PatientParticipation Group Meeting – 30 April 2014

Draft Minutes

Present:Sam Connor, Reception Manager. Linda Bennett, Practice Manager. Sue Dorrington, Medical Secretary.

Greg Yates – Chairperson.

Pat Rose – Secretary

Marian Fellows, John Caley, David Morris, June Byrne, Joy Verrier.

Apologies:Karen Partington,Robert Beacham.

Resignation – Mr Brian Smith and Mrs Pauline Smith.

Possible new “virtual” member, Rachel Kennouche.


The minutes from the meeting of 15 Jan 2014 were approved. There were no matters arising which were not being dealt with further down the main agenda.

2. Election of Officers

Chairperson – Greg Yates, proposed by Joy, seconded by Marian.

Vice Chairperson – Joy Verrier, proposed by Pat, seconded by Marian.

Secretary – Pat Rose, proposed by Marian, seconded by Greg.


Linda Bennett, the Practice Manager provided anin depth presentation about how the practice operates and the scope of the care it provides. This was in response to the PPG’s request for such information, to better equip them to perform their role. Linda also answered several follow-up questions about the practice. The chairman thanked her for this very helpful piece of work, particularly as it had had to be put together at the busiest time of her year. She agreed to circulate the slides to the PPG to allow for further reference, and for the benefit of those who were unable to attend.

4.PPGEnhanced Service

Discussion regarding the PPG Enhanced Service and whether Heath Lane Medical Centre would sign up for this. The practice appreciates the contribution and continuation of the PPG but wouldbe reviewing the Enhanced Service specification when received to decide if it was worth ‘signing up’ for the formal Enhanced Service.

5.Blood Pressure Project

It was noted that three members of the PPG were in the process of helping to introduce patients to the self-help blood pressure testing machine. Linda thanked the volunteers for their help, and it was noted that several useful lessons had been learned from their involvement, to better ensure its continued use when the volunteers were no longer there . The volunteers had summarised their feedback and this would be sent to the Practice.


Pat raised an issue regarding the information on the surgery website, which was still needing further development. It was proposed that Anna would to liaise with Pat regarding the surgery website, although it was noted that this would also be incorporated into the information project discussed below.

7.Information project

Following a request from the Practice to the PPG to advise on the most effective display of information in the waiting room, it was suggested that the PPG would undertake a more comprehensive view of information used to communicate with patients, including the internet, printed information, the surgery information booklet, and the newsletter. Sam had already takensome soundings about what patients required in the Practice handbook. It was agreed that the PPG would prepare a brief which would be agreed with the Practice. The PPG would nominate an information group and the Practice would nominate appropriate contacts.

8. National PPG Guidelines

A sheet outlining “National PPG” guidelines was circulated by Linda, giving some further hints about what the role of a PPG might be. John Caley suggested that the points were important enough to warrant further special discussion by the PPG, and it was agreed that a further workshop meeting of the PPG should be fixed to do this, possibly in June.

9. Surveys

The generally very good feedback from the GP surveys, reported at the last meeting in January, was noted. Any minor issues that were apparent would be dealt with in the GP’s annual appraisal process.

The PPG were informed of the IPSOS Mori surveys which were conducted nationally every year on all GP practices, by means of postal samples, and were on the NHS website. An in depth survey was to be conducted again this year. The Practice considered therefore that this was sufficient feedback for their own purposes and the PPG were asked to decide whether this was satisfactory or whether they wished to conduct something separately. It was agreed that if further survey work could be avoided this year, the resources could be put intodevelopmental work, such as the information project.

10Date and time of next meetings

Next Regular Meeting with Surgery Wednesday 30 July 2014 at 5pm