
Dear Johnson Families,

Welcome to the new school year. The Johnson staff looks forward to a year of educational success for your student. Our school theme, “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” will inspire the Johnson learning community to have another exciting year of knowledge and growing. New staff members have been added to the Johnson family. We will be introducing you to those new faces as the year begins. I personally want to tell you I am thrilled to be a new face at Johnson. I have been working as principal since July 1st and have had the privilege of meeting staff, families, and students throughout the summer. I am looking forward to interacting with many more of you once school begins. There are countless reasons for me to love Johnson, but the character of the people makes the school a wonderful place.

Open House and Registration

On Thursday, August 21, between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., we will hold our Open House and Registration session for all students. Greeters and guides will be at our main entrances to assist families and students new to Johnson. At registration, you will be able to do the following:

Receive classroom assignments

Complete emergency cards

Pay consumable materials fee--$24.00

Purchase lunch tickets/sign up for free or reduced price lunch

Tour building, see and meet teachers

Sign up for PTA

Review a variety of opportunities for your child in the fine arts

Bring school supplies

The First Day of School

The first day of school is Monday, August 25th. This will be a half-day with dismissal at 12:15 p.m.

On the first day students will report to the area where their grade is located. A class list with the name of the homeroom teacher will be displayed on each room.

Regular School Day

The regular school day will begin at 9:05 and end at 3:40 p.m. Breakfast is served beginning at 8:30. Since general supervision is not provided until 8:35 a.m., students not eating breakfast at school are asked to judge their departure from home so they will not arrive at school before that time. If your child is ill or will not be in school for other reasons, please notify the office prior to 9:00 a.m. Messages may be left on the Johnson voicemail if no one is available for your call.

School Year Calendar

A school year calendar is enclosed with current dates and times of early dismissals and vacation days. Weather and other contributing factors sometimes cause this calendar to be altered. We will make a strong attempt to keep you well informed of any changes to this calendar throughout the year.

Consumable Materials Fee

An envelope for the Consumable Materials Fee is enclosed for your money or check. Please pay the fee at registration. Checks are to be made payable to the Cedar RapidsCommunitySchool District. Write the name of the student(s) and amount enclosed on the outside of the envelope. Students whose families meet the income guidelines for free and reduced price meals, the Family Investment Program (FIP, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), transportation assistance under open enrollment, or who are in foster care are eligible to have their student fees waived or partially waived. Parents/ guardians or students who may qualify should contact their school office.

Lunch Tickets

Lunch tickets should also be purchased at registration. You are encouraged to purchase monthly tickets or weekly tickets. Lunch tickets will be sold each day before school. We have new lunch rates issued this year. They are as follows: Lunch $1.60, Reduced Lunch $.40, Breakfast $.80, Reduced Breakfast $.30, and Extra Milk $.30. Adult lunches are $2.45. This year we have included a free and reduced application in this mailing. Please bring it completed to registration on August 21st. We will provide assistance so all applications can be completed prior to school opening. Please remember to bring the information such as last month’s income, FIP or Food Stamp numbers and Social Security numbers with you to the registration.


Reminder to new parents: transportation is not automatically provided like at Monroe. If you have a first grader attending Johnson and are eligible for transportation, please contact our office to be sure we have you on our list.

Student Medication

Board Policy 605.2 of the Cedar RapidsCommunitySchool’s Board of Education states: “Only medication prescribed by a physician, dentist, or optometrist shall be administered during the time the student is at school. The parent or legal guardian shall provide written authorization and instruction. The school reserves the right to contact the prescribing doctor’s office to confirm or clarify medication instructions. All medications must be sent to school in the original container.”

Student Insurance

Information on accident insurance is enclosed in this mailing. These programs are voluntary.

Student Immunizations

Student Health and the Health Department remind parents that kindergartners and newly enrolled

children must submit a valid Iowa Certification of Immunization before the first day of school.

Immunization certificates are available from the school, any physician, and the Linn County Health

Department. Also, please read the enclosed letter pertaining to changes in the Immunization Law regarding the Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccine.

Student Goal Setting Conferences

On the evening of September 18th or the afternoon of the 19th, each parent will be scheduled to meet

with their child’s teacher to discuss learning goals for the year. Each student will be invited to attend the

conference. Time during the conference will be available to discuss curriculum and grade level objectives as well. Further information will be sent home closer to September 18th.

If you know of any families new to the Johnson attendance area who have not registered their children, please encourage them to do so before the first day of school. I am anxious to begin an exciting year of learning at JohnsonSchool of the Arts and look forward to working together.


Ima Sample, Principal

Enclosures: Calendar, Fee Envelope, Supply List, Free/Reduced Application, Immunization letter, Insurance letter