Highland Community College Academic Program Review Template
Overview and Basic Assumptions:
The process of assessment, program review, and the consideration of available resources should be aligned with the college’s Strategic Plan and response to external accrediting agencies. Review of all programs and degrees affects positive change; this proactive thinking is critical to the improvement of quality.
The Academic Program Review has been designed as a component of this process.
- Name of the program
- Contact information of the person completing the review
- Name:
- Email address:
- Phone extension:
- Names of faculty member(s)who contributed during the review process (include both full-time and adjunct faculty):
- Indicate the program delivery formats (underline all that apply)
- On-campus traditional lecture or lecture/lab
- On-campus hybrid
- Online
- Offered/based at a regional site
Criterion One: Program outcomes are congruent with the goals of the program.
yes / no1.1 / The program faculty has developed course outcomes and course competencies
1.2 / The program faculty has developed goals and program outcomes
1.3 / Stated outcomes are consistent with the statewide Core Outcomes or external certification requirements
1.4 / Program and course outcomes are aligned with applicable Shared Performance Expectations, General Education outcomes or other external program outcomes
Please provide specific detail to support “yes” responses and describe any progress toward addressing “no” responses:
Program description
- Provide a brief history of the program, emphasizing the past 3 years (e.g. changes in leadership, changes in program direction, new certificates (if applicable), newand/or purged courses.
- Number of students served (including current enrollment)—3-5 year trends.
Criterion Two: Enrollment planning leads to student success.
yes / no2.1 / Changes have occurred in the number of course sections offered each semester in response to student demand.
2.2 / Changes to schedule patterns are made to optimize student enrollment, course completion, and program completion (attach a copy of the program course sequence for 4 major terms)
2.3 / In-course retention rates are in line with total college retention rate; where applicable, students who take pre-requisite courses are successful in follow-on or sophomore-level coursework.
2.4 / Transfer for students in the program courses isin line with statewide seamless transfer
Please provide specific detail to support “yes” responses and describe any progress toward addressing “no” responses:
Criterion Three:Faculty members are qualified by academic background, experience, and continuing professional staff development.
Yes / No3.1 / Faculty members are involved in professional organizations and/or other scholarly activities
3.2 / Faculty members are sufficient in number and diverse preparation to provide effective instruction; include number of adjunct faculty as a full-time equivalent.
Please provide specific detail to support “yes” responses and describe any progress toward addressing “no” responses:
Narrative questions:
- Describe professional development activities in which full- and part-time instructors participated:
- Describe how faculty participation in professional organizations and conference attendance contributes to program outcomes:
- Describe faculty innovative practices, and their benefit on student learning:
Criterion Four: Program is responsive to changing conditions within the field.
Yes / No4.1 / Program changes are consistent with technological and scientific advances, and program coursework incorporates new developments in the field
4.2 / Faculty works with library personnel to ensure that adequate and current resources are available in the Library
4.3 / Faculty works with Academic Resource Center and/or Student Support Servicesspecialists to ensure adequate and current resources
4.4 / Faculty works with professionals in the field and/or advisory committees to ensure appropriateness of course content and standards
Please provide specific detail to support “yes” responses and describe any progress toward addressing “no” responses:
Narrative Questions
- Describe how critical thinking, skills are integrated and assessed in program courses.
- Describe how reading and writing skills, and information literacy are integrated and assessed..
- Describe technology resources and services and how they areintegratedinto curriculum and instruction.
Criterion Five: The program demonstrates a commitment to improvement through ongoing assessment of student learning.
yes / no5.1 / The faculty, including adjunct faculty, use appropriate strategies/assessmenttools to measure competency
5.2 / The faculty, including adjunct faculty, have discussed assessment results
Please provide specific examples of assessment tools to support “yes” responses and describe any progress toward addressing “no” responses:
Identified Internal Strengths:
- How does this program support the college’s Strategic Plan?
- What does this program do well?
Identified Internal Weaknesses:
- What improvements would enhance the program?
Identified External Opportunities:
- What are the positive trends in social patterns, population, and resources that give this program opportunity for growth in the future?
Identified External Threats:
What obstacles does this programface in the future?
Professional and Terminal Programs Only (AAS degrees and Certificates)
- Number of graduates annually (include college rates—may use a rolling average):
- Placement of graduates (e.g. employment, transfer/continued studies):