7thJuly 2015

Mr Eoghan Murphy

Marian House

2 Kingston Terrace


Co Leitrim.

FOI Ref. Number / FOI/2015/149
Statement of Request / Copy of the most recent review carried out on the Emergency Aeromedical Support Service
Decision Maker / Mr Ross Hattaway
Tel (01) 6354165

Dear Mr Murphy,

I refer to the above request which you have made under the Freedom of Information Act, 2014 for records held by this Department. In this case only one record is sought and is listed in the attached schedule.

Scope of the Request

Your request as described is non-personal and seeks access to a particular record as set out above. This Department wishes to advise that the text of requests (including the name of the requester) and records released will be placed on FOI disclosure logs to be made available on the Department's website. This disclosure log policy does not apply to requests for personal information.


I have made a final decision, today, to refuse your request. The record requested is being refused under Section 29(1) of the Freedom of Information Act. This section states that “A head may refuse to grant an FOI request if the record concerned contains matter relating to the deliberative processes of an FOI body (including opinions, advice, recommendations, and the results of consultations, considered by the body, the head of the body, or a member of the body or of the staff of the body for the purpose of these processes), and the granting of the request would, in the opinion of the head, be contrary to the public interest”.

Public Interest Test

Section 29 is subject to a public interest test. The public interest arguments for release of the record includes:

  • The right of the public to access to information;
  • The need for the public to be better informed and and more competent to comment on public affairs.

The public interest arguments to withhold the record includes:

  • Premature release of the record could impair the decision making process;
  • The release of the record could impair a future decision;
  • The release of the record could impair the integrity of the decision making process with no equal benefit to the public.

Having considered the arguments for and against release, I have decided that on balance, the public interest arguments in favour of non-release outweigh the public interest factors for release.

Rights of Review

The Act requires that you be advised of your Rights of Review, and I would refer you to the enclosed information sheet.

If you wish to contact me with any queries in relation to this correspondence, you may do so at 01-6354165.

Yours sincerely,

Ross Hattaway

Acute Hospitals Policy Unit 3