ACES-Industry Advanced Fabrication Fellowship
1.Aims & Objectives
The purpose of the ACES-Industry Advanced Fabrication Fellowship is to foster industry engagement through the opportunity to conduct research, using the custom made state-of-the- art fabrication facilities, within the ARC Centre of Excellence in Electromaterials Science (ACES). The Fellowship provides access to state of the art fabrication facilities and world class expertise. The candidate is expected to spend a minimum of 4weeks in-house.This canbe conducted as one 4 week block or broken into smaller time frames.
Proposed projects are expected to lead to one or more of the following:
- application(s) to an Australian Competitive Grant Scheme;
- commercial linkages (including contract research);
- collaborative publication outputs that enhance the track record of the investigators;
- collaborative research projects between ACESand external researchers; or
- demonstrated advances in research training and/or management for ACES and/or industry researchers.
2. Eligibility
Eligible applicants must be paid employees from the industry sector who have the endorsement of their employer. Overseas applicants must arrange for their own visas to conduct this collaborative work in Australia.
3. General Criteria
Upon receipt of the Fellowship, the following will be made available for the candidate:
- access to ACES equipment and infrastructure after completing relevant OHS inductions;
- access to ACES employees; and
- theopportunity to be trained in the conduct of scientific research, including the opportunity to trial new methodologies, materials and/or equipment which may benefit their employer.
Upon receipt of the Fellowship, the candidate and their supervisor will agree to:
- work in-house at ACES for a minimum of 4weeks;
- will satisfy induction processes at ACES;
- sign anACES confidentiality agreement; and
- complete a 2 page report on their Fellowship within 1 month of completion.
4. Intellectual Property
It is expected that IP would be managed in accordance with a signed agreement. Where no agreement exists the candidate would assign IP as described in the ACES Deed of Assignment.
4. Application Process
Please forward ONE original completed Application Form and a current CV of the candidate to Dr Toni Campbell (Chief Operating Officer ACES) at . As this scheme aims to foster industry engagement, there is no closing date for potential applicants; however, all Fellowships must be completed by 31 December 2017.
2013 ACES-Industry AFF ApplicationPage 1
ACES-Industry Advanced Fabrication Fellowship
Name (full name & title)
Place of Work
/ ABNPostal Address
/ State / PostcodeWork Telephone
What has attracted you to this Fellowship? (max 50 words)
2.PROJECT SUMMARY (max 100 words describe the aims of project and possible equipment/materials/expertise required)
3.ANTICIPATED OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS (max 100 words describe the outcomes and benefits you anticipate for you, your employer and ACES)
4.TIMETABLE & MILESTONES (outline your timetable of visits & achievement milestones. NOTE: Minimum of 4 weeks in ACES; may be in 1 week blocks)
Name (full name & title)
Place of Work
/ ABNPostal Address
/ State / PostcodeWork Telephone
Why is this applicant appropriate for the Fellowship? (max 50 words)
I/we certify and agree that:
1.All the details on this application form are true and complete
2.I/we comply with the requirements as set out in the 2016-7ACES-Industry Advanced Fabrication Fellowship Guidelines.
3.Research conducted within Universities must be carried out in accordance with the University Access and OH&S Guidelines and relevant ethics approval(if appropriate).
Fellowship candidate name / Signature / DateEmployer name
/ Signature / DateOFFICE USE
Account details:
Documents:Current agreement YES/NOIP DeedsConfidentiality
2013 ACES-Industry AFF ApplicationPage 1