT-201-ATT / 5 / 4631 / 4632
4833 / IT-201-ATT / 7 / 6631 / 6632
4833 / IT-250 / 11, 13 / 6631 / 6632
4833 / IT-255 / 4 / 6631 / 6632
4833 / IT-255 / 6, 7 / 4631 / 4632
4833 / IT-255 / 8, 10 / 369 / 368
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4835 / IT-201 / 39 / 6631 / 6632
4835 / IT-201 / 44, 46 / 1631 / 1632
4835 / IT-201 / 62 / 3629 / 3630
4835 / IT-201 / 77, 78 / 3621 / 3620
4835 / IT-255 / 4, 6 / 6631 / 6632
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4838 / IT-213 / 6 / 1213 / 883
4838 / IT-213 / 7 / 6787 / 7117
4839 W-2 for “Four Seasons Tavern” box b: EIN was too long, changed to 123456790
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4841 / IT-201 Header / Spouse’s SSN / Ends with 62 / Ends with 63
4841 / IT-201-D / 8 / 143937 / 28787
4841 / IT-201-D / 9 / 58653 / 11731
4841 / IT-201-D / 10, 12 / 85284 / 17056
4841 / IT-201-D / 13 / 69021 / 793
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to
4843 / IT-201 / 71, 76 / 86500 / 91000
4843 / IT-201 / 77 / 31683 / 36183
4843 / IT-201 / 78 / 11683 / 16183
4843 / IT-201-ATT / 12c / 74500 / 79000
4843 / IT-201-ATT / 12, 13, 14, 18 / 86500 / 91000
4843 / IT-635 / Schedule E part 1 / Number of hours worked each month / Change all amounts to 155 except Feb = 150
4843 / IT-636 / Schedule B Part 2 / Only 1 of the 2 breweries was included / Add the second brewery (40 Ale Lane in Elmira)
4843 / IT-636 / 6 / 600,000 / 700,000
4843 / IT-636 / 7, 8 / 100,000 / 200,000
4843 / IT-636 / 9 / 4500 / 9000
4843 / IT-636 / 10, 15, 18 / 74500 / 79000
4868 Form IT-201 line 31, changed “Hot Spot Deduction” to “S-35”
IT-223, Col. C: Business participation number can have only 4 digits: 1234
4869 1099-MISC added recipient name and address
Form IT-203 line 29, changed “Hot Spot Deduction” to “S-36”
4877 Form IT-203-ATT, line 13 is now $4500 (was empty)
Test # / Form / Line / Old value / Changed to4879 / IT-203 / 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 58, 59 / 3056 / 3314
4879 / IT-203 / 61 / 4200 / 4000
4879 / IT-203 / 66 / 4700 / 4500
4879 / IT-203 / 67, 68 / 1644 / 1186
4879 / IT-203-ATT / 12a, 12, 13, 17 / 4200 / 4000
4882 Form IT-203-ATT, line 13 must now shows the total amount $3500.00 Form 1099-MISC box 3 (Other Income) is now empty.